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Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

Why do some cultures feel the need to behave like scum when it comes to animals that are food?

Sick video in link - but this as to be shown these 'people' need a lesson in beatings the poor animals are going to die to be eaten at least give them the dignity of a quick clean and above all stress free death you bastards.




If they so want Australian meat send it already butchered.

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Why do some cultures feel the need to behave like scum when it comes to animals that are food?

Sick video in link - but this as to be shown these 'people' need a lesson in beatings the poor animals are going to die to be eaten at least give them the dignity of a quick clean and above all stress free death you bastards.



Yup, sickening...But, if we stop sending livestock, they will go elsewhere and Australian cattle cockies go to the wall.


The other side of the coin; thousands of beasts dying of thirst and starvation in the outback because 'greenies' protested at the Indonesians doing the same as the Palestinians.


Cheers, Bobj.

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I hate the horrible treatment of animals according to some so-called religious customs. I guess the answer is education but it won't happen in my lifetime- too much vested interest. I won't watch those film clips, they make me sick. We saw some awful stuff in China in regard to dogs- not pleasant

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The other side of the coin; thousands of beasts dying of thirst and starvation in the outback because 'greenies' protested at the Indonesians doing the same as the Palestinians.



You don't have to be be a 'greenie' to be disgusted by the barbaric, sadistic, cruel treatment of a living animal.

Some 'non greenies' also have compassion and ethics. :wink:


Australian cattle producers survived very well before live exports started.

If animals were slaughtered here under controlled conditions it would also increase employment for abattoirs which have suffered because of live exports.

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Why do some cultures feel the need to behave like scum when it comes to animals that are food?

Sick video in link - but this as to be shown these 'people' need a lesson in beatings the poor animals are going to die to be eaten at least give them the dignity of a quick clean and above all stress free death you bastards.




Yup, sickening...But, if we stop sending livestock, they will go elsewhere and Australian cattle cockies go to the wall.


The other side of the coin; thousands of beasts dying of thirst and starvation in the outback because 'greenies' protested at the Indonesians doing the same as the Palestinians.


Cheers, Bobj.


as much as you're right, the animals that will die in the outback will only die once. the farmers will not breed more as its not financially viable. so those deaths although sad will draw an end to the barbarity.

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I think it is imperialist and patronising to brand other cultures barbaric as opposed to your own. the food consumption over the world relies on exploitative and capitalist structures.


animals are exploited and killed ALL OVER the world. in the west, they are murdered and exploited for fur, fashion and sports, not to mention medical experiments. also consider the immense wealth that western countries have and invest in the over-abundance of food.


it's easy to demonise others before looking at our own.






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I think it is imperialist and patronising to brand other cultures barbaric as opposed to your own. the food consumption over the world relies on exploitative and capitalist structures.


animals are exploited and killed ALL OVER the world. in the west, they are murdered and exploited for fur, fashion and sports, not to mention medical experiments. also consider the immense wealth that western countries have and invest in the over-abundance of food.


it's easy to demonise others before looking at our own.




and in the imperialistic west there are campaigns by many to outlaw fur production. Laws and societies for the protection of animals . Inspectors in slaughter houses . Are you suggesting that anyone can treat an animal how ever they please in case it might be offensive to someone ? People eating meat is natural , as is killing it first . Humanely would be my preferred option . For the balance you could of mentioned that in the east animals are Murdered for fur , fashion and sport .

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I watched about one minute before i felt sick. I have lived in the Middle East where this regularly happened in our neighbours' gardens when it was a feast time - it is barbaric, cruel, inhumane - I cannot believe anyone can justify this - AND lets stop exporting live animals

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I can't abide any form of animal cruelty. I can't bring myself to watch it but do have a pretty good idea what it's all about. There's no bloody excuse for cruelty- animals have feelings and it breaks my heart to see this. Shame on Australia for continuing to send those poor animals (who have travelled in the most appaling conditions for days already) only to be treated so dreadfully to a country with 'no rules'. Disgusting. It's about time in this day and age the government bloody well did something. I don't know how people sleep at night doing a job like that.....The people in that video should have the same thing done to them- see how they like it!

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I think it is imperialist and patronising to brand other cultures barbaric as opposed to your own.



I happen to hate the exploitation of animals in any form, including racing.


However, if you feel compelled to kill an animal for food, there are methods of dispatching which ARE much more humane. Which is precisely why this country has regulations and standards to control the way it is done.


I'm sorry, but the treatment of that animal was torture...and such treatment is barbaric.

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I think it is imperialist and patronising to brand other cultures barbaric as opposed to your own. the food consumption over the world relies on exploitative and capitalist structures.


animals are exploited and killed ALL OVER the world. in the west, they are murdered and exploited for fur, fashion and sports, not to mention medical experiments. also consider the immense wealth that western countries have and invest in the over-abundance of food.


it's easy to demonise others before looking at our own.







There are some common values world over which every nation/culture in the world has to be held accountable for.

