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“toxic” drug culture hidden beneath Perth’s “pleasant and attractive” landscape


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Guest Guest66881

Smoked copiuos amounts of weed at high school and college, they say it offects speling in latter life but i dohnt beleive it:laugh:

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Of course it's no worse just people offering ridiculously outlandish claims to stir a pot, fueled by a judge who's probably not that in touch with the ground.


Yeh the old judge would probably see lots of kids coming in front of him with drug problems and think that all kids are the same. Can't see that he's done any serious research. Doubt that he's down Northbridge at weekends, checking to see if he's right.

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Guest Guest66881

I cannot comment about Northbridge as i don't need to go down there, maybe we have members who do and can?

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I find it interesting that meth use is relatively very low in the UK compared to eastern europe, USA/Canada and Australia/New Zealand. http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-23453028


Seems it's too expensive in the UK and harder to produce, so other drugs are more popular.


Interesting article about meth use in Australia: http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/the-other--faces-of-meth-20131118-2xptw.html


All I know is that it was a bit scary to think that there are labs in towns like Kalgoorlie http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-05-29/police-remove-children-from-home-with-suspected-drug-lab/4719744 so it's certainly not limited to cities.

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I find it interesting that meth use is relatively very low in the UK compared to eastern europe, USA/Canada and Australia/New Zealand. http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-23453028


Seems it's too expensive in the UK and harder to produce, so other drugs are more popular.


Interesting article about meth use in Australia: http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/the-other--faces-of-meth-20131118-2xptw.html


All I know is that it was a bit scary to think that there are labs in towns like Kalgoorlie http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-05-29/police-remove-children-from-home-with-suspected-drug-lab/4719744 so it's certainly not limited to cities.


Kalgoorlie is a major centre with nothing else within 600Km. It's a mining town and pretty rough so I would be surprised if there weren't any labs in Kal.

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She does though lol she's from Glasgow and I used to joke that she's a bit rougher than other peoples grans. Plus she buys her cigarettes from the Ice cream van pmsl. Only in glasgow! :laugh:


We have an ice-cream van that comes around all year, we don't see them selling many ice-creams & always joke the drug dealers here.

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Guest Guest40285
I suppose it's all 'medicinal' hey @Lindor





Haha, that back ground looks very familar to a property I managed near Nimbin a long time ago, haha, acres of the sh!t.

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We have an ice-cream van that comes around all year, we don't see them selling many ice-creams & always joke the drug dealers here.

Outside my old school the Icecream van used to sell single cigarettes to the kids and glue tubes with a plastic bag and elastic band. Ah the good old 80's eh?

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The thread is stupid, it does happen everywhere. What some might not realise about oz though as around 2010 think it was , Australia was the biggest recreational drug consuming nation in the world. It is a big problem. I was a drug addict (meth ) from the time I was 15 till I was 24. I was addicted for years and it ain't pretty. I went through 2 years of rehab ( 3 mnths live in) still haunts me to this day. I'm very proud of the man I've become now and I can't stand drugs at all now. Been clean over 10 years. I have worked with helping others in this time and I try my best to live my life the best way possible. I've put in a lot of hard work in ten years and created a good life for myself now.

Meth kills, I've buried a lot of child hood friends , to many for someone my age.ive seen first hand what it does. I also have friends now that work with drug addicts and also inmates helping rehabilitate.Most people havnt a clue what's going on, it's all around them. It gets cooked all over the place, nice hotel rooms, fancy suburbs, houses you would not think it's happening, mainly in very populated areas. It's need a new approach to tackle the problem. It affects people from all walks of life, and I wouldn't wish the addiction on my worst enemy. I've seen it destroy families from all different backgrounds. Look at rural America and the problems it caused in some places.

It's no joke. These kids pay $500 a gram and do what they have to get the money. I'm all for the police crack down on bikies as I know they are the main suppliers of it around oz. The money in it is huge. Australia does have a very big issue with meth , it needs a solution and quick. Never thought I'd be writing this on here to strangers but there you go. It is a big issue.

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Out of interest, may I ask why u first started? Was it at school, in the park etc. Was it coz yr mates were? Sorry if it seems nosy its just that information is power when I have little ones growing up fast :-)

The thread is stupid, it does happen everywhere. What some might not realise about oz though as around 2010 think it was , Australia was the biggest recreational drug consuming nation in the world. It is a big problem. I was a drug addict (meth ) from the time I was 15 till I was 24. I was addicted for years and it ain't pretty. I went through 2 years of rehab ( 3 mnths live in) still haunts me to this day. I'm very proud of the man I've become now and I can't stand drugs at all now. Been clean over 10 years. I have worked with helping others in this time and I try my best to live my life the best way possible. I've put in a lot of hard work in ten years and created a good life for myself now.

Meth kills, I've buried a lot of child hood friends , to many for someone my age.ive seen first hand what it does. I also have friends now that work with drug addicts and also inmates helping rehabilitate.Most people havnt a clue what's going on, it's all around them. It gets cooked all over the place, nice hotel rooms, fancy suburbs, houses you would not think it's happening, mainly in very populated areas. It's need a new approach to tackle the problem. It affects people from all walks of life, and I wouldn't wish the addiction on my worst enemy. I've seen it destroy families from all different backgrounds. Look at rural America and the problems it caused in some places.

