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Recession Over!!??


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So what is the form here? You post something and then people have a go at you about it. Is this for northern men only or can anyone join in? I've got time to kill before midsummer murders starts.
No,where does it state its for northern men only?
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Yeah i know MTT,because its only them who turn up to supermarkets late when they reduce items eh! A good friend of mine on here is of traveller stock,a girl with a good heart,with a good word and advice for everyone,who has suffered because of crap thrown at her by people on this forum,intended,and ignorant,the ignorant i can forgive i suppose,but just lately,this forum is becoming more of a headache than it's worth,i'm off,catch yer later girl

@pablo I know what you mean, in terms of ignorance. My BFF, who I've been friends with forever, is part of the two biggest traveller families in the UK and I hate it when people use that term. I think that's why we became good friends lol....her family disapproved of her marrying a non-traveller and there was me with Mr MtT :biglaugh:

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So what is the form here? You post something and then people have a go at you about it. Is this for northern men only or can anyone join in? I've got time to kill before midsummer murders starts.

@Nerak123 It's ok, you don't have to be Northern to join in honestly. It's not even an all men thing. Just be as controversial as you possibly can be and you'll fit right in :wink:

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Congrats to the coalition, it's easy to forget what they've achieved. It doesn't seem long ago that the country was completely ****ed, in insane debt thanks to the labour party's spending, and Brown and Balls wanted us to spend even more money to sort out their mess. Crazy days.
They've achieved f all,cut the welfare state is all they've done,decimated the NHS,penalised people for being disabled,and saved billions in the process,whopee doo eh! how hard was that to do?! Created an economy based on zero hours contracts and part time workers,an economy where millions are working but below the poverty line,have you EVER looked at the debt to GDP under successive gvnmts? its now 1.4 billion ,way more than they inherited
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Not meant in a derogatory way, it's just what they're called around here. I guess it depends what part of the country you're from...? (like 'baps' and 'cobs'?)
Nothing to do with baps and cobs,we're talking about people with feelings,not dough
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They've achieved f all,cut the welfare state is all they've done,decimated the NHS,penalised people for being disabled,and saved billions in the process,whopee doo eh! how hard was that to do?! Created an economy based on zero hours contracts and part time workers,an economy where millions are working but below the poverty line,have you EVER looked at the debt to GDP under successive gvnmts? its now 1.4 billion ,way more than they inherited


Lol, labour decimated the nhs and made it completely ****. And no one can improve it as the left whingers talk about it like it's a religious experience, not the overloaded sorry excuse for a healthcare system that it is. Remember all comments about labour having more consultants than doctors in hospitals? Or have you forgotten.


By the time labour left over 50% of British households were net receivers of benefits, and in the time they were in charge we went from the top 10 in the worlds education rankings to less than 20th.


Labour and brown just loved us all being in debt.

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Lol, labour decimated the nhs and made it completely ****. And no one can improve it as the left whingers talk about it like it's a religious experience, not the overloaded sorry excuse for a healthcare system that it is. Remember all comments about labour having more consultants than doctors in hospitals? Or have you forgotten. By the time labour left over 50% of British households were net receivers of benefits, and in the time they were in charge we went from the top 10 in the worlds education rankings to less than 20th. Labour and brown just loved us all being in debt.



Labour spent billions on the NHS,some wasted on too many managers etc yes,but overall they improved it tenfold,its not an overloaded excuse at all,keep shouting it loud enough though and people will believe it wont they,everything i worked on under Labours tenure was NHS and education related,schools,hospitals,walk in centre's etc,IE infrastructure for us all,talking of debt,what about the debt growing from 800+billion when the tories took over to the 1.4 billion it is now Any opinion on that ?

