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Bulk billing is dead. Not a good time to be in Australia if you are sick


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No one is taking anything from anyone's Age Pension.


Nobodies Age Pension is being reduced at all.

This is probably fake anyway but stop spreading misinformation please. No ones age pension is being cut.


Unfortunately as neither Hockey, Abbott or Pyne seem to be being consistent when asked to clarify what this budget means in real terms, it is very hard for the average man/woman in the street to get the facts - as someone with elderly parents myself, I know how easy it is for them to get something into their heads, and know that they wouldn't have the facilities to go off and research multiple media sources or read through budget documentation to clarify things. I find it totally irresponsible that the budget was launched without proper clarification - apparently now they are having to go back to the drawing board as even backbenchers haven't been given proper information on how the changes will affect their constituents. Tell yourself it's probably fake all you like - the comments on my FB after it from others feeling just the same were just as heart breaking.

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If you can name a country that is NOT having a problem funding pensions and healthcare, I would love,to know its name.


I don't want my taxes paying for those rioting students to get a free uni education. Let them get a job and study part time as I did.


The,Liberal Govt is trying to dig us out of the financial black hole Rudd and Gillard built.


I am not rich, just a low level clerk, still working past sixty. I dont expect to get much of,a,state pension at 65.

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No one is taking anything from anyone's Age Pension.


Nobodies Age Pension is being reduced at all.

This is probably fake anyway but stop spreading misinformation please. No ones age pension is being cut.


By increasing the age of entitlement to a pension it's an indirect cut. You will receive less money from the govt over the life of your pension. I'm not trying to spread disinformation. Have you read the heartbreaking post above ?

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If you can name a country that is NOT having a problem funding pensions and healthcare, I would love,to know its name.


I don't want my taxes paying for those rioting students to get a free uni education. Let them get a job and study part time as I did.

The,Liberal Govt is trying to dig us out of the financial black hole Rudd and Gillard built.


I am not rich, just a low level clerk, still working past sixty. I dont expect to get much of,a,state pension at 65.


You really need to start checking facts and stop believing things you are told by a known liar. The students aren't asking for a 'free education' (which incidentally is what the majority of politicians -both parties - by virtue of their age, got) - they already have to pay (as you did) - they just don't want to have to start paying double what the cost is at the moment (which is already pretty high, but they started their courses knowing that).


The 'financial black hole Rudd and Gillard built' has been proven again and again to be no-where near what Abbott is claiming, and in fact since September the Liberals have been digging hard as they can to make any hole there was much much deeper. Go look up the facts.


And as for cuts to the elderly pension - there are proposed cuts to rebates to the elderly which will reduce their income, so again, go do your research before repeating lies you have been told


Here you are http://www.smh.com.au/money/budgets-secret-sting-for-pensioners-and-matureage-workers-20140516-zreh5.html for starters

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Getting back to the subject of the co-payment, seeing that GPs and their representative body the RACGP are dead set against the idea, and given how unpopular the idea is with the voting public, and considering the fact that ALP, Greens and PUP will block the reforms in the Senate....I wonder what will become of it?


Will it be watered down to a fairer system? Or will it trigger a DD? The most obvious compromise would be to exempt pensioners, concession card holders and children from the co-payment. That would be a much fairer system, rather than penalising those who need the service most and most often. I agree in principle with the idea of a co-payment from those who expect to be bulk billed every time, but can afford not to be.


The LNP have shot themselves in the foot with this vile piece of legislation. Hopefully it will lead to their banishment back to the waste lands of opposition where they rightfully belong.

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If you can name a country that is NOT having a problem funding pensions and healthcare, I would love,to know its name.


I don't want my taxes paying for those rioting students to get a free uni education. Let them get a job and study part time as I did.


The,Liberal Govt is trying to dig us out of the financial black hole Rudd and Gillard built.


I am not rich, just a low level clerk, still working past sixty. I dont expect to get much of,a,state pension at 65.


It's not about having right to a free education but education at a fair price. Without regulation the university fees will inevitably go up. Do you want the future education of this country to be in the hands of the rich. We are talking about students leaving Uni owing $100k. How can they possibly pay that off and have a job, house, family etc.


Were talking about the future of this country. The students have a right to protest they were not rioting they were demonstrating peacefully. You think that people should stand by and let the govt do what it wants. The right to protest is a democratic right we have free speech and good on the students for exercising that right.


