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public sector jobs better in the uk...


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Lifestyle choice. From what i've seen, the local government is bloated beyond belief, like the UK was 15 years ago.

Pool cars are the norm, Christmas shutdown, tax breaks for low paid and health workers, people sitting on a leave credit up of 12 months, not much performance management or accountability, morning teas every week and a lot of standing around waiting for other people.

The words "business management" are pretty rare, a lot of work is still classed under "admin" and nobody does it.

There's a lot more attempted bullying, a lot more workshy folk, a fair amount of nepotism and paying lipservice to regulations is pretty common.


It will change, but if you have a current British local government work ethic you will be well able to cope with the changes that are coming to Oz.



What level of government are you talking about?

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Could you explain the acronyms for those of us who don't know anything about the public sector in Australia (other than if you want them to do anything it has to be submitted in triplicate, the world and his dog have to sign it, and you only get it through quickly if you happen to be mates with the relevant Head of Department).



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Could you explain the acronyms for those of us who don't know anything about the public sector in Australia (other than if you want them to do anything it has to be submitted in triplicate, the world and his dog have to sign it, and you only get it through quickly if you happen to be mates with the relevant Head of Department).




APS is Australian Public Service. Federal Government in charge of the country, like your civil servants working for Government ministries in London. Canberra based on behalf of the country.


ACTPS is ACT Public service. Deals with local issues, like a big city council would such as Birmingham or Manchester, but slightly different because Canberra is a City within it's own very small State so the ACTPS doubles up and takes on both local and state responsibilities.

ie. The other much bigger states have multiple cities within them and thus multiple local councils under the State.

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I didnt realise it was like that at all. Thanks for the info.......I understand exactly the type of environment u mean, I just didnt realise oz was like that.......:wideeyed:


All of Oz might not be, but it's something I've heard off everybody i know who's moved here and it's certainly what i've seen.

One of my mates mentioned at his workplace (public facing customer advice for students) that he thought they should have staggered lunches so that the phones were not left unmanned while everybody went out...his Director told him off for raising it, not good for staff morale apparently. Fk the customer, the point of the job is for them to be employed. That sort of thing :-)


It's not meant to put you off, but it's a good indication of the environment. You have to fit in and it isn't that difficult, just very different to what you may have been used to.

The point is, the frustrations you might feel at work are not always shared here and you have to just muck in....the emphasis is still very much on work to live, rather than live to work...which is a good thing. It's not all about the money if you can adapt..the quality of your own private life might be far superior.


However, they do have a new PM who's very close to the UK Tories and seems to be working from the David Cameron/George Osborne textbook, anxious to transform a lot of business practices by hammering and slashing at the top to make sure the lessons are trickled down.

The British way has been just to cut funding to such levels that local authorities simply cannot function in the ways they used to, forcing them to change drastically and put the service needs first.

Australia's under no such financial pressure yet, but it's an ideological thing that Abbott seems to be embracing now that there's a template to follow.

The place I work at, we have people now on leave til mid-February...it's the main school summer holidays and 6 weeks off work is not uncommon, which is a brilliant concession compared to the UK or god forbid, the USA where they get 2 or 3 weeks a year. The knock on effect is that there's no staff cover, no continuity planning, the work will get done when it's done. Very laid back, but you just can't see it lasting much longer with the new world economic climate starting to impact and a government that's starting to compare and contrast.

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The only part of this I have direct knowledge of is the "Christmas Shutdown." Staff have to use annual leave for these days, apart from Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Years Day. My worry therefore is that if the only part of the post I know about is misleading, is any of the rest actually true at all?


I am not sure what is wrong with "tax breaks for low paid workers," perhaps someone cleverer than me can explain firstly what they are, and secondly why this may be wrong as this seems to be a good idea, and I will be delighted to learn what these tax breaks are for health workers. Unless and until I read an explanation of what these are I am afraid that I am going to have to put this post in the "garbage" category..................but I live in hope.


Well, you could get off your arse and do some research for yourself, that might be the way forward you lazy blighter?