If you look at UK spending and debt to gdp it was good until the "global" financial crisis hit,caused mainly by right of centre capitalist sharks so beloved of the tory party

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Lol, labour decimated the nhs and made it completely ****. And no one can improve it as the left whingers talk about it like it's a religious experience, not the overloaded sorry excuse for a healthcare system that it is. Remember all comments about labour having more consultants than doctors in hospitals? Or have you forgotten. By the time labour left over 50% of British households were net receivers of benefits, and in the time they were in charge we went from the top 10 in the worlds education rankings to less than 20th. Labour and brown just loved us all being in debt.
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Nothing to do with baps and cobs,we're talking about people with feelings,not dough


Actually it is. I already said that's what they're known as around here - I've always known them to be called that, and not because of any negative connotations, it's just what they're called, same as someone from Birmingham is a Brummie, someone from Liverpool (such as yourself) is a Scouser, and what you eat for lunch could be a bap in one part of the country or a cob in another - it depends where you live, I guess.


I don't think this thread should be going off-topic but, since it was mentioned, I'd like to concur that, yes, they weren't the only people turning up at whoops-o-clock, but yes, they WERE the only people pushing other people out of the way, grabbing everything without giving others a look in (those with class and manners wouldn't take all 10 packs but see if anyone else wanted one first). I would make this point regardless of whether or not they were pikeys, I simply made the point because - according to the staff - they are they every day at whoops-o-clock (despite having been banned for life - don't ask my why by the way) and behave in the same manner every day, and then drive off in their brand new Subarus, so it isn't a poverty thing.


Back to the topic inhand... I agree that things are definitely looking up, as there have been more independent, boutiquey shops opening up (and they all seem to be thriving), our town in particular has had millions spent on it in terms of infrastructure, new library, restoration of old buildings, etc. and house prices are soaring (though the new MMR may put a stop to that...). I just hope that, as we return to the pre-recession levels of 2007/8, the house market doesn't go the same way as it did around that time (people keep talking about it 'peaking').... :-/


I-F :)

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Guest Guest40285
Yeah i know MTT,because its only them who turn up to supermarkets late when they reduce items eh! A good friend of mine on here is of traveller stock,a girl with a good heart,with a good word and advice for everyone,who has suffered because of crap thrown at her by people on this forum,intended,and ignorant,the ignorant i can forgive i suppose,but just lately,this forum is becoming more of a headache than it's worth,i'm off,catch yer later girl


Shes not the only one on here with Gyspy blood either..........................The ignorance of most, never surprises ever...........

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I have to agree with most of what pablo has said.


It is good if the economy is picking up but I haven't felt it in my family. Every year our wages have been getting lower in relative terms with the price of goods getting higher but with no pay rise. Jobs appear harder to come by, I remember when I could get a job really easy and now its extremely difficult. Travel is more expensive both in local buses and trains and going abroad. Had a look at holidays and for the same holiday we did last year with the same dates its now £200 more expensive. We had to once last year use a food bank which was the most depressing thing I had to do (Due to banks closing my account for no reason, didn't owe them anything which meant all our incoming payments got bounced back until we had a new bank account sorted). Shops are closing down in our town and when new shops open they are charity shops.


I used to work on London underground and I have mates who do not know if they will have a job at the end of the year and have mortgages to pay as their position is being made redundant. Personally I have not seen anything positive with the recession being over but I do hope that this changes soon and people like my family who are currently not very well off but scrap by even with both of us working can have better prospects :) in the meantime oh is going to pay to go back to college and train as a chef (At the moment his been training on the job and holds down two jobs to fund college part time in September), and I can keep job hunting for a better paid job.


I better stop now before I rant any more lol. I think the point I am trying to make is the points pablo has made. And I am one of those annoying people who go to the reduction section (Though I do wait patiently and try and be fair) and put food in the freezer when there is the opportunity too.

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Actually it is. I already said that's what they're known as around here - I've always known them to be called that, and not because of any negative connotations, it's just what they're called, same as someone from Birmingham is a Brummie, someone from Liverpool (such as yourself) is a Scouser, and what you eat for lunch could be a bap in one part of the country or a cob in another - it depends where you live, I guess.


I don't think this thread should be going off-topic but, since it was mentioned, I'd like to concur that, yes, they weren't the only people turning up at whoops-o-clock, but yes, they WERE the only people pushing other people out of the way, grabbing everything without giving others a look in (those with class and manners wouldn't take all 10 packs but see if anyone else wanted one first). I would make this point regardless of whether or not they were pikeys, I simply made the point because - according to the staff - they are they every day at whoops-o-clock (despite having been banned for life - don't ask my why by the way) and behave in the same manner every day, and then drive off in their brand new Subarus, so it isn't a poverty thing.