We need to protest mistreatment anywhere in the world, be it west, east, north or south without discrimination. Culture changes and if the culture has some practices that are outside the norms at any time, they need to change with time, if they want to be considered as part of civilized world. Culture cannot be justification for these kind of things. Its discriminatory to hold one group of people to higher standards and then don't expect anything better from another group.



[h=1]“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”- Mahatma Gandhi[/h]

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Why do some cultures feel the need to behave like scum when it comes to animals that are food?

Sick video in link - but this as to be shown these 'people' need a lesson in beatings the poor animals are going to die to be eaten at least give them the dignity of a quick clean and above all stress free death you bastards.




If they so want Australian meat send it already butchered.


We've seen all the arguments. They aren't interested in already butchered meat, unfortunately.


Either we stop the live trade and kill a multi million dollar industry stone dead, along with all the families, farmers, land, livestock, farming communities and way of life, just to let someone else provide the animals or we get on with it sell them the customer what they want and just call it a business deal.


I guess while a few greenies have a camera we will have to put up with shots of how the animals get treated once they're in customers hands. Let's face it they were going to get killed anyway.


Last time the government stopped the trade it lead to farmers having to put down loads of cattle, some of them almost dying of starvation or lack of water. What's most cruel?

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There are some common values world over which every nation/culture in the world has to be held accountable for.

We need to protest mistreatment anywhere in the world, be it west, east, north or south without discrimination. Culture changes and if the culture has some practices that are outside the norms at any time, they need to change with time, if they want to be considered as part of civilized world. Culture cannot be justification for these kind of things. Its discriminatory to hold one group of people to higher standards and then don't expect anything better from another group.



“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”- Mahatma Gandhi




Yep where Mahatma is from some animals get better treatment than a lot of females.

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Guest Guest66881

The livestock export company under investigation for alleged cruelty to its cattle in Gaza should have its licence suspended until the probe is complete, protesters have said at a rally at Fremantle Port.

More than 100 people attended the "flash protest" on Friday, as nearby ship Maysora waited for 80,000 sheep from Livestock Shipping Services (LSS).

LSS has not been granted an export permit for the Qatar-bound shipment in the wake of disturbing footage showing its cows and bulls in Gaza being stabbed, shot and kicked.

"I call on the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to suspend the license of LSS until investigations are completed," Greens MP Lynn MacLaren said.

She said the protest turnout - in near 40C heat and at short notice - showed the community was strongly against Australian livestock being treated cruelly.



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Either we stop the live trade and kill a multi million dollar industry stone dead, along with all the families, farmers, land, livestock, farming communities and way of life, just to let someone else provide the animals or we get on with it sell them the customer what they want and just call it a business deal.


I guess while a few greenies have a camera we will have to put up with shots of how the animals get treated once they're in customers hands. Let's face it they were going to get killed anyway.


Last time the government stopped the trade it lead to farmers having to put down loads of cattle, some of them almost dying of starvation or lack of water. What's most cruel?


I can't believe what I've just read.



Let's face it they were going to get killed anyway.




Let's face it...you are going to die anyway...eventually.

So shall we let you die as pain free as possible? Or shall we knee cap with multiple gunshots until you can no longer stand?

Or slash your throat 102 times before you die?



Animals feel excruciating pain, just like humans.

So why is it acceptable for them to be tortured and not you?



As for the he "economic" argument: Australia had a multi million dollar beef industry before live exports. Along with wheat and sheep it was always one of the big 3 of Australian agriculture.



The "economic" argument was used by the proponents of slavery in the US and West Indies, it was used by British slave traders and employers using children in factories and mines. Just because something makes money doesn't make it acceptable in a civilised society. We look back in horror at the live export of slaves in appalling conditions...often to a horrendous end. Future generations will look back with equal horror and wonder how we could have sanctioned the similar treatment of animals.



Farmers in Australia regularly have to kill livestock because of drought, floods and bushfires. They do it as quickly as possible with a single well aimed shot. They don't engage in the slow, agonising torture routinely suffered by Australian livestock sent overseas.

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I would also like to say (and there has been much evidence to back this up) that those who inflict deliberate cruelty on animals, will also be highly likely to abuse others. Some of the world's most infamous serial killers had a background of deliberate animal cruelty. Very disturbing on so many levels...

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What like fishermen? Do they inflict deliberate cruelty? Every time you turn the tv on there is a fishing show, but because it fits in nicely with the Australian lifestyle the cruelty issue doesn't exist. I love all creatures to bits pardon the pun! but cant understand how people put more emphasis on certain creatures, how is canned hunting any different to fishing? I eat meat but do not want to know the process of how it arrived on my plate, i don't know what that makes me - no doubt a lot of people on here will tell me what they think of me and what they think i am. I agree these images are truly disgusting, but this happens all around us on a daily basis throughout the world, you just don't see it all the time.

IMO i think there is very little news out here and these story's and many others gets sensationalized to attract such emotions from people. The bottom line is not every culture has the time and money to invest in animal welfare!

Everything these days is governed by money and the greed of us all, and because we are top of the food chain, creatures suffer!

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