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Northern Hemisphere.............


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Specifically posted in the MBTTUK thread for the anticipated audience....


Anyone else get pangs of homesickness when seeing (on the TV etc) or being in, the northern hemisphere?


Even being in North America does it for me. The trees, the seasons, the squirels. Was trying to describe it to our lass who is from here (South Australia) and she doesn't get it at all.


I'm wondering if there is an element of inherited memory as well as the obvious i.e. growing up in the NH. Our family lineage is back to the Vikings so that's alot of (combined) time spent up there...


Just interested in others views. Not interested in hearing from people who have been here (in the Southern Hemisphere) for 1 or 2 years and still over the moon about paying 90p a litre and all that rubbish.....

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I MISS the UK seasons....keep seeing pics on FB of the spring sunshine in the northumbrian countryside & it makes my heart ache :-( I cant wait for the winter to hit here so I can wear proper clothes & socks....I even miss the bloody rain in the UK. My aussie friends laugh at me cos am the crazy pom who goes walking/running when its pissing down outside..

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I MISS the UK seasons....keep seeing pics on FB of the spring sunshine in the northumbrian countryside & it makes my heart ache :-( I cant wait for the winter to hit here so I can wear proper clothes & socks....I even miss the bloody rain in the UK. My aussie friends laugh at me cos am the crazy pom who goes walking/running when its pissing down outside..


Aghhh, nice one Helz - it's not just me then eh. Specifically like the Northumbrian bit - grew up in Saltburn by the sea so very aware of that particular heart ache! What are we all like ay, spend 10 + years dreaming of living and surfing in Aus then whinge on a forum when here! Least I admit it hey.


Also, you may be the only other person I know of who agree's that winter is better than summer here. I love it in winter, dirt bikes all the time and the surf is miles better and less crowded.


I have a big decision to make in the next three months; Move to Texas, move to Newcastle (NSW) or move back to Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Not a bad situation at all but still a complete head doer!


Cheers for the reply.

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Aghhh, nice one Helz - it's not just me then eh. Specifically like the Northumbrian bit - grew up in Saltburn by the sea so very aware of that particular heart ache! What are we all like ay, spend 10 + years dreaming of living and surfing in Aus then whinge on a forum when here! Least I admit it hey.


Also, you may be the only other person I know of who agree's that winter is better than summer here. I love it in winter, dirt bikes all the time and the surf is miles better and less crowded.


I have a big decision to make in the next three months; Move to Texas, move to Newcastle (NSW) or move back to Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Not a bad situation at all but still a complete head doer!


Cheers for the reply.




Why do you want to move to Texas ? That`s not a negative BTW, it`s just that Texas is so huge and it depends on what you are looking for. Where did you think of moving to in Texas? Personally, I dislike the Houston area but job opportunities are great here. Austin is quite nice. Went to Dallas a few times ( BIL lives there), didn`t like it. The Hill Country is pretty but I guess not a lot of jobs around?

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Surfndirt I'm from the North East too and my eyes fill up sometimes when I see a TV programme about home. I just bought "Tales from Northumberland with Robson Green" on DVD and have been getting all homesick!


We are moving back to Northumberland in January, really looking forward to getting oot and aboot in the Toon again!


Oh and totally agree re winter here, I love it!

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Oh yeah! I sure did. Even though Canberra was one of the better places for seasons it still doesn't do seasons like Cambridge! I think it may well be inherited memory that made me feel alien - I don't do harsh bright, I'm more of a mellow lush green kinda gal. In Aus I lived on Midsomer Murders and that ilk - and Time Team! Time Team kept me sane(ish).


Dont know that I could do Texas though - not for any length of time anyway (back to harsh bright). Good luck with your decision making! Nothing is forever - right?!

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Love the aussie winters...lived in the blue mountains,nsw for a while,really cold sometimes...spring and autumn also nice but,yes the summers just too hot and sticky for me now...I work a lot outdoors so the weather is really important...as for the NH..yes very nice and the contrast from winter to spring is amazing...summer in the Uk is lovely...just the colours and the sounds of birds etc...can`t wait to be there again..then again come mid winter it may not be too much fun...oh well nowhere perfect...cheers

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Aghhh, nice one Helz - it's not just me then eh. Specifically like the Northumbrian bit - grew up in Saltburn by the sea so very aware of that particular heart ache! What are we all like ay, spend 10 + years dreaming of living and surfing in Aus then whinge on a forum when here! Least I admit it hey.


