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Kidney stones anyone?


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I had them a couple of years ago. Incredible pain - my doctor at the hospital had had them and had also given birth and saif she would rather give birth.


The treatment can also be "unpleasent". I had to have a tube inserted all the way along the ureatha (i nearly died when i saw it). This goes up to the kidney and they first partly break them up, then it has a little graple hook thing that grabs them and pulls them out. You are under general for this. It is pretty sore for a while and they may have to leave a stent in for a while - basically a tube running down the legnth of where no tube should have to go!


She must have had a nice and quick labour!

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I've not had kidney stones thankfully, but laboured/given birth 3 times. I think the pain of labour is 'bareable' because you get this gorgeous squishy newborn creation at the end of it.

Kidney stones, well I suppose some get to keep them in a jar but not quite the same lol.

Honestly once you're 'in the zone' you have a job to do, once it's done you forget all that pain pretty quickly and cuddle, stare at, kiss etc your new baby. :-)


Exactly. Nothing better in the world than cuddles with a newborn baby

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Guest The Pom Queen

Oh dear Hun hope you are feeling better soon, how lovely that the lady pulled over to help.

Its funny because when I've been in hospital I've heard people talking about gall stones and it seems the same comparison that everyone makes "its worse than childbirth" they were going to remove my ball bladder around 6 months ago, there was nothing wrong with me on that score but they were trying to play safe with other things, anyhow something else happened and I was too weak and needed a different op so they left it.

My mum ended up in ICU with them as she got septicaemia and was really ill.

Hope they sort it out for you and that the baby is doing well.

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Poor Blossom:( Never had them myself but was prone to UTIs in pregnancy myself and that was bad enough, have looked after men with stone s and seen the pain first hand...I can't compare but childbirth is not so bad till the head comes out then it's like you've died and gone straight to hell...but hey..it only lasts a little while and like they say you forgot the full horror! All I can remember is saying NEVER again...and truly truly meaning it from the bottom of my heart..lol

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Guest The Pom Queen
All I can remember is saying NEVER again...and truly truly meaning it from the bottom of my heart..lol

Me to but I must have a bad memory as I did it another 2 times. Although I remember not enjoying the pregnancy as much because I kept thinking that this baby had to come out sooner or later.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Poor Blossom:( Never had them myself but was prone to UTIs in pregnancy myself and that was bad enough, have looked after men with stone s and seen the pain first hand...I can't compare but childbirth is not so bad till the head comes out then it's like you've died and gone straight to hell...but hey..it only lasts a little while and like they say you forgot the full horror! All I can remember is saying NEVER again...and truly truly meaning it from the bottom of my heart..lol


Me to but I must have a bad memory as I did it another 2 times. Although I remember not enjoying the pregnancy as much because I kept thinking that this baby had to come out sooner or later.



Nice one ladies, I'm sure that has really helped Blossom relax about her upcoming labour no end!

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I feel your pain Blossom - I've had a kidney stone since December. The stone had got stuck in the ureter (the narrow tube that goes from the kidney to the bladder) so a stent was put in to allow urine to pass freely and not cause any further damage to my kidney. I went back into hospital in February to get the stent removed and the stone nuked, but the surgeon managed to push the stone back up into my kidney! Back to where I started! The stone has now moved down and once again is stuck in my ureter and man it hurts! I'm booked for surgery again next month and am counting down the days. I just pray they get the little sucker out this time!


How did your scan go? Do you still have the stone?

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I feel your pain Blossom - I've had a kidney stone since December. The stone had got stuck in the ureter (the narrow tube that goes from the kidney to the bladder) so a stent was put in to allow urine to pass freely and not cause any further damage to my kidney. I went back into hospital in February to get the stent removed and the stone nuked, but the surgeon managed to push the stone back up into my kidney! Back to where I started! The stone has now moved down and once again is stuck in my ureter and man it hurts! I'm booked for surgery again next month and am counting down the days. I just pray they get the little sucker out this time!


How did your scan go? Do you still have the stone?


That is terrible! The scan went quite well. No more stones that they could see, but my kidney was extended. They think it might partly be some backflow condition which pregnancy can cause apparently. :-/

They are going to rescan my kidneys at my 20 week scan to make sure they are all looking good. :-)

Fingers crossed I don't have anything like it again!