These are a good place to start and it took less than a minute of googling:






You can also get tax free hotel stays, restaurants and yes: BEER and WINE! Have a read.


Traditionally, if your service shuts down for Christmas then you are in a Christmas shutdown. If there is no work for you to do or the premises are closed, then you can't go to work. Mine is compulsory from 24th Dec to 6th Jan, no leave needed, maybe yours isn't ?

It hardly makes it garbage just because you don't understand it?

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The only part of this I have direct knowledge of is the "Christmas Shutdown." Staff have to use annual leave for these days, apart from Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Years Day. My worry therefore is that if the only part of the post I know about is misleading, is any of the rest actually true at all?


I am not sure what is wrong with "tax breaks for low paid workers," perhaps someone cleverer than me can explain firstly what they are, and secondly why this may be wrong as this seems to be a good idea, and I will be delighted to learn what these tax breaks are for health workers. Unless and until I read an explanation of what these are I am afraid that I am going to have to put this post in the "garbage" category..................but I live in hope.


I spent 4 years in the public sector in WA and Slean Wolfhead's post had me smiling in agreement - that's exactly how it was where i worked. I'd never worked tin the public sector before and it was a revelation.


I had a fully expensed car including an allocated parking space - I didn't need one to do my job whatsoever, it was simply a 'perk' of my grade. I opted for 14 weeks leave a year, which i took but had many colleagues which months of untaken leave built up. I got used to nothing ever getting done and my OH (who worked there too) gave up even trying. The majority of people I worked with could never ever have stayed in employment in the private sector, either down to their incompetence or attitude.


It might be that you work in the health sector Fisheys and that could well be VERY different to public administration.


As far as tax breaks are concerned certainly in WA health workers were on one hell of a legal tax avoidance scheme, they could claim all kind of 'pre-tax' expenses up to a certain amount per annum (I think it was $10K??) in 'Salary Packaging'. There was a huge expose of fraud because nurses were found getting receipts from friends, refuse etc. and claiming. The scheme itself was part of the employment contract though. I almost lost an employee to Health because even the corporate team members got it.


I've found reference to it here as a 'Meal entertainment package' http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2066276


Here's a newspaper article about the abuse of the same tax breaks http://www.smh.com.au/national/doctors-make-meal-of-tax-break-for-hospital-employees-20091014-gxgn.html


I have to be honest and say I cannot see any justification for this allowance for health workers whatsoever, they should just pay the right level of salary in the first place! If i could claim it i would though.


If you do work in health i suggest you talk to your union rep and/or accountant as they will be able to assist you in getting the benefits of all tax breaks available to you.


And maybe apologise to Slean Wolfhead who may have just saved you a couple of $1000 a year :)





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APS is Australian Public Service. Federal Government in charge of the country, like your civil servants working for Government ministries in London. Canberra based on behalf of the country.


ACTPS is ACT Public service. Deals with local issues, like a big city council would such as Birmingham or Manchester, but slightly different because Canberra is a City within it's own very small State so the ACTPS doubles up and takes on both local and state responsibilities.

ie. The other much bigger states have multiple cities within them and thus multiple local councils under the State.


Many thanks. I understand now.

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I spent 4 years in the public sector in WA and Slean Wolfhead's post had me smiling in agreement - that's exactly how it was where i worked. I'd never worked tin the public sector before and it was a revelation.


I had a fully expensed car including an allocated parking space - I didn't need one to do my job whatsoever, it was simply a 'perk' of my grade. I opted for 14 weeks leave a year, which i took but had many colleagues which months of untaken leave built up. I got used to nothing ever getting done and my OH (who worked there too) gave up even trying. The majority of people I worked with could never ever have stayed in employment in the private sector, either down to their incompetence or attitude.


It might be that you work in the health sector Fisheys and that could well be VERY different to public administration.


