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Tony Abbott has done it. He has stopped the boats.


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You'd be astounded (or perhaps not) at the stuff that has been going on that has got little or no coverage in the regular media. The only consolation is that Turnbull and Hockey are waiting in the wings for their turn...which will come for sure. Tony Abbott is not leadership material I'm afraid, and is a laughing stock internationally.


are you seriously telling me, that in a democracy with a free press, what I see on the television news, hear on the radio news, and read in the newspapers is all lies and propaganda? Fairfax and the ABC on one side, 2GB and Murdoch on the other, both reporting much the same news, albeit it, sometimes with different perspectives, but then that is the advantage of living in a democracy. No one body controls all the news. I'm watching Sky News at the moment reporting on the crisis in the Ukraine. According to the mantra of the left, what I am getting is not the facts but the facts as Rupert Murdoch sees it. Is Murdoch pro or anti Putin?


Tony Abbott is not leadership material? A laughing stock internationally? Who is laughing at him? China? Indonesia? The USA? Britain?


Turnbull waiting in the wings. That is something that the left is obsessed about because Turnbull is supposedly a 'good' Liberal. The left also hated (hates) Abbott from the moment he became leader, and refused to accept - still refuses to accept - that he is a winner.


Abbott said he would stop the boats, and stop the boats is what he has done. This is why the Australian people voted him into power, and he has delivered on his election promises. And the election was not a rort, controlled by Murdoch, 2GB and Rinehart.

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Yes their full of conspiracy theories and made up rubbish.

The Liberal party will never challenge a sitting PM and they already voted Abbott in.

Turnbull would never challenge and neither would Hockey or anyone else for that matter.


Just the usual baseless rubbish from Diane. Talk about a sore loser.

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Hmmm, I get where you're coming from, but I'd argue that voting is a right, rather than a privilege. If we start tugging our forelocks and thanking our lords and masters for the vote then they'll start expecting even more in return.


Yes...voting is a right. But there are so many people in the world who don't have that right, the least we can do is appreciate it.

And those who don't and can't be stuffed to vote voluntarily shouldn't be able to influence election outcomes with a donkey vote.

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are you seriously telling me, that in a democracy with a free press, what I see on the television news, hear on the radio news, and read in the newspapers is all lies and propaganda? Fairfax and the ABC on one side, 2GB and Murdoch on the other, both reporting much the same news, albeit it, sometimes with different perspectives, but then that is the advantage of living in a democracy. No one body controls all the news. I'm watching Sky News at the moment reporting on the crisis in the Ukraine. According to the mantra of the left, what I am getting is not the facts but the facts as Rupert Murdoch sees it. Is Murdoch pro or anti Putin?


Tony Abbott is not leadership material? A laughing stock internationally? Who is laughing at him? China? Indonesia? The USA? Britain?


Turnbull waiting in the wings. That is something that the left is obsessed about because Turnbull is supposedly a 'good' Liberal. The left also hated (hates) Abbott from the moment he became leader, and refused to accept - still refuses to accept - that he is a winner.


Abbott said he would stop the boats, and stop the boats is what he has done. This is why the Australian people voted him into power, and he has delivered on his election promises. And the election was not a rort, controlled by Murdoch, 2GB and Rinehart.


Oh stop making assumptions! I didn't say everything was lies, just that not everything makes it to the mainstream press. Try and read with an open mind, not a closed one and read what is written, how it is written, rather than jumping to conclusions all the time. Listen to a bit of overseas media, it's very easy through the internet and radio apps on a smartphone. Realise that we are living in the world, not just Australia. You only need to listen to a bit of that to hear the jokes that are being made about Tony Abbott and his policies. It's not a conspiracy theory, and I am not a "leftie" which seems to be your go-to word to throw out to discredit any sort of reasoning that does not agree with your own preconceived ideas.

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Oh stop making assumptions! I didn't say everything was lies, just that not everything makes it to the mainstream press. Try and read with an open mind, not a closed one and read what is written, how it is written, rather than jumping to conclusions all the time. Listen to a bit of overseas media, it's very easy through the internet and radio apps on a smartphone. Realise that we are living in the world, not just Australia. You only need to listen to a bit of that to hear the jokes that are being made about Tony Abbott and his policies. It's not a conspiracy theory, and I am not a "leftie" which seems to be your go-to word to throw out to discredit any sort of reasoning that does not agree with your own preconceived ideas.


The 'mainstream press' writes for the 'mainstream people', ie. the majority, who are mostly fair-minded, whether they vote for Labor or Liberal, listen to the ABC or 2GB, read Fairfax or Murdoch.


Every day I read both The Australian and The Sydney Morning Herald, which seems to me to be an excellent way to get both sides of most issues. I prefer The Australian to The Herald, but I enjoy reading both. I read the British newspapers online most nights, Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail, both Tory of course, but, just as I've never read anti-Abbott stories in them, I never read anti-Rudd/Gillard ones either. Ditto with Sky News UK and BBC World News.