There is no financial black hole you are swallowing the lies of the Abbot govt. We have a low debt compared to our GDP much lower than UK or US. The previous govt spent money to keep us out of recession and we were admired around the world for our fiscal policy. It was a neccessary measure we kept our AAA credit rating and our economic stability.


Now Abbott comes along and cries wolf complaining that we have a terrible economic mess left behind by the Liberals. By saying such things and making cuts he now risks putting us into recession. Let me explain why.


Firstly overseas investment in this country is dependent on our economic outlook. If there is a feeling that we have problems here investment be affected. Also our AAA credit rating might also be at risk.

Secondly consumer confidence is very important to our economy. If there is doom and glom being spouted by our PM that will ultimately affect consumer confidence. This can have an effect called 'mothballing'. This is when consumers pay off their debt rather than continue to spend. Less money spent can ultimately affect growth and jobs.

Thirdly by making cute our economic growth is affected. We have less money spent on scientific research. US statistics say that for every dollar spent on research brings in $30 back to the govt in the future. Also investment in education brings rewards in terms of additional future income.


This govt has got it all ass about face. You don't pay off national debt by making cuts. You have to be optimistic and grow the economy by investing in the future. That investment comes back in terms of growth and tax revenue.


Is there a problem with healthcare ? No it's funded through Medicare. Is the a problem with education? No it's praised as a fair system giving equal opportunities. Is the a problem with pensions ? No funding is perfectly balanced using the super scheme.


Taking money out of these does NOT mean the is a problem. It means that the govt wants to use that money elsewhere which is wrong IMO.

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Free education?????

They are not asking for a free education, my son already pays $10k a year too study and is FULL time, this is double what it was in the first year he started, already. He doesnt have time to get a job due to the work load.

If you can name a country that is NOT having a problem funding pensions and healthcare, I would love,to know its name.


I don't want my taxes paying for those rioting students to get a free uni education. Let them get a job and study part time as I did.


The,Liberal Govt is trying to dig us out of the financial black hole Rudd and Gillard built.


I am not rich, just a low level clerk, still working past sixty. I dont expect to get much of,a,state pension at 65.

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A,decade ago, my father had to pay 500 pounds a,week towards his nursing home care. If he had lived long enough, his home and assets would have gone. If he had retired to OZ, thé UK govt would.have frozen his UK pension. Why? It wasn't a nasty Tory measure. Labour doesn't have any plans for free nursing home care, or full UK pensions for expats. All western govts do similar things. Some are in a far worse state. Why can't I gat any dole when I am out of work? Why am I being penalised for saving money and acquiring assets? Am I less entitled to state help than uni students? Why do so.many thousands of people get disability pensions? Why not me? I suffer from anxiety and depression, so why should I work?

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The problem is we have a govt that is leaning towards the far right. There are always people in the country who do need help who have no options to work and we should look after them. It should be a fair system those that can work should obv do. But don't penalise people who can't or those where both parent have to work. The govt should look after families so don't take away the family credits that is an incentive for parenting. It's means tested why make families worse off.

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That was 3- 4 years ago. Since then the job market has slowed and effected many people. I personally know of people who earned $106,000 a year 4 years ago who now earn $54,000 doing the same job just different employer and they took the job because it was all they could get.


So you saying that of all the people you claim can't afford the $7 none of them would fit into my story anymore?

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So you saying that of all the people you claim can't afford the $7 none of them would fit into my story anymore?


No of course not, but that is the whole point, Abbott and Hockey are trying to change things under a "one size fits all" and many people who dont fit into there perfect scenario are going to be left by the wayside.


Dont you have any compassion for those that are going to be really hurt by this budget , and have no way of changing things ?



Look at cutting off the dole to under 30s earn or learn is there answer, well most courses start either mid term or at the start of the year. What happens if you loose your job when enrollments are closed ? There are just so many holes in this budget.

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Give some people power and they abuse it, they obviously haven't thought it all through nor know the facts themselves to sell this budget. Tony Abbott made a comment yesterday that "the unemployed have no right to hold out for a dream job" - of course they don't but what a condescending inappropriate comment and what is that saying to the unemployed who are actively trying to find a job? He is tarring everyone with the same brush and I hope that the people who voted for him in good faith are seeing him for the person that he really is. And he should also understand that he's the prime minister of all of Australia, regardless of wealth, so maybe he needs to be advised to show a little compassion or even if he doesn't posses that, just show a little tact. If the liberals want to stay in then they need to find someone who commands a little more respect.


