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Tv show looking for poms in oz!


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I am a producer at ITV studios working on an upcoming television show.

We are looking at the traditions British people living or visiting Australia bring here from the UK.. What is a pommy Christmas here like??

If you have some stories, especially quirky surprising ones, about bringing your pommy life to Oz, I would love to hear from you!

Please pm me.


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I am a producer at ITV studios working on an upcoming television show.

We are looking at the traditions British people living or visiting Australia bring here from the UK.. What is a pommy Christmas here like??

If you have some stories, especially quirky surprising ones, about bringing your pommy life to Oz, I would love to hear from you!

Please pm me.


Another rose tinted glasses programme.. Just what the public need after a recession

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You can not get a pm after one post.


Christmas here is very different. In some ways it varies between feeling bizzare to not really feeling like Christmas as all. Seeing all the christmas decorations and things when it is 40 degrees is very odd.


We vary what we do on christmas day as i would prefer the traditional christmas lunch, while me wife thinks it is too hot for it. So, some years i get my way and some she wins and we have seafood. This year was a compromise and we did the turkey but served it with salads.


The biggest difference though is family. In the UK christmas was always a big family gathering, but here there is just the two of us.


We normally go to the beach christmas morning then have some time round the pool while lunch is cooking.

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The biggest difference though is family. In the UK christmas was always a big family gathering, but here there is just the two of us.




Yeah - used to whinge about having to cook for all and sundry on Xmas day, but I really miss the company of family and friends at Christmas. Still haven't got used to being just us after 8 years.....

Doesn't seem to be Christmas tbh

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We do all the same things as in the UK- Christmas tree and decorations, lights and cinnamon scented candles. It's odd here in the build up to Christmas (being outside in your sunnies and shorts doesn't seem right) but in our own home we make it feel very Christmassy and special. On Christmas Day we turn the air con up so it's realy cold, cook a roast dinner with a good Christmas album playing on repeat in the background, open presents and watch a Christmas movie with baileys, mince pies and brandy cream in the evening. We don't realy go outside, it feels more Christmassy that way!

We've had 2 lovely Christmasses here, but I admit I do miss an English Christmas. My OH isn't bothered though, he hates de icing the car with a passion and is thankful everyday he doesn't have to do it ever again.

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I've had 9 Aussie christmasses, my last in the UK was 2006. The main difference is you can take it or leave it! It's not shoved down your throat and although consumerism is part of it, i find it much less intense. Have embraced the aussie xmas ; ordering my prawns a few days before for collection on xmas eve, taking my child around the local streets at 9pm (when it's finally dark enough) covered in mossie spray to see the neighbourhood lights, making a pavlova, getting the beers stocked up, putting up the pool, buying a big ham, paying over 15 quid for a tin of quality street......


absolutely hanging for a british xmas though! currently organising xmas in july for a bunch of poms in adelaide- we're going log fires, roast and baileys all the way!

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Haha does still listening to the Archers after nearly ten years count? Thank heavens for podcasts and BBC iplayer.....


Thanks GOD ! I thought it was just me, after 3 short years. Or as Ruth might say... Ohhhhhh Nooooooo !


As for British'ness, I drive my car, purchased from Fords of Winsword, just off the M6, with my dog, from the Border Collie Resuce center in Staffordshire for a walk by the water as I did in the UK... Ok I swapped the muddy River Bollin for the Indian Ocean... sort of same Sh1T, different Country really... Time for tea ! Hob Nob anyone?

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