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Healthcare while in the UK for 4 months


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Hi there,

I've just had a baby and we are going home to visit and introduce our daughter to family and friends. We are going back for 3-4 months and during that time my daughter will need her immunisations (second batch) and perhaps midwife visits. Does anyone know if I can just go to my normal doctors and do this or am I considered an overseas visitor? I haven't paid my NI stamp for two years - not sure if that's relevant. I know OZ have a reciprocal agreement with the UK but just wondered what my rights are as a UK citizen.





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You will be eligible for emergency care under the reciprocal agreement, but I think you'd have to register with a GP practice for any routine stuff. That shouldn't be free to you, but it does vary from practice to practice re how strict they are with that. Budgets are under ever more pressure so most are really tightening up on it now.

The immunisation schedule here is slightly different from Australia's, so, depending on how old your daughter is, either wait until

you get home or bring a copy of the Aus schedule and the record of what she's already had with you so the relevant ones can be given if necessary.

Midwives only look after people (iirc) for two weeks post natally - after that it's a health visitor, but that's just for weighing, developmental checks etc, so probably unnecessary while you're here.

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Agree with all the above. You are not resident in the UK so many of the things are not freely available like they would be if still living there.


It would be a HV not a MW for check ups, weigh ins etc but as you are not resident I doubt you'd qualify.


If your baby is young then it would be good to get weigh ins etc but you'd have to discuss with the practice manager if they would do this for you for a temp timeframe.


Your daughter will not have an NHS number either so will not be in the system for immunisations.

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I'm glad you aren't having a go at me because you'll see from my original post that I was merely asking what my rights are :)

Our trip is actually a 'see how we go' trip where we will decide whether we stay at home or not so it's a little more complicated than just being a case of a standard visit. My hubby has paid his stamp while we have been away and I'd be happy to backdate my payments. I'm just keen to make sure my baby girl is sorted, whether I have to pay or not :)


I will be registering with my local GP - I might ask a family member to ask for me to see what I need to do etc.


Thanks for everyone's help and advice xx

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I did access the NHS (via a drop in centre) when I was over for 5 months - and as someone who has paid tax and NI in the UK for 20 years didn't feel particularly guilty about it. I also used a private dentist who was pretty cheap compared to having work done in Aus. I think if you register with a GP and are upfront you will be surprised by little you have to pay!

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The reciprocal agreement at least from the Oz side isn't just emergency treatment. It covers all necessary medical treatment. As a temp resident previously with just reciprocal medicare cards we could go to the GP for all medical concerns, hubby had a scan for a suspected gallstone even. Only thing we didn't get was dental and ambulance.

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That does complicate things a bit. I'm sure you'll be fine, but here's a copy of the UK immunisation schedule so you can compare it with anything your daughter will have had before travel



at least she won't be needing dental cover just yet! :wink:

Good luck and have fun - spring is arriving now which is lovely.

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