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People who take credit for your ideas at work


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My mate is in a tricky situation - Her co-worker nicks her ideas and spouts them back to her - and to management. I can see it's winding her up - I can't think of sensible things to advise apart from saying stuff like 'Yes, that's why I mentioned it earlier' or 'I'm glad you've taken my suggestions on board' Any ideas anyone??

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Maybe she should try not letting her co-worker read / see her ideas before its all put to management. If thats not possible then id to probably try the comments you mention above. If that still doesnt work then maybe be upfront and honest and get your friend to ask her co worker why she puts the ideas forwards as her own .


Cal x

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Do they have the same boss? if so, and there is a good rapport, a quiet word may help. If not, the only option is to protect her outputs and herself more! Each time she has an idea, keep to herself and share only with the boss. Or share it openly in a meeting so there will be no doubt as to the originator. This happens all the time, and happened to me a lot back in the UK. Sometimes you have to just get smart!

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Definately keep them to yourself!I experienced this a few months ago.I'd suggest something and then when my boss was relaying his convo to me about what he said to our big boss,he'd add in my suggestion like it was his own!!!At first I let it go but it did start winding me up.So after a while I started saying (in a half jokey type way)"I hope you told **** it was my idea"?I could tell by his reply and expression he did'nt!

Or worse,when someone makes a mistake and then tries to include you in the blame.Recently had an audit at work.There was only myself and a boss from another unit.So he's holding the audit papers,which I can't see?Following day said boss rings me to say "We"forgot to do a certain part of the audit"!!!I corrected him(He's 2 bands up from me lol)and said "Don't you mean "You"forgot?Boss:Sorry?Me:You were holding the papers yesterday which I could'nt see right?So that means YOU forgot!:arghh:

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I like this quote : "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."....but there is also this one : "what u do in this world is a matter of no consequence. The question is what u can make people believe you have done! " ;)

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My mate is in a tricky situation - Her co-worker nicks her ideas and spouts them back to her - and to management. I can see it's winding her up - I can't think of sensible things to advise apart from saying stuff like 'Yes, that's why I mentioned it earlier' or 'I'm glad you've taken my suggestions on board' Any ideas anyone??



sorry can't offer any advice, but it happens a lot especially where I used to work. I can remember one colleague in particular that would do this a lot, even got her a promotion. Apparently she is still doing it ......some people:wub:

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Yep hate it. Before I retired I was employed as a WA government public servant at Manager level in HR. I was responsible for successful recruitment programs worldwide, but felt that we could do even better if certain issues were addressed. I talked to my Director about this, who agreed that all I suggested was valuable, and I was asked to present a formal document for the Director General. I spent weeks putting this together with as much supporting documentation as I could find and handed it to said Director. I was asked for it electronically also... which I did... as you do. I never heard anything more about this for months and then I find that it had been submitted with my suggestions as their own... no-one even knew that it was my intellectual document. Except that I have a copy on a flash drive, and it is also filed on the WA Government's electronic filing system with me as the "Author" and with notes that it was "used and plagarised" by this horrid person. I know now that my recommendations have been taken on board and will be implemented with the next overseas recruitment drive... I hope it is successful, but I would just like acknowledgement that it was my suggestions and work that presented that paper and not the Plonker I used to report to, before I retired!

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there are many people in life who will tread on others toes ( or even stamp on them ) to get ahead in their so called life . The battle for us folks is spotting these types of people and learning how to deal with them. i personally like to keep my friends close , and my enemys even closer . And i certainly wouldnt share any good ideas with them!

There are many in management where i have worked that shouldnt be in their roles .... and probably have used this same tactic to get where they are now! its a shame how this happens, and its even harder to get rid of them once they are in these job roles.

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Bring up ideas during formal meetings where minutes are kept and witnesses present. Depending on level of importance present directly to CEO. Maintain written accounts of everything. E mail records very important. Be careful of informal chats around work place colleagues. Many only too happy to get the jump up on another colleague. It can be a jungle out there.

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I concur


If I say anything these days I put it in an email, especially if I am voicing health and safety issues or anything to do with duty of care. it is so frustrating when people fly along on your coat tails only to swipe it when the glory factor comes in to play. I always like to think you eventually get them in the long grass but I don't always see justice happen.


I had a boss once who published an entire operations manual written by my fair hand during the night shifts. He asked me to collate the stuff but I ended up doing a complete draft. Hmmm, my name was no where to be seen on the manuscript. tool. the manual was classified so I couldn't exactly claim copyright. lesson learned.


Good luck for your mate. Email everything


Millie x

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Guest Guest49502

I put forward research proposals for my masters at work, as it would have been in their interests too. Only to be shot down in May and then be told I would be working on a new project only to find my ideas given to a want to be who took all the credit. I felt 6 months later after having worked through the research. the person who had taken over he research left a few months later die to inability to examine possible research to aid the organisation.


Moral - leave and go somewhere , where they do not suffer fools so easily!

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