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Malaysian Airways Jet feared crashed - 6 Australians on board


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Why might it take two years to find out whats happened...sorry if ive butted in??

Just very interested/concerned like most other people...


They've got to find it first for a start......the piecing together of an air disaster is not something done in 6 weeks......a lot will depend on how much of the wreckage is found and how much of the aeroplane can be pieced together....the CVR and FDR (if found) will have to analysed. Have a read of USAir Flight 427s loss...that investigation took 4 1/2 years http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USAir_Flight_427


or Air France 447.......this investigation again took years http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_France_Flight_447


Airliners are not like cars.....they are large,complex machines and even though many redundancies and fail safes are built in sometimes as we say "the holes in the swiss cheese line up" and an accident occurs........an aircraft accident is not caused by one single event but by a series of events "lining up" so that the eventual disaster occurs.

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Because having been in aviation for over 40 years and having over 22,000 flying hours (approx 13,500 on Boeings) the loss of a an aeroplane is somewhat distressing especially when NO ONE knows what actually has happened.


Yes, wild speculation annoys me.


I was aware of your aviation background but as wild speculation is the (unfortunate) nature of this thread I would have thought you would have chosen to avoid it by now rather than keep reading the latest PIO conspiracy theories.

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They've got to find it first for a start......the piecing together of an air disaster is not something done in 6 weeks......a lot will depend on how much of the wreckage is found and how much of the aeroplane can be pieced together....the CVR and FDR (if found) will have to analysed. Have a read of USAir Flight 427s loss...that investigation took 4 1/2 years http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USAir_Flight_427


or Air France 447.......this investigation again took years http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_France_Flight_447


Airliners are not like cars.....they are large,complex machines and even though many redundancies and fail safes are built in sometimes as we say "the holes in the swiss cheese line up" and an accident occurs........an aircraft accident is not caused by one single event but by a series of events "lining up" so that the eventual disaster occurs.


Thank you for that...it makes more sense now.


I know this would be speculation, however as my family and I are flying over to OZ in July with Malaysian Airlines from Kuala Lumpar am I right in thinking that actually this makes this airline one of the safest in the air right now as the heightened awareness that follows a disaster only pays to make us all more focussed? As somebody with such a lot of aviation experience what are your thoughts?

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Thank you for that...it makes more sense now.


I know this would be speculation, however as my family and I are flying over to OZ in July with Malaysian Airlines from Kuala Lumpar am I right in thinking that actually this makes this airline one of the safest in the air right now as the heightened awareness that follows a disaster only pays to make us all more focussed? As somebody with such a lot of aviation experience what are your thoughts?


Malaysia Airlines carries 37k passengers per day. You have to put things in perspective regarding air travel.

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It's human nature to speculate. Just because most people are not aviation experts doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to speak or that their opinion is worthless. We are all people who fly in planes and incidents like this fill us with fear / horror / sympathy / curiosity - it's natural to want to talk about it.


A girl from my village who I went to school with became an Air Traffic Investigator. She worked on the Lockerbie crash and I saw her recently on tv (The Plane Crash) when they deliberately crashed a plane in the desert to see what they could learn from it. A strange career for a girl who was extremely shy, but I can see the fascination.

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True......but mine was Alien destruction not abduction :wink:


My version could still have a happy ending though, you've kind of closed your story line off, short of a time shift/parallel universe or something of that nature.


No actual proof of Klingon or Romulan existence outside of the movie/TV arena but then not much proof of anything in this thread either.

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I'm not sure it's wild speculation when people on this thread are only reporting/commenting in what is being reported by experts in the media.


But as someone not in the industry I can still see the similarities between this and other incidents. I mean the plane carried on flying without any contact with ATC. Why would conscious pilots not call in ?

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Speculation doesn't do any harm.

Our theories are just the same as theories voiced with much more prominence on every news service and every newspaper every day.

Aviation experts are asked their opinions and have provided their own theories to the media.


Our theories are the same and not doing any harm compared to what is much more visible in the mainstream media.

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US investigators are pursuing the possibility that missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 and its 239 passengers and crew are being held against their will at an unknown location.

The Wall Street Journal has this afternoon published sensational claims that counterterrorism officials now believe somebody on board deliberately turned off the plane’s transponders to avoid radar detection.

The report said data automatically downloaded and sent to the ground from the Boeing 777's engines indicated the plane remained in the air for a total of five hours - a further four hours after contact was lost.

"Officials were told investigators are actively pursuing the notion that the plane was diverted 'with the intention of using it later for another purpose'," the paper said, quoting an unnamed source.

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US investigators are pursuing the possibility that missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 and its 239 passengers and crew are being held against their will at an unknown location.

The Wall Street Journal has this afternoon published sensational claims that counterterrorism officials now believe somebody on board deliberately turned off the plane’s transponders to avoid radar detection.

The report said data automatically downloaded and sent to the ground from the Boeing 777's engines indicated the plane remained in the air for a total of five hours - a further four hours after contact was lost.

"Officials were told investigators are actively pursuing the notion that the plane was diverted 'with the intention of using it later for another purpose'," the paper said, quoting an unnamed source.



I have just heard that on the ABC news.


Must admit when I heard one aviation expert say on ABC that the transponders could be tracked for years even under the ocean, but could be turned off by the Pilot....well I did wonder if it could be a hijacking for terrorism purposes. The whole situation is so scary and worrying and I cannot imagine how the families and friends of the crew and passenger must be feeling.

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So, hijacked by North Korea or Pakistan or terrorist group to be used as a delivery mechanism for a nuclear/dirty weapon? This could be a possible answer as it seems as though it flew for another four hours.


Perhaps the NZ oil worker merely saw the diversion. The proposed crash spot by the hijackers to make the world think it crashed en-route to its destination. The hijacker's associates grabbed a pontoon, set light to it, and thought the search and rescue teams would spot it and buy them time to fly the aircraft out of the area?


Plausible enough when coupled with the fact that it looks as though the transponders had been manually switched off.

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hey Tbone! sorry to hijack the thread but how are you???? Long time no hear. Where in theworld are you nowadays????


Hello mate! How's it going? I'm currently in London but back to Perth in a couple of months. You still in Gold Coast?

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Fantastic! You still loving it?.........I'll PM you rather than take over this thread..... but in Aug to Oct I'm supposed to be going on a little road trip from Sydney via Gold Coast, Whitsundays, NT, Northern WA, then down to Perth. In which case I'll pop by if you're around? I may have to delay it due to work, so it's a little up in the air at the mo.

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