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ABC could be axed.

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

The federal opposition has defended the valuable work done by the ABC's Australia Network amid speculation the Abbott government could axe the Asian broadcasting service.

Acting opposition leader Tanya Plibersek says reports that $223 million could be pulled from the service represent the latest "petty ***-for-tat exchange" the government is having with the ABC.



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Don't worry. Before Abbott could do that the Libs would dump him and install Malcolm Turnball (we can only hope).

Where has Malcolm Turnbull gone? Never hear about him anymore. Don't think he is in the running now and I am not sure he would be any better than what we've got. None of them are up to much, are they?

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I love the ABC - axing it would be a total disaster in my opinion! Have you tried watching anything on any of the commercial channels?? So many ads - a film can last for what seems like days. I have my radio tuned to ABC News Radio in the morning, which at least recognises that other countries than Australia exist, and ABC Local radio is a godsend for Bushfire information and has some great interviews and programmes on it.


Was this part of the deal Abbott must have made with Murdoch in exchange for his extremely biased reporting during the election?


A sad day if it happens :sad:

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]Where has Malcolm Turnbull gone? Never hear about him anymore.[/b] Don't think he is in the running now and I am not sure he would be any better than what we've got. None of them are up to much' date=' are they?[/quote']


Well if you would occasionally read a newspaper you would know.



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It's just replicating the Tories attacking the BBC also at the behest of Murdoch, this bloke Abbott is a tiresome caveman without an original idea in his head.

I see Turnbull wisely has gone against him on this one....very difficult to attack a national broadcaster and be seen as patriotic, especially if said broadcaster is holding a slippery government to account. Governments can be changed, it's not for them to define what patriotism is, or how would they explain the responses to Holden and Qantas's business issues?


There may be a business case for getting rid of an Asian service, or selling it off, maybe to a bloke like Murdoch who's been trying to get into China for years and been rebuffed because they know what sort of a **** he is. That's a case for the ABC Board, not the PM.

When Abbott speaks, it's so apparent that he's like a puppet dangling on a string being fed lines.

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I love the ABC - axing it would be a total disaster in my opinion! Have you tried watching anything on any of the commercial channels?? So many ads - a film can last for what seems like days. I have my radio tuned to ABC News Radio in the morning, which at least recognises that other countries than Australia exist, and ABC Local radio is a godsend for Bushfire information and has some great interviews and programmes on it.


Was this part of the deal Abbott must have made with Murdoch in exchange for his extremely biased reporting during the election?


A sad day if it happens :sad:


Doesn't bid good for my favourite station SBS. But we have been down this road before with the last Lib lot under Howard. Things remained pretty much as normal. A lot od Conservative voters would be outraged if the ABC was done away with or tampered with. Country folk in particular I'd imagine.

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Doesn't bid good for my favourite station SBS. But we have been down this road before with the last Lib lot under Howard. Things remained pretty much as normal. A lot od Conservative voters would be outraged if the ABC was done away with or tampered with. Country folk in particular I'd imagine.


Yes, about the only program which really deals with country issues is on ABC. It's good enough to watch even if you have nothing to do with the country...

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Where has Malcolm Turnbull gone? Never hear about him anymore.


Embarrassed by the company he's forced to keep, I imagine. :wink:

He was on the ABC this evening...squirming his way around the silly statements of his Dear Leader.

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Abbott is just fulfilling his part of the deal with Murdoch. The Libs and National Party got 110% backing from Murdoch before the election, now Abbott is repaying the debt by attacking the Murdoch family's main business competitor. Do you think Abbott would be talking of abolishing the ABC Australia TV service if Murdoch had won the contract to run it back in 2011? Murdoch was quite upset about being excluded.

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