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Ah giving birth to them is the easy bit - it's the next 18 years that's painful!! Kids, I mean, not kidney stones :wink: Hope you're on the mend - having driven round the M25 in labour myself I reckon childbirth will be a breeze for you now

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One of the blokes at work had them, once they passed he brought them in for us to look at. You think stones should be all nice and smooth, right? No. We called them his "spiky penis stones", they looked like the head of one of the mace you see in museums.


My mineralogy professor also had them. We put them under the scanning electron microscope for a good look, then through the x-ray diffractomer to find out their mineralogical composition.


So you can have fun with them.


Seriously though, they suck. When you have an attack all you can do is curl up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

According to studies people living in hot climates are sometimes more prone to kidney stones because they may become dehydrated more easily. Dehydration concentrates the minerals (and other chemicals) in the urine and makes crystal formation easier.

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  • 3 months later...

I had them in my late twenties , worse pain ever , collapsed at work and the paramedics asked If i had been drinking the night before (silly question ) I said yes but this is nothing to do with alcohol .........I eventually had them crushed via laser in Sheffield ............so now I know what the pain feels like to give birth .....:wink:

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Well they still don't know if it's stones or the baby as none are showing up, but my kidneys are still swollen and my right one hasn't looked like it's draining on my last two scans. I'm having scans every four weeks and blood tests to make sure they are working until baby comes.

After that I get a ct scan to look for stones.


I have only had a bit of pain and peeing blood since this first post, which is good, as they have said if I had more I had to go have stents put in under general anaesthetic, and then have them changed every four weeks. Only six more weeks to hold out for. :-)


Then I get to find out if it really does hurt more than child birth lol.

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Well that's kinda strange that they can't quite figure out what's the cause.

Glad they are keeping a close eye on you, make sure you get yourself checked out as soon as you feel unwell or weird (sometimes you just know something's not right).

Hope once bubba arrives everything settled down and goes back to normal. You're doing a great job, not long left now. :-)

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Sorry to hear about what happened as i know the pain is terrible. I had kidney stone when I was in my 20s. The guy in the bed next to me in hospital also had them. The doctors said is has become quite common and they do not know why. They just say drink 3 litres of water from now on which is hard to do but good advice for living in oz anyway. Hopefully you can get if blasted with lithotripsy treatment and that should be the end of it. Good luck

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Well that's kinda strange that they can't quite figure out what's the cause.

Glad they are keeping a close eye on you, make sure you get yourself checked out as soon as you feel unwell or weird (sometimes you just know something's not right).

Hope once bubba arrives everything settled down and goes back to normal. You're doing a great job, not long left now. :-)

They can't tell for sure as if there are stones they are too small to be seen on an ultrasound. They will be able to see if they are there with the ct scan once baby is out.

It is possible that it could be the baby putting pressure on the uritha (sp) inbetween the bladder and the kidneys, but mine started earlier in pregnancy than normal for that. Also, I've had some peeing blood (but no infection) which is not normal if it's the baby. So more likely kidney stones or a combination.


They actually told me drinking lots of water while I was in pain was making it worse. On one scan nothing was coming from my right kidney so the urine was just backing up into my kidney which was swelling and causing me lots of pain.


They have actually felt fine for weeks now. They don't look fine on scans, but my renal function tests are coming back fine so hopefully once baby is here they will sort themselves out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When we were at Uni we shared a house with a guy who had kidney stones. We used to hang around and go palying squash and go drinking together. We were on different courses and he didn't come home one night. We didn't worry as we thought he might have found a nice girl to spend a night with or something. After a couple of days of not seeing him and him not being at Uni we started to worry a bit. At first we didn't want to ring his parents as we thought, if he wasn't there, they would worry. We rang his home and luckily he had rung his parents and was in hospital. We shot off to see him and he had kidney stones. Just like you say, he had been in the most tremendous pain but felt like he couldn't tell us as he thought he might have some sort of STD. You know what it's like when you're at Uni.:wink:


Luckily he managed to pass the stones after a few days in hospital. I think he had some sort of treatment to break them up but he said it was the worst pain he ever had. The doctors told him that his lifestyle of playing squash and sweating a lot, nearly every day, then living on beer and crap food didn't help. They advised drinking water a lot more and keeping well hydrated.

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