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How could a mother do this ? I hope she never sees the light of day.


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It does, just because the law says something doesn't mean it is right all of the time does it? laws are always being updated and rewritten assisted suicide for one.


So you believe children have no human rights? this is the problem..ppl over look children and dont hear there voice as some ppl think they are owned by others..There not...I worked in childrens services and this attitude was a big problem which we are trying to get ppl out of the mindset of ppl owning children and seeing them as individuals not someones child/pawn...that woman had no more right to kill those people than I did

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Guest Guest16631
I struggle with this - so every child that has a life threatening illness or disability could be murdered by their parent - or would there be a sliding scale as to which diseases/disability would go unpunished. Who decides what the quality of life is?




.......why this story should never of been printed......

.......there can never be a blanket decision...........

........just as when to operate or not on a tumour.....

........turn off or not ....life support.......

........each and every case.......

........is personal......individual.....reliant on people's state of health.....emotion.....circumstance

........reporting such as this just leads to outrage......

.........anger and often wrath against those whose only crime is association .......

.........the moral finger will point......

..........many will duck for cover.......

...........where was the help.........?

...........the father.....?

...........the health professionals.....?

...........stories such as theses........poorly informed sensational attention grabbers.....

...........do more harm ......than any good they purport to achieve.......IMO....

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Guest Guest66881
So you believe children have no human rights? this is the problem..ppl over look children and dont hear there voice as some ppl think they are owned by others..There not...I worked in childrens services and this attitude was a big problem which we are trying to get ppl out of the mindset of ppl owning children and seeing them as individuals not someones child/pawn...that woman had no more right to kill those people than I did


Fence sitter are we?

I never mentioned 'owning'. My children are ours because we created them, not a god nor a law system, so why should either have the ultimate say on my life and my childrens - hows that for my human rights?

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Í don't know how she killed them, but I keep thinking of their terror.


Imagine Mummy holding the pillow over their face or holding them under water in the bath.

The sheer terror that Mummy of all people would this.

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Í don't know how she killed them, but I keep thinking of their terror.


Imagine Mummy holding the pillow over their face or holding them under water in the bath.

The sheer terror that Mummy of all people would this.


Giving them a cocktail of pills that may have caused pain before they succumbed to death.

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Guest Guest66881

I can and do mate, murder of anyone is very wrong and very emotional. But the thread is about a mother killing her kids fro what she saw as correct at that time - think about her emotions at that time and not the moral judgemental approach some seem to be having.

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What happened was truly horrific and extraordinary . I don't believe any parent has the right to murder their child .

But , watching a toddler , yet alone 3 wasting away in front of your eyes with no cure must have a terrible effect on anyone's mental well being . I looked at the illness on Wikipedia so I'm no expert but it doesn't seem pleasant . Breathing difficulties and muscle wastage.

How much love does it take to say no more suffering ?

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Guest Guest66881
Its wrong to kill a person in my life, in my work place and in the legal system where I live..regardless of whether that person is younger than you or shares some of your dna or not...



Then your love is less than your belief or laws.

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Then your love is less than your belief or laws.


Maybe..but my desire for everyone to have free will and independence is more...If my child had decision making capacity and asked me to end their life. .I might break the law and do the wrong thing...maybe that's what happened here, we don't know and cant tell from some media reports...I just didnt like how everyone jumped to defend the woman and made assumptions. .children have the same rights as adults and I dnt agree with ppl who feel they have or should have some sort of power over their children..or that they can speak for their child and make their choices...I advocate for children and its so important we dnt forget they are individuals, completely seperate from their parents...no one has 'rights' to treat a child or any other person a certain way wthout their consent and children dnt always have capacity to consent.

And on another point I genuinely believe if this couple had a different socioeconomic background reported, some responses would be different.

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I don't know either way whether she killed the children to release her suffering or theirs, she will get the opportunity to tell her story in due course. I found it a bit odd that dad was off on holiday with the other child leaving her at home with the three youngest, if she was go a fragile mind this would not have helped.


The photos I saw were of happy children, they didn't look to be suffering at this point. It is a shame they did not get to enjoy a little more of life.


Me, I don't believe in euthanasia. I do understand it though and I hope people that commit it are treated with some empathy. But on balance I think the state needs to hold firm and not allow it, else we start a slippery slope of every Tom, Dick and Harry thinking they get to choose when somebody else's life is worth living.

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There is no reason to murder a child. No circumstances where that is justifiable.

For a mother to kill her 3 children is evil and the ultimate betrayal.

I don't care whether she was depressed it does not explain such a horrific act against her defenseless kids who would have trusted her to protect them.


Skipping nine pages of discussion, I do agree. But I also know my neighbour copes daily with a severely disabled daughter, and I don't know how they get the strength. It's not just the days, its the nights too.

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I think we have to wait for the whole story about this one. This situation is a very personal one and whether you agree or not agree or the law says this or that, its happened and our law gives people the right of innocence until proved guilty.

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Maybe the question should not be "How could a mother do this?", but rather "What could have driven a mother to do this?". This is a terrible tragedy for everyone concerned, and having two healthy children, I can't imagine the physical and emotional stresses of having to look after three unwell and very young children, day and night, week in and week out, month after month. I would do anything to protect my children, I think most parents would, so I think that her mental state must have been extremely dire for this situation to occur. Where was her support? Surely she wouldn't have been expected to cope with the three children alone? I understand that her husband and eldest child were away, but what about support from others? From reading the story, it seems that the children had to be fed through tubes, and given medication hourly. There had been some involvement from social services, but their opinion of the situation was that she should "Get on with it and pull herself together".


A terrible thing, but I think that there is far more to this story than we are being told at present.

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Guest Guest66881
But what abt baby p's mum?...did we all also ask 'what could have driven a mother to do this'??


She was and still is just a nasty horrible person who committed murder.

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It is clearly simplistic to paint this as a cold-blooded murder of innocent children. I suspect that whatever the courts will impose if found guilty it will be minor compared with the mental torment leading to the crime and now. The overwhelming feeling with a crime like this is sadness, not anger or outrage.

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But what abt baby p's mum?...did we all also ask 'what could have driven a mother to do this'??


Drink and drugs probably, and not to forget the involvement of two evil men who had a history of child sexual and physical abuse. That, to me is an entirely different thing. Those injuries were inflicted on Baby P out of sheer malice.

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With this mother and her 3 small children I am left wondering why her husband was away and why he left her in charge of the 3 when she may well have been unable to cope with their situation. There is a lot more to this I think. God help the whole lot of them.

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Guest Guest66881
Drink and drugs probably, and not to forget the involvement of two evil men who had a history of child sexual and physical abuse. That, to me is an entirely different thing. Those injuries were inflicted on Baby P out of sheer malice.


Just another fabric stretching attempt by people who think differently to the rational minded, to bring up baby P's death in the same thread is nothing short of disgusting to that poor childs memory, sexual deviants are not caring parents who lose touch with reality.

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Just another fabric stretching attempt by people who think differently to the rational minded, to bring up baby P's death in the same thread is nothing short of disgusting to that poor childs memory, sexual deviants are not caring parents who lose touch with reality.


Why do u always have to reply wth derogatory comments..first I was pathetic and now disgusting!

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