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Daily Mail Australia


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Hardly surprising, seems like a good move from them, there would be an undoubted market. The Mail Online is the most read online newspaper in the World.


It is an addictive website, but it's only for the celebrity junk and photo's on the right hand side. This from the paper who said they'd concentrate on news and would never publish a pap photo again after the Princess Di crash.

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I confess I do read the daily mail online! It's my little secret pleasure but I tend to take much of the reporting with a pinch of salt!! I find the comments section at the bottom of the article the most fun, loads of good comments but plenty of crack pots on there too and all in all a good giggle!!!!

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Peter Hitchens of said newspaper was on Q & A a few weeks ago (the one from Sydney Opera House) He was pretty much destroyed by the largely left wing audience and he has returned even more bitter and right wing than when he left!


Left wing audience and a left wing host and and an (almost) left wing panel, the visual equivalent of reading Mike Carlton's columns in the Sydney Morning Herald, i.e. 'why I hate the 'Tories' i.e. Liberal/National government (he is only person to call them Tories), 'why I hate the Murdoch Press' & 'why I love the saintly ALP.'

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It is an addictive website, but it's only for the celebrity junk and photo's on the right hand side. This from the paper who said they'd concentrate on news and would never publish a pap photo again after the Princess Di crash.


Oh well, we all keep doing things we say we will never do again, even read the Daily Mail! I do like the Torygraph too.

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Here you go mary....as national convener of the Alan Jones and Ray Hadley Admiration Society a few images of your "heroes" you can use as wallpaper..two of the biggest right wing tools ever to have have drawn breath.




They are actually on far too early for me, so can you fix me up with Chris Smith? I like Paul Murray? on 2UE but mostly watch him on Sky. I've actually been listening to 702 this week, the guy on between 3 and 5pm I rather like.

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Here you go mary....as national convener of the Alan Jones and Ray Hadley Admiration Society a few images of your "heroes" you can use as wallpaper..two of the biggest right wing tools ever to have have drawn breath.




TYPO ALERT!!!!!!!!!!.................should read bog paper :-)

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