It's no joke. These kids pay $500 a gram and do what they have to get the money. I'm all for the police crack down on bikies as I know they are the main suppliers of it around oz. The money in it is huge. Australia does have a very big issue with meth , it needs a solution and quick. Never thought I'd be writing this on here to strangers but there you go. It is a big issue.

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Out of interest, may I ask why u first started? Was it at school, in the park etc. Was it coz yr mates were? Sorry if it seems nosy its just that information is power when I have little ones growing up fast :-)


i first took it at a party. One friend from school was the son of a bikie. He had no issues with selling to us kids. Curiosity got the better of me and I tryed some. It started as a weekend thing , then progressed. I grew up in Logan and it was readily available. I was a Australian champion bMx rider till I was 15. This got hold of me and that went out the window. When I was younger I trained 4 nights a week for bMx and was missing out on all the fun kids seemed to be having. Once I started going to school parties and hanging around the wrong kids , I picked up bad habits. Wish I had my time again , but that's how it played out. I left home at 16 cause my parents couldn't handle me. It destroyed them and the last ten years I have tryed my best to make them proud. I recommend educating children just how bad drugs are and what happens to those that choose to use them at a young age. Good groups of friends are the key. I managed to find the worst of the worst. It is everywhere though and I know a certain private schools where it's way to popular with the kids . Education on it is the key. I never knew what the outcome was going to turn out like. Back then it was not like it is now.

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there are Ice labs everywhere.....the stuff is cooked up in the boot of cars.....the word "lab" is a little mis-leading.....it brings to mind white coats and clinical instruments.....that couldnt be further from the truth.....cooking up these drugs is a dangerous occupation.....many are killed in the process.....WA's problems with Meth were not helped by the lack of resources put in place to combat the problem.....10 years ago the WA police force only had 3 or 4 officers tasked at dealing with this problem across the whole of WA.....substance abuse amongst the Aboriginies is also a huge problem for Australia but this seems to be swept under the carpet.

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i first took it at a party. One friend from school was the son of a bikie. He had no issues with selling to us kids. Curiosity got the better of me and I tryed some. It started as a weekend thing , then progressed. I grew up in Logan and it was readily available. I was a Australian champion bMx rider till I was 15. This got hold of me and that went out the window. When I was younger I trained 4 nights a week for bMx and was missing out on all the fun kids seemed to be having. Once I started going to school parties and hanging around the wrong kids , I picked up bad habits. Wish I had my time again , but that's how it played out. I left home at 16 cause my parents couldn't handle me. It destroyed them and the last ten years I have tryed my best to make them proud. I recommend educating children just how bad drugs are and what happens to those that choose to use them at a young age. Good groups of friends are the key. I managed to find the worst of the worst. It is everywhere though and I know a certain private schools where it's way to popular with the kids . Education on it is the key. I never knew what the outcome was going to turn out like. Back then it was not like it is now.


I saw this first hand.....families with young children....16, 17, 18 no longer able to cope with the erratic behaviour of their kids.....forced to call the authorities and watch their kids forcibly removed to a safe institution.....not pretty.

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We have an ice-cream van that comes around all year, we don't see them selling many ice-creams & always joke the drug dealers here.


Where me and Dave lived last time the Icecream van used to come around in winter and it only stopped in one area and didn't stay for long at all, like literally a few minutes lol so wouldn't be surprised. I joked that my grans one was the same since it sold cigs to them too. But he's more like a bloody corner shop lol has milk, fruit etc as well apparently.


When I saw my grandad at new year his tobacco tin had a hash leaf on it :laugh: my aunts face was a picture lol was so funny. It was one another cousin gave him but he got ordered to use his new rangers one :laugh:

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The thread is stupid, it does happen everywhere. What some might not realise about oz though as around 2010 think it was , Australia was the biggest recreational drug consuming nation in the world. It is a big problem. I was a drug addict (meth ) from the time I was 15 till I was 24. I was addicted for years and it ain't pretty. I went through 2 years of rehab ( 3 mnths live in) still haunts me to this day. I'm very proud of the man I've become now and I can't stand drugs at all now. Been clean over 10 years. I have worked with helping others in this time and I try my best to live my life the best way possible. I've put in a lot of hard work in ten years and created a good life for myself now.

Meth kills, I've buried a lot of child hood friends , to many for someone my age.ive seen first hand what it does. I also have friends now that work with drug addicts and also inmates helping rehabilitate.Most people havnt a clue what's going on, it's all around them. It gets cooked all over the place, nice hotel rooms, fancy suburbs, houses you would not think it's happening, mainly in very populated areas. It's need a new approach to tackle the problem. It affects people from all walks of life, and I wouldn't wish the addiction on my worst enemy. I've seen it destroy families from all different backgrounds. Look at rural America and the problems it caused in some places.

It's no joke. These kids pay $500 a gram and do what they have to get the money. I'm all for the police crack down on bikies as I know they are the main suppliers of it around oz. The money in it is huge. Australia does have a very big issue with meth , it needs a solution and quick. Never thought I'd be writing this on here to strangers but there you go. It is a big issue.


Well done for getting off it and changing your life! It must of been so hard

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Well done for getting off it and changing your life! It must of been so hard


Thank you and I wouldn't wish that part of my life on anyone. Most don't come out of it . Luckily I had the right support from the right people. Most sadly don't. Life is great now, and I feel blessed getting another chance at it. :) Ideally I would really like to write a book on this matter. Might have to do some grammar lessons first though.

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