As far as tax breaks are concerned certainly in WA health workers were on one hell of a legal tax avoidance scheme, they could claim all kind of 'pre-tax' expenses up to a certain amount per annum (I think it was $10K??) in 'Salary Packaging'. There was a huge expose of fraud because nurses were found getting receipts from friends, refuse etc. and claiming. The scheme itself was part of the employment contract though. I almost lost an employee to Health because even the corporate team members got it.


I've found reference to it here as a 'Meal entertainment package' http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2066276


Here's a newspaper article about the abuse of the same tax breaks http://www.smh.com.au/national/doctors-make-meal-of-tax-break-for-hospital-employees-20091014-gxgn.html


I have to be honest and say I cannot see any justification for this allowance for health workers whatsoever, they should just pay the right level of salary in the first place! If i could claim it i would though.


If you do work in health i suggest you talk to your union rep and/or accountant as they will be able to assist you in getting the benefits of all tax breaks available to you.


And maybe apologise to Slean Wolfhead who may have just saved you a couple of $1000 a year :)






Salary packaging is also available to everyone who works in the not-for-profit sector. The year it was worth just over $16k tax free, although it is going down by a few hundred bucks in about April this year. You can do lot with it. You can pay your mortgage or rent, your student loan, your gas, electricity or water bill, or your childcare bill and the money is taken out of your salary before it is taxed. It is a marvellous perk but it does not surprise me at all that it is being widely abused.

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Oh crickey, great post, just a bit short, well actually a lot short on truth. I think you will find that actually Cameron's coalition government have increased public spending so just let us all know where you think these "cuts" are. (Your imagination). I love this bit about "Australia's under no such financial pressure." $500 Billion debt, with a population of 23 million, as opposed to UK with £1 trillion and 60 million people.



Where exactly has Cameron's govt increased spending? Just because they tell you they have doesn't make it true. Posts, salaries, services, pensions have all been cut. You may believe it's the right thing to do, or you may not, but it is what's happening.

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I've found reference to it here as a 'Meal entertainment package' http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2066276



The good one is going on a Friday night to stock up on steak, prawns and cartons of beer for the weekend. You're entertaining friends who are coming for a barbecue on Saturday night. All legitimate, acceptable and tax free.

I personally wouldn't use that sort of trick because surely that wasn't the purpose for the MEC package and there has to be an element of personal moral responsibility...but it seems commonplace.

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The best bit of salary packaging is the food card. You can have a meals card and choose how much extra you put on it per pay period. You can only spend the card on meals at restaurants and cafes, but you can put as much as you like on every month, tax free.


The other one (which has not been mentioned yet) is the refunding of hotel accommodation (not food) costs. You send your invoice/receipt from the hotel to the salary packaging company and the money to pay for it is taken out of your salary tax free. Not quite sure I understand this bit, but it never got properly explained to me (primarily because I showed no interest as we can't afford to go and stay in any hotels right now).

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Guest The Pom Queen

ENOUGH the personal insults are flying faster than I can tidy the thread. Anymore and a few will be getting the night off, maybe a week if you are lucky

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Guest The Pom Queen

Ok well that's two members on a warning for tonight, anyone want to make it three?

Please discuss the topic like responsible adults, there is no need for personal attacks or accusing a person of lying just because their experience is different to yours.

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Guest The Pom Queen
I haven't been on this thread have i?:biggrin::wubclub:

:laugh: no but I notice you follow the trouble, you are to easily led, quick go back to the bread thread you can't get in to bother there :wink: :hug:

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Guest Guest 47403
I haven't been on this thread have i?:biggrin::wubclub:


Was just reading through and wondered when you'd turn up :laugh:

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:laugh: no but I notice you follow the trouble, you are to easily led, quick go back to the bread thread you can't get in to bother there :wink: :hug:


He's too busy getting into bother on the royalty thread. No time for bread tonight :laugh:

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Guest The Pom Queen
He's too busy getting into bother on the royalty thread. No time for bread tonight :laugh:

Really Pablo, how come I have to put you over my knee at least 60 times a week, anyone would think you enjoyed it :laugh:

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