What specific 'Overseas Media' should I be listening to? Pravda perhaps. If you want to see how a dicatorship REALLY works. Just look at Russia. Under the Russian constitution, the president is only supposed to serve two terms. So what did Putin do? Installed a 'yes-man' as president whilst he became prime-minister, then changed the constitution so he could be president again, until he dies, probably.


Comparing Australian elections to countries like Russia is laughable. Most Australians are honest, perhaps apathetic. They just want to cast their vote and that is it. Very few could be bothered to go to different ballot centres and vote again, and in most electorates, you would need thousands of them to make any difference. It's actually just the sort of thing that the left would do, of course. The unions always hated free and fair elections. Much easier to control the outcome when it was on a show of hands.

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If you want to see how a dicatorship REALLY works. Just look at Russia. Under the Russian constitution, the president is only supposed to serve two terms. So what did Putin do? Installed a 'yes-man' as president whilst he became prime-minister, then changed the constitution so he could be president again, until he dies, probably.


Comparing Australian elections to countries like Russia is laughable.


??? You've lost me now - you compare Australia to Russia then you say yourself it's laughable?


The world is bigger than Australia and the UK. There are english-word radio stations from around the world. One of the things sadly lacking in Australia is any sort of political satire, although this that I caught in passing on ABC the other day was very funny and struck a few home truths...

Bring back Spitting Image, I say!! (or Rubbery Faced Puppets as I believe it was called here in a call-a-spade-a-spade way!)
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Oh stop making assumptions! I didn't say everything was lies, just that not everything makes it to the mainstream press. Try and read with an open mind, not a closed one and read what is written, how it is written, rather than jumping to conclusions all the time. Listen to a bit of overseas media, it's very easy through the internet and radio apps on a smartphone. Realise that we are living in the world, not just Australia. You only need to listen to a bit of that to hear the jokes that are being made about Tony Abbott and his policies. It's not a conspiracy theory, and I am not a "leftie" which seems to be your go-to word to throw out to discredit any sort of reasoning that does not agree with your own preconceived ideas.


Would like you to give a few examples of the jokes against Tony Abbott please. I am posting this as neutral, but I watch Al jazeera news, BBC and Sky news, read UK papers and Oz on line. Honestly don't know what you are quoting, as on the whole the rest of the world shows very little interest in oz politics, although I do remember the odd comment about Julia Gillard, but that if I remember was in response to her misogyny speach/rant, and some were supportive, and yes I am female, so not a biased male. Sorry was too long ago to prove, but

i think when making sweeping derogative statements, it would help if posters included a few facts irrespective of your personal political views.

Most people take most of the news with a pinch of salt, but hope there is a glimmer of truth in some of it.

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As most of the stuff I've heard has been through international radio stations, it will take me a while to find links for you online to them, but have this to be going on with for a while http://tonyabbottsays.tumblr.com/


I had a look at the link and it is neither a foreign site, nor an unbiased one. It is just a typical leftie anti Liberal, 'we all hate Tony Abbott' site. From the day that Tony Abbott was elected leader of the Liberal party, the left, including the ABC, and the Fairfax Press, absolutely refused to take him seriously, and took every opportunity to try to rubbish him, failing almost every time.


And when he did win, instead of blaming on themselves, they try to tell us that it was all a plot by Gina Rhinehart and Rupert Murdoch.

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Yes their full of conspiracy theories and made up rubbish.

The Liberal party will never challenge a sitting PM and they already voted Abbott in.

Turnbull would never challenge and neither would Hockey or anyone else for that matter.


Just the usual baseless rubbish from Diane. Talk about a sore loser.



So nothing to worry about then. I suspect Tony will be Australia's PM for the next ten years, possibly longer, maybe until he retires.

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If it is the shock jocks and Rupert Murdoch who decide who wins every General Election, then why does Labor continue to win office? Alan Jones, Ray Hadley, Chris Smith, and The Murdoch Press could not do a thing to stop Rudd in 2007, despite the fact that so many Australians all listen to 2GB, or read Murdoch's papers.


If Tony Abbott screws things up, he will lose office. What makes you think that 2GB and The Murdoch Press do not publicise all the bad news since Abbott took office anyway? They cover Holden/Toyota/SPC/Qantas probably more intensely than Fairfax or the ABC.


Of course, it's just bad luck for Abbott that all these things have happened since he took office. But Rudd and Gillard stuffed things up themselves - 'pink batts', schools, boats, etc. etc.



Probably because the LNP are retards who occasionally press the self-destruct button and inadvertently let Labor in for a term or two!. You're quite right, Murdoch's assistance and the angry shock-jocks don't win Australian elections in themselves for the LNP, but every little bit of influence helps right?

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I wish there was an Aussie version of 'Private Eye!'



