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If/When you go back what WON"T you miss about Australia


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Hi Guys,


We've all had the 'what do you miss about the UK' and 'what will you miss about Aus" posts so thought id post this one to see people reactions.


Ill Start off;


The ridiculous noisy V6 and V8 cars......out and out my absolute most hated thing ever!!!

An Australian Christmas

Kindy/Childcare fees

TV & Radio

The way 99.9% of activities include alcohol or smoking

High prices of most things (food and cars mainly)

Poor house builds

The laid back approach, but ONLY on things like job applications etc...things that matter and impact your life and lively hood

The constant need for licences for jobs, barista, RSA, etc...


Thats about all I can think of for now.




Any comments from myself or others ARE NOT personal against anyone living here or anyone who likes what we have listed.

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probably not going back, but hey! Like anywhere there are things that downright piss one off, eh?


For me:


Channels 7,9, 10, GO GEM et al

LNP government, especially..ah..look Wattsy...mate...ah...hearing....ah....Tony Abbott's...ah....voice..ah...his voice

Australian male machismo/arrogance. Of course it's a generalisation and of course there are exceptions, but there you go.

Australian jingoism/nationalistic BS

Australian xmas day, which ALWAYS involves the in laws

feeling like a pariah/being overlooked/forgotten about by my family/friends in the UK

Not being able to visit France every year



Actually the list is surprisingly short...I think it's shrunk over the years!

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I have a feeling this thread might produce some unsavoury replies so will censor mine!


definitely Australian Christmas - homesickness always hits me hard at that time of the year and can't wait for it to disappear

Aussie drivers - lovely people outside of their cars but definitely different story when they get behind the wheel

telly - far too American

Unhealthy obsession with winning at sports

summer days reaching 40 + temperatures


can add some more but better not and promise that I can list far more things that I'll miss than not miss - trying not to sound biased!

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probably not going back, but hey! Like anywhere there are things that downright piss one off, eh?


For me:


Channels 7,9, 10, GO GEM et al

LNP government, especially..ah..look Wattsy...mate...ah...hearing....ah....Tony Abbott's...ah....voice..ah...his voice

Australian male machismo/arrogance. Of course it's a generalisation and of course there are exceptions, but there you go.

Australian jingoism/nationalistic BS

Australian xmas day, which ALWAYS involves the in laws

feeling like a pariah/being overlooked/forgotten about by my family/friends in the UK

Not being able to visit France every year



Actually the list is surprisingly short...I think it's shrunk over the years!


It has. I expect next year you'll be scratching your head in a futile attempt to bring something to mind.

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No birdsong is nice at 4 in the morning! It's always so loud in the UK mornings


Loud in the UK??????


In the 30 years i lived there i was never once woken by it...and yet here, EVERY DAY without fail........and its an awful noise to wake up to too!

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lol, best of luck with that


Crap pubs

Crap insulation

Crap pollies

Kneejerk "if it moves, regulate it" approach. Common everywhere these days sadly, few places have taken it to these "licence to fart" extremes though


They're all minor niggles though really. The tyranny of distance is the biggest unfixable one that will always be there, and that lies at the root of many migrants' moans I think

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poor quality of the food in supermarkets

tasteless beer

the weather.

the racism of some aussies i worked with

the shocking TV

the expense of everything

the hoons

the australian government with its head in the sand of climate change

the way asylum seekers are treated

the way the indigenous people of australia are treated.

the mozzies the flies

the lack of history and culture apart from the aboriginies

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Guest Guest226914

Charges at atms

How a car can cross a pedestrian crossing even when it is green for the pedestrian

how long it takes for the green man at a crossing

**** tv and how they constantly plug the same shows eg my kitchen rules, offspring, biggest loser and really over dramatise the adverts for them

that town centres are usually just a westfield

that houses are so cold in the winter even though it's not actually that cold outside

that you are forced to have a phone line for internet



theres definitely more pros than cons though!!! These are small things really!

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Charges at atms

How a car can cross a pedestrian crossing even when it is green for the pedestrian

how long it takes for the green man at a crossing

that houses are so cold in the winter even though it's not actually that cold outside


Totally agree with the ones I have left above.


