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Charity Muggers (Chuggers) offered free return flights to Australia.


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Charity Muggers are an increasing problem in Australian cities.

Chuggers as they are known harrass shoppers trying to sign them up to charity direct debit schemes.


Usually these collectors get a percentage of any money collected.


Now companies are offering Britons free return flights to Australia if they will become a chugger for them.



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Guest The Pom Queen

I read this earlier, what if they don't manage to sign up 2/3 people a day. I wonder if there is some small print in there that gives them a get our clause for paying the return flight home. Why don't they give a chance to homeless people rather than backpackers.

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Why don't they give a chance to homeless people rather than backpackers.


Backpackers are fresh-faced and full of enthusiasm. Homeless people often bear the scars and dents of their tribulations.


These "marketing" companies aren't interested in how much they collect for the charities. They just want to harvest bank details. It's a real scam for everyone involved. At least a new word has entered the dictionary.


"Are you chugging me"?


"P*!& off"

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I never stop for any of them in the shopping centres or the streets, just keep walking and let them move on to the next person. I prefer to take things to the local homeless or womens shelter, took up nappies, washing powder etc the other day.

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It makes you wonder how much the charity gets out of it, if the marketing company is paying $1500 airfares to britons, taking a cut and paying a wage to the chugger.


If you are giving money to a charity in this way you probably don't realise a lot of your donation is being siphoned off first.

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It makes you wonder how much the charity gets out of it, if the marketing company is paying $1500 airfares to britons, taking a cut and paying a wage to the chugger.


If you are giving money to a charity in this way you probably don't realise a lot of your donation is being siphoned off first.

Thats why I prefer not to givve them any money. I try not to put stuff into clothes banks either or charity shops as am sure half the good stuff gets taken before it gets onto the shelves for people to buy. I would rather take it to an actual shelter or give it to someone I know needs it. I know someone who used to live above a charity shop and used to see the van coming in and stuff being taken right out and into other cars before it got into the shop!
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It makes you wonder how much the charity gets out of it, if the marketing company is paying $1500 airfares to britons, taking a cut and paying a wage to the chugger.


If you are giving money to a charity in this way you probably don't realise a lot of your donation is being siphoned off first.

This was a hot topic on the radio today. I drive a tractor all day most days so always have radio on. Anyway one charity that uses these services for collecting said they get seventy percent and the company organizing the collecting gets the rest. Pain in the backside they just won't take no for an answer and tend to target older people.
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A lot of the clothes bins are actual commercial enterprises too, not charities.


The clothes get sold overseas to Africa and places like that.

A lot also get torn up and sold as rags for garages or to farm workshops. We get ours for our Vineyard workshop from a place that does just this.

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This was a hot topic on the radio today. I drive a tractor all day most days so always have radio on. Anyway one charity that uses these services for collecting said they get seventy percent and the company organizing the collecting gets the rest. Pain in the backside they just won't take no for an answer and tend to target older people.[/quote


MOST charities are parasites..big companies sucking money out of the gullible...Not one cent from me..

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This was a hot topic on the radio today. I drive a tractor all day most days so always have radio on. Anyway one charity that uses these services for collecting said they get seventy percent and the company organizing the collecting gets the rest. Pain in the backside they just won't take no for an answer and tend to target older people.[/quote


MOST charities are parasites..big companies sucking money out of the gullible...Not one cent from me..

Nor me only two charities i give to are the cancer council and the childrens hospital in Melbourne. Both of these i have had some contact with and have been very helpful to me personally. I give direct and certainly wouldn't give to someone harassing me in the street.
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I don't see the problem, these kids are just doing a job. Jobs for unqualified backpackers are thin on the ground, its not easy to get a bar or waiting job if you don't have residency or a permanent visa. Not everyone is built to pick fruit or wants to., For those unqualified living in the city, aside from working in call centers, working doing charity sign ups is one of the few options available. Its a **** job but someones gotta do it. I did face to face sales for five years so although I know all the tricks and never give in I am always polite and courteous to these people.

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I don't see the problem, these kids are just doing a job. Jobs for unqualified backpackers are thin on the ground, its not easy to get a bar or waiting job if you don't have residency or a permanent visa. Not everyone is built to pick fruit or wants to., For those unqualified living in the city, aside from working in call centers, working doing charity sign ups is one of the few options available. Its a **** job but someones gotta do it. I did face to face sales for five years so although I know all the tricks and never give in I am always polite and courteous to these people.

Is there anything you havent done Jack?

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I used to work for a Marketing company as a backpacker. I never did charity, but I know people who did, and I understand that on average, when they signed someone up, the first six months of the direct-debit covered the cost of the marketing company, only after that did the charity see any return.


It's relatively risk-free for the charity, as the people giving money would likely have never done so if left to their own devices, but it's still pretty jarring for anyone who thought they were helping those in need. Your best bet is to choose your charities by doing your own research through sites like Charity Navigator.


Hot tip for beating Chuggers without being rude: when they make eye contact with you, smile and tell them that they already talked to you ten minutes ago, then keep walking. They have instant responses for most objections, but this one will almost always baffle them, because it implies that they didn't remember talking to you, which makes them feel daft.


Hope that helps! ;)

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If you're moronic enough to give your bank details to some random person with an ID tag in the middle of the city centre then you deserve what ever you get!


If we stopped all this hype about it then the problem would slowly disappear!

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