Also, you may be the only other person I know of who agree's that winter is better than summer here. I love it in winter, dirt bikes all the time and the surf is miles better and less crowded.


I have a big decision to make in the next three months; Move to Texas, move to Newcastle (NSW) or move back to Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Not a bad situation at all but still a complete head doer!


Cheers for the reply.

so what do you think you will do? Head to ncl here or ncl home?!?

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Surfndirt I'm from the North East too and my eyes fill up sometimes when I see a TV programme about home. I just bought "Tales from Northumberland with Robson Green" on DVD and have been getting all homesick!


We are moving back to Northumberland in January, really looking forward to getting oot and aboot in the Toon again!


Oh and totally agree re winter here, I love it!

I need that DVD!!! My friend helped in the making of it!

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I love the shoulder months in both hemispheres, but there is something very special about spring and autumn in the northern hemisphere. The fresh, crisp mornings and blue skies. It's cool enough to wear jeans and T-shirt but not hot enough to wear shorts and nothing else. I've always loved stylish clothes, so I cannot get on with wearing boardies every day and every night. There is always a sense of real optimism for the coming season. With the approach of winter you have August Bank Hols, Fireworks night, Halloween and Crimbo as markers. Then spring approaches with anticipation of comfortable warm days and long cool evenings for the summer. The spring countryside in the UK is absolutely gorgeous and the morning chorus melodic.


The northern hemisphere is the right way round, but then I was born in the UK so that's why everything feels right. I always feel totally connected and on the pulse when in the UK/U.S. Whereas when I'm in Aust I always feel life is between the beats, like when you tap to a tune but you're just out of beat.


There are many, many "different" things I love about Aust though.


I lived in Keller, just outside Dallas, for a while and although the Tx weather is more like Aust than the UK, I loved it. I met the most friendliest people in the world whilst I was there and made a good circle of friends in no time at all. I met some of them whilst grocery shopping!! There is no need to join clubs or put yourself out. The houses are amazing and sooooo cheap in comparison to both Aust and UK. If I could, I would move to Southlakes tomorrow as it's my most favourite place in the world - for day to day living. The dollar goes far and there is plenty of work if you're in I.T, banking, project management, networks, etc. The big U.S employers are moving over there due to cheap real estate. I drove to Utah for a couple of ski trips with friends, also to New Mexico. Quick flights over to Vegas for some self indulgence. I met some of the prettiest and self assured women in the world when I was in Tx......but I'll save that for another day!

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I like the inherited/ancestral memory idea. It explains why my Australian husband (with Irish/Italian/Scottish ancestry) feels so at home in the UK, and why the Australian landscape can seem so alien. Don't get me wrong, some parts of Australia are really beautiful but I really think it is a continent that is very inhospitable to humans. It's a harsh country in many ways (weather, wildlife etc) and it amazes me how the early settlers survived.


I get nostalgic watching loads of stuff on tv - even the sound of the crowd at the football takes me back to watching Match of The Day on a Saturday night - always a ritual in our house when I was a child. When you move countries/hemispheres you lose that connection with the world you grew up in as a child/teenager (when you are at your most impressionable). I wonder if my kids will feel a similar affection for Australia when they get older.

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Aghhh, nice one Helz - it's not just me then eh. Specifically like the Northumbrian bit - grew up in Saltburn by the sea so very aware of that particular heart ache! What are we all like ay, spend 10 + years dreaming of living and surfing in Aus then whinge on a forum when here! Least I admit it hey.


Also, you may be the only other person I know of who agree's that winter is better than summer here. I love it in winter, dirt bikes all the time and the surf is miles better and less crowded.


I have a big decision to make in the next three months; Move to Texas, move to Newcastle (NSW) or move back to Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Not a bad situation at all but still a complete head doer!


Cheers for the reply.




Don't know about the work situation ....but I was very impressed with Northumberland when I visited ....I should imagine a great quality of life ....Alnwick ...lindisfarne ....Bamburgh casle ....hadrians wall ....and lots of space, especially coming from the west midlands ...its probably where you will end up S and D ....but I think you you still have the wanderlust , so its probably Texas ....for now

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so what do you think you will do? Head to ncl here or ncl home?!?


Hya Helz, well - I've got me last telephone interview for the gig in Ncl NSW at 10am today so that will probably go some way to helping make a decision!


