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The Royal Tour - Kate Will and George in NZ and Australia


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As a Victorian and they are not coming here, sour grapes, why I do not want to contribute to a visit that does not include my State. So take that on board Government.


I believe we will be a republic it was interesting to look at the crowds, predominantly Caucasian faces.


I believe that the silent majority in Aus will go for a republic and we should. I have said it before, look what Brits have to do just to come and live here, so why should we be headed by the Queen. Not friendly the visa system on either side if we are supposed to be in this big happy commonwealth family.

I'm a non-Caucasian and I would have gone to meet and greet them if they would have come to Melbourne.

They are a nice couple. So I'm sure we won't become a republic anytime soon.

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As a Victorian and they are not coming here, sour grapes, why I do not want to contribute to a visit that does not include my State. So take that on board Government.


I believe we will be a republic it was interesting to look at the crowds, predominantly Caucasian faces.


I believe that the silent majority in Aus will go for a republic and we should. I have said it before, look what Brits have to do just to come and live here, so why should we be headed by the Queen. Not friendly the visa system on either side if we are supposed to be in this big happy commonwealth family.

Any advantage given to countries in the commonwealth wouldn't work now, as there are 53 countries in it. And as English is integral to the migration program, the common wealth countries would have an advantage in the migration points anyway.

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I love reading all the press reports and watching the TV reports on William and Kate (and George) in NZ and now Australia. I don't care about the alleged expense, and in any case, believe that the costs are recouped through increased tourism, and the like - Kate's dresses selling out, for instance. I read in the paper that there has been increased interest in travel to New Zealand since their visit.


I'll never vote for a republic, either in Australia, or in the UK. I like our constitutional monarchy and our history. If anybody can show me how a republic would improve my life, I'll be interested to see it, with examples of other countries that have made the change, and the alleged improvements.

I have to agree with this. In the bigger scheme of things, my tax money is being used for lots of things, some I might agree and some I might not agree. And the amount spent on Royals isn't that high anyway. They are what makes us special.

And on top of that, they are a wonderful couple.

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I'm a non-Caucasian and I would have gone to meet and greet them if they would have come to Melbourne.

They are a nice couple. So I'm sure we won't become a republic anytime soon.


Have you forgotten protocol??


A King does not go to meet a Prince...:mad:


Cheers, Bobj.

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How does it feel to be in a minority?


Probably a little bit similar to the guy wanting Australia to become an independent country in the 1850's and being told there was no need...just a little ahead of their time but with history on their side ;)

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What did the Windsors do in 1963? I can't think of anything controversial?


What are the advantages of a republic?


They didn't do anything controversial but the defining moment for me occurred in March 1963. I was a 15 year old and on this particular day was selling newspapers for the local newsagent. The Royal Surf carnival was happening on a rainy day at Coolangatta Beach on the Gold coast. There was the Mayor resplendent in his robes and chains and his wife and many other local and State dignitaries standing in the rain as the black Rolls Royce pulled up. Liz and Phil the Greek got out of said Roller and were greeted by all the dignitaries who bowed, curtseyed,grovelled and tugged at their forelocks.......the amassed crowd waved their little foreign flags and went oooh aahh. The Royals stayed about half an hour if I remember rightly and then left her subjects to their own devices in the rain. When I saw all this bullshit with it's bowing and scraping and grovelling I thought "we have to get rid of all this crap".....my epiphany occurred......I was a Republican and as I said I have not wavered one iota in the ensuing 51 years.


What are the advantages of a republic


over a Constitutional Monarchy.....not a lot in reality but to Republicans like myself ONE big advantage......our Head of State will be an Australian not a foreign monarch........probably means nothing to most pommy bastards but it does to us.

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Guest Guest66881

So how would a new 'leader' of this country be picked, would it have to be someone famous in the limelight so to speak or just a normal down to earth aussie bloke/sheila?

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Guest Ptp113
So how would a new 'leader' of this country be picked, would it have to be someone famous in the limelight so to speak or just a normal down to earth aussie bloke/sheila?


You'd be good....... You have the right heritage as per Pommy Royal Family, yeah you'd be a good choice mate!

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