And as for his daughter's scholarship, I'm sure she was awarded that when he was a politician, and a politician in a party that believes we should all pay our own way. And here is is spouting on that the changes to education will be helping low income earners - how?! Double standards. Do what I say, not what I do.

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Give some people power and they abuse it, they obviously haven't thought it all through nor know the facts themselves to sell this budget. Tony Abbott made a comment yesterday that "the unemployed have no right to hold out for a dream job" - of course they don't but what a condescending inappropriate comment and what is that saying to the unemployed who are actively trying to find a job? He is tarring everyone with the same brush and I hope that the people who voted for him in good faith are seeing him for the person that he really is. And he should also understand that he's the prime minister of all of Australia, regardless of wealth, so maybe he needs to be advised to show a little compassion or even if he doesn't posses that, just show a little tact. If the liberals want to stay in then they need to find someone who commands a little more respect.


And as for his daughter's scholarship, I'm sure she was awarded that when he was a politician, and a politician in a party that believes we should all pay our own way. And here is is spouting on that the changes to education will be helping low income earners - how?! Double standards. Do what I say, not what I do.


well said Kate. The lnp are lying again, calling Family Tax B "welfare" that is not true, it came about because the ability to claim for family on your tax return was stopped and changed to Family Tax B, so via the back door this is actually a raise in income tax for the very poorest in our communitee.

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Diane, Your so called 'news' sites that you link to are just leftist blogs that you follow. They have no credibility either.


Tina, it has nothing to do with compassion. It is putting the interests of the nation first before the individual.

When the budget is back under control we all reap the benefits. But a bit of pain now first and then we get rewarded later. (It is a bit like saving for something or lay-by, instead of just putting it on the credit card).

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Thanks for the link to the PM's website Diane (in your lefty blog).

Some interesting stuff there I'll have a look through.


But listen to our Prime Minister explain the need for a tough budget.




I am scared to, in case it cuts to a shot of him wearing his budgie smugglers. If he winks, well that will have me out for the day.

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Diane, Your so called 'news' sites that you link to are just leftist blogs that you follow. They have no credibility either.


Tina, it has nothing to do with compassion. It is putting the interests of the nation first before the individual.

When the budget is back under control we all reap the benefits. But a bit of pain now first and then we get rewarded later. (It is a bit like saving for something or lay-by, instead of just putting it on the credit card).

Parley cross, that is all wonderful but what of those who will not have enough money to feed themselves or pay rent under LNPs dictatorship ?


Single parent, 2 kids

Has and is continuing to do volunteer work ( over 300 hours so far - no payment) to gain experience

Has completed 2 Taft course though only one needed for the new career she is wanting to do and has completed the higher course to give an edge. This is the only line of work she can chase as she has no support to care for kids on weekends or holidays.

Before and after school care is $60 a day No family to take care of the kids when not in school - friends in same position.

Rent $420 a week one of the cheapes in the location.

Not "allowed" to relocate to get cheaper housing or a full time job

Takes every bit of casual work offered ofter driving 30 minuets each way for 5 hours work.

Loosing Tax B at approx $150 a fortnight Plus center link payments go down almost the equal of what she earns.

Vacant dad, pays an amount that you would be lucky to buy a loaf of bread and a couple of ltrs of milk a week.

Petrol Tax will increase consumer goods across the board.

So if mr abbotts budget gets through perhaps you have a suggestion as to how to keep a roof over the kids heads and food on the table.

You simply cant have a blanket set of rules there has to be exceptions and cases looked at on there situation and effort made to support themselves.

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Free education?????

They are not asking for a free education, my son already pays $10k a year too study and is FULL time, this is double what it was in the first year he started, already. He doesnt have time to get a job due to the work load.


This isn't really addressed to you in particular, but to anyone who is morally outraged that students have to pay for their education. I find it a bit weird that I, as a high income earner that already pays a higher % of my income over and utilises very few resources, is apparently not paying enough tax and most people on this thread would have 90% of my income taken off me or so it seems. But yet same people are opposed to students having to pay their own way.


The only reason I have my high income now is because I was a student!


When I started a student, there was no such thing as student loans and my goodness did I struggle. I could barely feed myself and I was without doubt the hardest up student I ever met. In my third year student loans came into being in the UK and I was first in the queue and it was a life saver to me. I was never able to really enjoy student life because I was utterly skint the majority of the three years, but the student loan helped me to complete my course, it meant I didn't have to give up. Yes people from well off families had it better than me, but so be it, life is not fair. The student loan in my third year made it possible.


