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Guest Guest95262

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Guest Guest95262
Because this is their country and we are the "vermin" - the intruders.


so hows that different to a rat exactly.

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Well maybe Melbourne crows are different from Perth crows then cos i can assure you they are bloody annoying! Just because they dont bother you doesnt mean everyone likes to hear them!


Its just noise I mean they don't attack you. I'd be more worried about Magpies in the garden cause they dive bomb. Crows just sit around squawking like a lot of Aussies I know lol. :biglaugh:

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No ones mentioned head swoopin magpies.. they always deliberately miss tho...


lol I didn't believe that this actually happens to people cause my friend said she was chased away by birds when she was having her lunch at uni and that a magpie attacked her another time and somehow cut her finger - she bled... it's actually a bit worrying come to think of it

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Do you mean the ravens? I like to imitate them and have a conversation. Drives the missus mad but I think it's funny. They sort of have a competition with each other, which one can do the longest OOOOOOOH at the end of their call. If you can do a real long one they go quiet for a while, as if pondering how to get a longer one in. Try and learn their call, it's all good fun.

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Guest Guest66881

Yeah i like watching the ravens at the shopping centre, how they turn heads sideways to get a better look at things then drop down and plod across like a thug after a kitten, very clever birds - very prehistoric too.

The way they pick things up off the ground then drop them and grunt out a big QWUARRRK as if to say look what i got.

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Guest Guest66881

Understandable, but certain ones would jump on it in a flash, so best leave alone - back to pommie bashing i suppose:laugh:

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so hows that different to a rat exactly.


The rats you refer to are also introduced "vermin" like us newcomers: they arrived on ships from Europe.


The native bush rats - which you won't see around your city - were here with the crows a long time before we arrived....and they get on with their lives without bothering us.

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Ahh crows............giving poms something else to whinge about :rolleyes:


Nothing a decent bushfire or cyclone wouldn't cure. :wink:


Actually....I'm a bit worried about our crows. Haven't heard a peep out of them for days. Must be off looking for some Poms to annoy. :yes:

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Guest Guest66881

Theres a right big crow up at Joondalup, always hopping around the car parks only got one leg manages to crow


away, big fat bugger so must be doing ok.

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Guest Guest95262
The rats you refer to are also introduced "vermin" like us newcomers: they arrived on ships from Europe.


The native bush rats - which you won't see around your city - were here with the crows a long time before we arrived....and they get on with their lives without bothering us.







plenty of others get "dealt" with. and like i said in my first post if you even read it, I am not down with killing anything I just want them to go away, I mean its a big enough country right?

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