The whole ATM thing seems so...I dont know, backwards and dated


the pedestrian crossing things scares me most days.....due to the fact that most (NOT ALL) aussies are...not the best at driving and yet pedestrians are allowed/dare to cross at the same time as them!!!!


Now the houses being cold thing is very interesting. In the past few weeks it has been so cold in our house in the mornings and yet the thermometer (on my iphone so it MUST be right) still says 12oC, even more on most occasions....HOW is that possible?


I can honestly say ive been colder here INDOORS in the mornings than I ever was in the UK...in winter! Just goes to show how well built and insulated UK houses are i guess.

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Hi Guys,


We've all had the 'what do you miss about the UK' and 'what will you miss about Aus" posts so thought id post this one to see people reactions.


Ill Start off;


The ridiculous noisy V6 and V8 cars......out and out my absolute most hated thing ever!!!

An Australian Christmas

Kindy/Childcare fees

TV & Radio

The way 99.9% of activities include alcohol or smoking

High prices of most things (food and cars mainly)

Poor house builds

The laid back approach, but ONLY on things like job applications etc...things that matter and impact your life and lively hood

The constant need for licences for jobs, barista, RSA, etc...


Thats about all I can think of for now.




Any comments from myself or others ARE NOT personal against anyone living here or anyone who likes what we have listed.




The isolation


that was it really !

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**** tv and how they constantly plug the same shows eg my kitchen rules, offspring, biggest loser and really over dramatise the adverts for them




theres definitely more pros than cons though!!! These are small things really!


lol, if I hear that offspring advert one more time!!

The constant adverts get on my Nerves (3in an episode if Friends?!)

I very much dislike how so many product TV adverts play on basically 'if you don't use this product, your not taking care of your family properly'. "I love my family and that's why I buy..." - not even relevant!

lots of shows are very Americanised too. Not that these things matter but iI find sitting down for half an hour to watch the telly more frustrating than relaxing


I am going home from WHV and will probably sort of miss some of these quirky things as that's what make it interesting and different from the UK but what bugs me...

In QLD the obsession with dying. Funeral and final expenses insurance adverts everywhere!!

The variation in prices at the supermarket, fruit and bag can change daily which makes it hard to budget

The over zealous bouncers and strict licensing laws that seem to depend on how well you know the owner or if they like the look of you

Applying high factor sun lotion whenever you leave the house

The taste of tap water

The spiders!!!

Cost of second hand cars and beer

The racism and arrogance in that racism. Though I think the UK is heading more that way too.

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I would miss the whinging poms on how bad Australia is. A racist country that welcomes people from all the world. Friendly people everywhere you go and no class distinction to worry about.


Yep get me back to perfect England.

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This is a wonderful post, particularly for me at this precise moment.


But in the interests of a balanced argument here is a list of things I wouldn't miss about England if given a second chance at Australia and it's myriad of annoyances:


*A Conservative Government

*A government intent on refusing all public servants any type of payrise and destroying pensions whilst awarding themselves above inflation payrises each year.

*The price of petrol which means I can't actually afford to drive to the garage to fill my car up.

*Not having a meal and entertainment card so we can't eat out without feeling guilty.

*The fact that if you have children you can never ever go on holiday again (unless you happen to earn a £1m a year or be a politician) due to greedy holiday companies pricing normal families out of the market during holidays.


*The expectation from the NHS that you are happy to work for nothing because your job is "a calling" f@ck off, I'm just paying my mortgage thanks very much

*Jeremy Clarkson

*Council tax rising whilst the council only collecting our bins fortnightly instead of weekly.

*Incredibly high fuel prices for the home

*That f@cking great tree in my garden that drops leaves and kills our newly planted grass/turf every year

*Health and Safety: My sons teacher was not allowed to put a plaster on his cut, but she was allowed to call me in and get me to apply the plaster!

*Poor wages and it being impossible to save for anything....to the point where, at times, I start to daydream about my relatives dying soon before I quickly curse myself and realise I am not very nice and then have to call them to check they are still alive.

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