I started off my working life on GBP11,000 a year and it took a couple of years to pay off my loan, but it was paid off a long time ago. Yes I was fortunate, no tuition fees in those days, but even if there had been, I am sure that I would have had the foresight to know that this was an investment in my future. I could have paid off my student loan a thousand times over by now and it would still have been worth it.

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Parley cross, that is all wonderful but what of those who will not have enough money to feed themselves or pay rent under LNPs dictatorship ?


Single parent, 2 kids

Has and is continuing to do volunteer work ( over 300 hours so far - no payment) to gain experience

Has completed 2 Taft course though only one needed for the new career she is wanting to do and has completed the higher course to give an edge. This is the only line of work she can chase as she has no support to care for kids on weekends or holidays.

Before and after school care is $60 a day No family to take care of the kids when not in school - friends in same position.

Rent $420 a week one of the cheapes in the location.

Not "allowed" to relocate to get cheaper housing or a full time job

Takes every bit of casual work offered ofter driving 30 minuets each way for 5 hours work.

Loosing Tax B at approx $150 a fortnight Plus center link payments go down almost the equal of what she earns.

Vacant dad, pays an amount that you would be lucky to buy a loaf of bread and a couple of ltrs of milk a week.

Petrol Tax will increase consumer goods across the board.

So if mr abbotts budget gets through perhaps you have a suggestion as to how to keep a roof over the kids heads and food on the table.

You simply cant have a blanket set of rules there has to be exceptions and cases looked at on there situation and effort made to support themselves.


The father needs to be held to account here, not the tax payer.

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Parley cross, that is all wonderful but what of those who will not have enough money to feed themselves or pay rent under LNPs dictatorship ?


Single parent, 2 kids

Has and is continuing to do volunteer work ( over 300 hours so far - no payment) to gain experience

Has completed 2 Taft course though only one needed for the new career she is wanting to do and has completed the higher course to give an edge. This is the only line of work she can chase as she has no support to care for kids on weekends or holidays.

Before and after school care is $60 a day No family to take care of the kids when not in school - friends in same position.

Rent $420 a week one of the cheapes in the location.

Not "allowed" to relocate to get cheaper housing or a full time job

Takes every bit of casual work offered ofter driving 30 minuets each way for 5 hours work.

Loosing Tax B at approx $150 a fortnight Plus center link payments go down almost the equal of what she earns.

Vacant dad, pays an amount that you would be lucky to buy a loaf of bread and a couple of ltrs of milk a week.

Petrol Tax will increase consumer goods across the board.

So if mr abbotts budget gets through perhaps you have a suggestion as to how to keep a roof over the kids heads and food on the table.

You simply cant have a blanket set of rules there has to be exceptions and cases looked at on there situation and effort made to support themselves.


Wow gosh, have to drive 30 minutes to work. I have had 90 minutes journey to work for majority of my working life, now a relatively easy 60 minutes. I didn't know I was so hard done by. I think I will refuse from next week and expect other people to pay my bills instead.

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Wow gosh, have to drive 30 minutes to work. I have had 90 minutes journey to work for majority of my working life, now a relatively easy 60 minutes. I didn't know I was so hard done by. I think I will refuse from next week and expect other people to pay my bills instead.


This nasty post just about sums this site up for me. I presume you are paid more than minimum wage and are guaranteed a full days pay for a full days work after your commute - the lady described isn't.

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Does that example actually exist ?

I wouldn't be doing volunteer work instead of paid work if I was that poor I was struggling to make ends meet, and having to pay child care costs in order to do this volunteer work ?


Did you just make up this example ? Is it realistic ?

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This nasty post just about sums this site up for me. I presume you are paid more than minimum wage and are guaranteed a full days pay for a full days work after your commute - the lady described isn't.


What is nasty about it? I have worked hard my entire life. I took up a paper round when I was 12, yes 12, in order to contribute to my household. I have not had a penny off my parents since I was twelve, even bought my own school uniform from that age. So no, you get your facts right before you start calling people nasty. I have worked hard my entire life. I have put up with more hardship than most on here could ever dream about. But you know what, I believe in hard work.


And when I graduated in 1992, in one of the worst recession in our time, I could not immediately find work and I applied for jobs working on the meat counter at the local outdoor market, I applied for a job working in a knitting machine factory and I took a job putting cherries on bakewell tarts. So don't you DARE judge me or assume I do not know what it is like to be hard up. Because I know as well as anyone on here, in fact better than most. And one thing I have learnt over and above anything else is that you have to get off your backside and work if you want to achieve anything in this life.

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