I must admit, that is a cracker of a spot (NCL NSW) - loved it when I went to have a look round and how mad are all the suburb names! Best one has gotta be Jesmond where, as can be guessed, all the students live! How mad :-)


I guess all I know at the moment is that Melbourne (read any of the large Australian state capitals) is no longer my thing at all.... (although never really was).

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I love the shoulder months in both hemispheres, but there is something very special about spring and autumn in the northern hemisphere. The fresh, crisp mornings and blue skies. It's cool enough to wear jeans and T-shirt but not hot enough to wear shorts and nothing else. I've always loved stylish clothes, so I cannot get on with wearing boardies every day and every night. There is always a sense of real optimism for the coming season. With the approach of winter you have August Bank Hols, Fireworks night, Halloween and Crimbo as markers. Then spring approaches with anticipation of comfortable warm days and long cool evenings for the summer. The spring countryside in the UK is absolutely gorgeous and the morning chorus melodic.


The northern hemisphere is the right way round, but then I was born in the UK so that's why everything feels right. I always feel totally connected and on the pulse when in the UK/U.S. Whereas when I'm in Aust I always feel life is between the beats, like when you tap to a tune but you're just out of beat.


There are many, many "different" things I love about Aust though.


I lived in Keller, just outside Dallas, for a while and although the Tx weather is more like Aust than the UK, I loved it. I met the most friendliest people in the world whilst I was there and made a good circle of friends in no time at all. I met some of them whilst grocery shopping!! There is no need to join clubs or put yourself out. The houses are amazing and sooooo cheap in comparison to both Aust and UK. If I could, I would move to Southlakes tomorrow as it's my most favourite place in the world - for day to day living. The dollar goes far and there is plenty of work if you're in I.T, banking, project management, networks, etc. The big U.S employers are moving over there due to cheap real estate. I drove to Utah for a couple of ski trips with friends, also to New Mexico. Quick flights over to Vegas for some self indulgence. I met some of the prettiest and self assured women in the world when I was in Tx......but I'll save that for another day!


Cheers T-bone,


Yeah mate - Texas is a ripper spot for the correct mindset and attitude hey. Wouldn't like to be a raving greenie there though - probably feel like torture! I'll be honest - I am actually going on a bit of a wing and a prayer over there. Out on 28th April with 3x weeks to try and find a job in the IT game. Went last year and set up the structures for an investment property so have that ticking over now in Houston. Have a network of property and investment types in the majors but now really kinda cold calling for jobs / recruiters. Deffo worth a stab though I reckon!

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Don't know about the work situation ....but I was very impressed with Northumberland when I visited ....I should imagine a great quality of life ....Alnwick ...lindisfarne ....Bamburgh casle ....hadrians wall ....and lots of space, especially coming from the west midlands ...its probably where you will end up S and D ....but I think you you still have the wanderlust , so its probably Texas ....for now


Nice one Bunbury,


Yeah, I could see me sat in front of the fire with me lab at me feet at a boozer in Alnwick in a canny few years. Tell you what, I'd have some bloody stories all right! Yeah mate, I like that mental image, thanks for that......


If there is anywhere in the world that could be described as gods country - it really really is Northumberland.... Viking gods abound up there :-)

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I've lived in the UK over 15 years and I still get homesick when I see Australia on the tele. :(


Yeah mate - exactly, that's just like all us lot bangin on about the UK; would be the same if you were born down here ay. Must admit though, I bet being in London doesn't help matters one iota though...... That joint nearly sent me round the bend and I was only banished there for two years!

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Hya Helz, well - I've got me last telephone interview for the gig in Ncl NSW at 10am today so that will probably go some way to helping make a decision!


I must admit, that is a cracker of a spot (NCL NSW) - loved it when I went to have a look round and how mad are all the suburb names! Best one has gotta be Jesmond where, as can be guessed, all the students live! How mad :-)


I guess all I know at the moment is that Melbourne (read any of the large Australian state capitals) is no longer my thing at all.... (although never really was).

How did it go?!

Haha I know & there's a Hexham which is my closet town back home

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Don't know about the work situation ....but I was very impressed with Northumberland when I visited ....I should imagine a great quality of life ....Alnwick ...lindisfarne ....Bamburgh casle ....hadrians wall ....and lots of space, especially coming from the west midlands ...its probably where you will end up S and D ....but I think you you still have the wanderlust , so its probably Texas ....for now

Bunbury....hadrians wall is my neck of the woods

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