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Is form 80 a must?


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How many of you did fill out the form 80 and how many of you didn't have to do it? (especially interested for 189 or 190 visa)


Does the necessity of filling out the form 80 depend on the CO or nationality of the applicant or anything else? Just wondering...

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Guest guest30085

I had my 190 granted in October and I wasn't asked for it. I've seen quite a few others post that they were not asked either.

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you have to fill it in


Should read: you have to fill it in, if the CO asks for it.


Form 80 is not part of the document checklist.

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It's used to help satisfy the character requirement, it gets requested very often for PR applications and yes things like nationality, answers you've given, places you've lived etc will play a part in it being requested.


We fill one out for every PR applicant as standard. The form is a nuisance, but look at it this way: If a case officer is assessing your application, is unsure about a certain something and wants more information, they're going to have to take the time to draft a request for the form 80, send it out and wait for your response. In the meantime they start processing something else and you are not at the top of their pile anymore. If you had sent the form 80 they could have referred to it and you give yourself the best chance of a quick decision.


Personally I think it's worth the 45 mins of potentially wasted time it takes to fill one out.

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It's used to help satisfy the character requirement, it gets requested very often for PR applications and yes things like nationality, answers you've given, places you've lived etc will play a part in it being requested.


We fill one out for every PR applicant as standard. The form is a nuisance, but look at it this way: If a case officer is assessing your application, is unsure about a certain something and wants more information, they're going to have to take the time to draft a request for the form 80, send it out and wait for your response. In the meantime they start processing something else and you are not at the top of their pile anymore. If you had sent the form 80 they could have referred to it and you give yourself the best chance of a quick decision.


Personally I think it's worth the 45 mins of potentially wasted time it takes to fill one out.


Hi Adam, what is your MARN number - that qualifies you to make such an assertion?

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Hi Adam, what is your MARN number - that qualifies you to make such an assertion?

I think we both know that Adam Grey is not a registered migration agent. Actually, I looked up Quickvisas on the MARA website (https://www.mara.gov.au/search-the-register-of-migration-agents/) and found they have three registered agents: Christopher John Carman, Justine Elizabeth Hayward-Smith, and Cymbelline Eva Russell. They are busy people:


Mr Carman is a Director of two companies (Carman & Associates and Quickvisa) and is a consultant to a third company, Medipeople. All three companies are based in Sydney


Ms Hayward Smith is a Director of Sydney based Embrace Migration Services and a consultant to four companies: Carman and Associates, Quickvisas, Fragoman (Australia) - all based in Sydney - and Quickvisas UK based in Maidstone, Kent.


Ms Russell is an employee of three Sydney based companies: Carman & Associates; Carman Immigration Solutions and Quickvisas, and is a consultant to two companies: Medipeople in Sydney and Quickvisas UK in Maidstone, Kent.


Interestingly, the MARA registrations relating to Quickvisas UK show a business address of Concorde House, 10-12 London Road, Maidstone whereas the Quickvisas UK website shows a business address of Falcon Court, 73 College Road, Maidstone. Presumably this is just a clerical error. But made me smile since I used to live opposite Concorde House and Falcon Court was my doctors' surgery.

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Thanks Quinkla, it's actually 4 as we have Chika Yamawaki who is registered to Carman & Associates if you do a search for that company name.


Concorde House is in the process of being knocked down so we moved over the river to College Road this year. I never know Falcon Court was a doctor's surgery before, kinda fits with the building though as it's got that old ragstone finish. Chris Carman the director is originally from the area too.


Hi Adam, what is your MARN number - that qualifies you to make such an assertion?


Hi Peach,


I am not a Registered Migration Agent, nor have I ever claimed to be. It clearly says in my signature that I am a client service manager and I work for QuickVisas/Carman & Associates. We currently have 4 MARA registered agents that work in the company: Christopher Carman, Cymbelline (Bella) Russell, Chika Yamawaki & Justine Hayward-Smith. If anyone wishes to check they can do so here: https://www.mara.gov.au/search-the-register-of-migration-agents/ Another has just past their examinations and will be looking to register in the coming months. We have offices in the UK and Australia and do most of our work within the employer-sponsored visa categories where we have built a large network of satisfied business clients. The vast majority of agencies that have large(ish) volumes of clients, have administrative/client service support professionals like myself. It would be impossible for an agent to manage every aspect themselves.