Back to the topic inhand... I agree that things are definitely looking up, as there have been more independent, boutiquey shops opening up (and they all seem to be thriving), our town in particular has had millions spent on it in terms of infrastructure, new library, restoration of old buildings, etc. and house prices are soaring (though the new MMR may put a stop to that...). I just hope that, as we return to the pre-recession levels of 2007/8, the house market doesn't go the same way as it did around that time (people keep talking about it 'peaking').... :-/


I-F :)


They aren't just called pikeys where you live,it's a derogatory name,used all over the country,its not some cute colloquialism,i know of two people on here of traveller or Gypsy heritage,i also know neither of them appreciate the name,so i thought i'd point that out in the hope you might alter your post,but anyway,we'll agree to disagree,but i thought everyone was aware it was a derogatory name,and that it was just as easy to say Gypsy,but there yer go


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Labour spent billions on the NHS,some wasted on too many managers etc yes,but overall they improved it tenfold,its not an overloaded excuse at all,keep shouting it loud enough though and people will believe it wont they,everything i worked on under Labours tenure was NHS and education related,schools,hospitals,walk in centre's etc,IE infrastructure for us all,talking of debt,what about the debt growing from 800+billion when the tories took over to the 1.4 billion it is now Any opinion on that ?

If you look at UK spending and debt to gdp it was good until the "global" financial crisis hit,caused mainly by right of centre capitalist sharks so beloved of the tory party


You're either easily please or you haven't used the nhs for a while. Everyone I know who has needed them or works for them has their own horror story. They seem good with emergencies, but once you're on the wards requiring treatment you're ****ed. It'll never be improved though as there are too many left wing morons thinking it's perfect.


About the debt growing, that's because labour left a deficit. That's means we don't just have their huge debt but it's actually growing. You know the wars they got us into, the massive welfare bill, and the huge goverment they created... that's all got to be paid for.


Oh and Labour's absurd Private Finance Initialives (PFIs).. they have to be repaid to.


Like they say, the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. I know Labour aren't remotely socialist, but the principle applies.

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You're either easily please or you haven't used the nhs for a while. Everyone I know who has needed them or works for them has their own horror story. They seem good with emergencies, but once you're on the wards requiring treatment you're ****ed. It'll never be improved though as there are too many left wing morons thinking it's perfect.


About the debt growing, that's because labour left a deficit. That's means we don't just have their huge debt but it's actually growing. You know the wars they got us into, the massive welfare bill, and the huge goverment they created... that's all got to be paid for.


Oh and Labour's absurd Private Finance Initialives (PFIs).. they have to be repaid to.


Like they say, the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. I know Labour aren't remotely socialist, but the principle applies.


No,im far from easily pleased,and there will always be cases of things going wrong in the NHS,always will be sadly,i never used it myself that much recently,but when i have its been efficient

As it was when they treated my mam for her lung cancer for ten months before she passed away,the care(in her case)was exemplary,but some right wing halfwits would slate it at every opportunity to try and convince us that its totally finished,it isnt,despite this despicable tory gvnmt's attempts to run it into the ground, in order to convince easily led,non thinking people it needs to be totally privatised


So they left a debt of 800+ billion after 13 yrs in power,"after" having to deal with a "global" financial crisis caused by capitalist right wing bankers and the like,but the tory party nearly double that debt in a few yrs and its "still" Labours fault,honestly?!,are right wingers all so gullible?!

Oh and btw,wars get passed by parliament and war committees formed from the parliamentary parties,"not" one party,also pfi's were introduced by a tory gvnmt i think you'll find

Heres some facts if you want to see some,if not,you can ignore it,carry on being gullible and be suckered in by the right wing press and the pr people like cameron that run our country now



You can scoff at the source link,but they're still the facts,that big line thats climbing in 2011?its much higher now

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It would seem some posts have been deleted from this thread

Look out, you are being watched



From what i can see your post was removed as it quoted and replied to a post removed by the poster (not the mods, they just removed yours as it was out of text and made no sense once the original had gone)


Cal x

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