Oh me too!. Imagine what fun they would have with Tony and Scotty!

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Or maybe he believes women should be at home ironing his shirts and not bothering their pretty little heads with playing more than a minor role in the governing of Australia!


In a way Endless I reckon that's where we've gone wrong over the last generation or so. To make women think that being at home, ironing shirts, preparing meals, cleaning the house is somehow less important than, say, sitting in parliament.


If Tony's wife is happy to be at home and do his ironing, whilst he carries on trying to be PM if they are happy with the situation then what's the problem. I know my wife would be more than happy to quit work, go to the gym in the morning, meet her mates for a coffee or something after, go home, look after the house, clean, cook. She would much rather do that than heave to go to work every day.


A female hasn't failed if she chooses to take that track. Or a Male come to that, if the wife is earning enough. I would be happy to stay at home.

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Oh stop making assumptions! I didn't say everything was lies, just that not everything makes it to the mainstream press. Try and read with an open mind, not a closed one and read what is written, how it is written, rather than jumping to conclusions all the time. Listen to a bit of overseas media, it's very easy through the internet and radio apps on a smartphone. Realise that we are living in the world, not just Australia. You only need to listen to a bit of that to hear the jokes that are being made about Tony Abbott and his policies. It's not a conspiracy theory, and I am not a "leftie" which seems to be your go-to word to throw out to discredit any sort of reasoning that does not agree with your own preconceived ideas.


Only problem with doing that is that the media that you're choosing to read will be biased towards whatever country/region it's printed in. We stayed over in Singapore and I had a read through the Straites Times when we were there. There were a couple of pretty critical articles about Aus and I hardly recognised the description of the place I live.

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??? You've lost me now - you compare Australia to Russia then you say yourself it's laughable?


The world is bigger than Australia and the UK. There are english-word radio stations from around the world. One of the things sadly lacking in Australia is any sort of political satire, although this that I caught in passing on ABC the other day was very funny and struck a few home truths...

Bring back Spitting Image, I say!! (or Rubbery Faced Puppets as I believe it was called here in a call-a-spade-a-spade way!)


Used to love Spitting Image. Maggie doing her fly up in the mens toilets.:laugh:

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Used to love Spitting Image. Maggie doing her fly up in the mens toilets.:laugh:


Aus had something similar in the mid to late 80's. Called 'Fast Forward'. Was during the Hawke / Howard years.


Was like a mashup of 'The Fast Show' and 'Spitting Image'.

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Aus had something similar in the mid to late 80's. Called 'Fast Forward'. Was during the Hawke / Howard years.


Was like a mashup of 'The Fast Show' and 'Spitting Image'.


I've seen a couple of good satire shows in Aus. They do it pretty good I reckon, aren't afraid to have a go at people in power.

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Probably because the LNP are retards who occasionally press the self-destruct button and inadvertently let Labor in for a term or two!. You're quite right, Murdoch's assistance and the angry shock-jocks don't win Australian elections in themselves for the LNP, but every little bit of influence helps right?


Remember that the ABC and Fairfax is doing everything they can to help the ALP!

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In a way Endless I reckon that's where we've gone wrong over the last generation or so. To make women think that being at home, ironing shirts, preparing meals, cleaning the house is somehow less important than, say, sitting in parliament.


If Tony's wife is happy to be at home and do his ironing, whilst he carries on trying to be PM if they are happy with the situation then what's the problem. I know my wife would be more than happy to quit work, go to the gym in the morning, meet her mates for a coffee or something after, go home, look after the house, clean, cook. She would much rather do that than heave to go to work every day.


A female hasn't failed if she chooses to take that track. Or a Male come to that, if the wife is earning enough. I would be happy to stay at home.


I know work is good for me, but after just one day back, only working part time, coping with the commuting and the crowds and the stress, I'd be (almost) happy to stay at home! Hardly have the energy to go to the beach in a minute!


The 'token women' that Tony appoints seem to be somewhat powerful - his chief of staff, for instance, and Julie Bishop?

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In a way Endless I reckon that's where we've gone wrong over the last generation or so. To make women think that being at home, ironing shirts, preparing meals, cleaning the house is somehow less important than, say, sitting in parliament.


If Tony's wife is happy to be at home and do his ironing, whilst he carries on trying to be PM if they are happy with the situation then what's the problem. I know my wife would be more than happy to quit work, go to the gym in the morning, meet her mates for a coffee or something after, go home, look after the house, clean, cook. She would much rather do that than heave to go to work every day.


A female hasn't failed if she chooses to take that track. Or a Male come to that, if the wife is earning enough. I would be happy to stay at home.


Absolutely. Just so long as it is a choice and not because other avenues are closed to them because of their gender. Sorry if that sounds a bit right-on, but as the father of a young daughter I want her to grow up in a country where women are afforded the same opportunities as men.

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