I work on a daily basis within these agencies assisting our clients, fully within the industry code of conduct. Naturally I have had to learn and maintain a high-level of industry knowledge to be efficient in my daily role, I have access to all the legislative material through 'Legendcom', I undertake professional development and I have Registered Agents to learn from. I have a lot of experience in the 457 visa, ENS, 189/190, Partner Visas, Contributory and Non-Contributory Parent Visas, Working Holiday Visas, 400 & 401 visa subclasses, along with all the processes that occur along the way. Unfortunately as a British-Citizen with no Australian status at all and no inclination to migrate, I am not eligible to register with the office of the MARA.....Shame really because It's something I'd like to do.


So I have no MARA number to make such an assertion, but I have seen hundreds of recent PR applications from a very wide spectrum to back the assertion up. I know that Form 80 is used as part of the character assessment (it even says it on the form title!) and I know the type of situations that raise little flags to the case officers and would increase the likelihood of them wanting extra details through the Form 80. An Egyptian Bio-Engineer living in the UAE is likely to get a request more than a UK brickie living in Dagenham for example, it's just the way it is.


The assertion of the case officer processing is just logic. If it isn't there and they need it, there's a delay. If it is there when they need it, there wouldn't be. Fully complete and comprehensive applications generally cut down on delays simply through cutting down the correspondence needed between the applicant and the case officer. Again gained through experience over many, many applications.


The assertion that we fill out and submit one for every PR client as standard is true because that's what we do. We never used to but we noticed a marked increase in the requests and we feel overall it's worth it and cuts down on potential delays.


Finally, I gave my personal opinion that the potential benefits of submitting the document prior to any request outweighed the relatively small amount of time and effort it takes to complete it. The OP is free to move forward in any way they wish, I have not said they should submit it and I have not said they shouldn't, it's their decision and I have merely given them the benefit of my own experiences....Isn't that the whole intention of these forums? To help others through our own experiences?


If everyone needed a MARN to give opinions and make assertions on a public forum I don't think you'd have many members. Luckily for us there's no law, code of conduct or rule that prevents free advice in this manner.


I hope this clarifies.


All the best,

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I had to send in form 80 for two temp visas and my pr.


I totally agree, if you send it in you don't have to spend ages trying to find all the info (it took us days the first time due to so many overseas trips, not having our old passports with us, and Europe visits not having stamps anyway).

The second time we had to fill it out our co told us that was all they were waiting for. I'd rather have the visa earlier than risk them then going sick etc.

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Thank you for sharing your experiences.

I guess I will start with the form but won't be submitting it until I'm asked to do so.

Yeah definitely get it filled up just in case. I recently had my 189 visa granted and I was asked for it. It is part of the character assessment and it seems to be asked for very regularly.

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I was asked for it but I have a criminal record (criminal damage, smashing a window 20 years ago & swearing on public transport) so I expected to get asked for it. It's no big deal, 95% of it is just a duplicate of questions you have already answered but the bit where you have to detail everywhere you have been (abroad) for the last 10 years is a bind.

I spent a week finding out where and when I'd been (quite a few lads hols) before I read that you can summarise rather than being specific!

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I have looked at the form and I was wondering how to fill it in if i do not keep all the records of my trips. We have done many trips on 3 different passports,which we do not have as they were destroyed and we do not keep exact records of the dates and places. Also, I have entered Australia twice on a cruise ship and there was no record of it on the passport.

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I have looked at the form and I was wondering how to fill it in if i do not keep all the records of my trips. We have done many trips on 3 different passports,which we do not have as they were destroyed and we do not keep exact records of the dates and places. Also, I have entered Australia twice on a cruise ship and there was no record of it on the passport.


yea we had that problem too, we just guessed but like i say we where never asked for the form

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Hi guys


Where it asks if you have ever held another passport do that mean for another country, or are they requesting your expired passport details? For some reason I can't make sense of this bit :(


I have 4 years until I actually need to fill this form in but i like to be prepared so I'm filling all my forms in as templates xx

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Hi guys


Where it asks if you have ever held another passport do that mean for another country, or are they requesting your expired passport details? For some reason I can't make sense of this bit :(


I have 4 years until I actually need to fill this form in but i like to be prepared so I'm filling all my forms in as templates xx


They change the questions and wording of these forms so often. In 4 years time that form might not even exist so I wouldn't worry about it right now.

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They change the questions and wording of these forms so often. In 4 years time that form might not even exist so I wouldn't worry about it right now.


Well I have all the info together which is the important bit, in around 3 years I'll have a box full of useful and important docs x


Hopefully form 80 will be extinct by then ha!

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