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Main reasons for leaving the UK


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And comments like that are a big reason we came back home to the UK. Many of the British we met said things like that on a daily basis, almost, it seemed to us, to justify their decision to move to Australia (although, the fact you had no choice makes it a little odd you feel you need to say it!)


How can you really call the UK a "hole" if you haven't lived in the UK since you were a child?


A visit back was enough thanks, but I couldn't stand being around 65 million smellies. The country itself was OK though bar the pollution, crowding, crushing negativity et al.

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We didn't feel we had to leave the UK, but we did feel that we wanted to try something new . Australia wanted my OH so they were also stuck we me too!:laugh: I'm still feeling blessed that we've been given this opportunity, many of my friends and family know that they have no chance of experiencing this and world give their eye teeth to experience it like us. The UK is still there and we are still English through and through but we love our new home more and are honoured to have a wonderful life curtesy of this fantastic country. :biggrin:

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A visit back was enough thanks, but I couldn't stand being around 65 million smellies. The country itself was OK though bar the pollution, crowding, crushing negativity et al.


Considering you asked how I could judge Australia based on Perth (fair question which I will answer separately) I am wondering where in the UK you went? No pollution, crowding or crushing negativity in much of Scotland and many, many other places I know personally.

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For us it was , most of all, the weather. Sounds daft but I really couldn't stand year after year of short Summers, rain and dreary grey skies and the annual bronchitis.

Second to that was the adventure and the fact that Australia is so big and diverse.

Third was for the young family we had started- we thought they would have a better childhood experience.

For us it all exceeded our wildest dreams but I know this is not always the case.


My reasons are very similar to your own by the sound of things. I don't dislike England, per se, but the weather depresses the life out of me. I could cope with winter if there was a guaranteed summer at the end of it, but in the UK that's very, very rarely the case. With that in mind i've always had one eye on emigration to sunnier climes. So that, for me, is the main reason.


In addition to that, and this is very much linked to the weather factor, is the lifestyle. I've spent around 18 months living and travelling in Australia and the lifestyle was an aspect that really sold the place for me. Because of the weather you're outdoors more often than not, rather than being holed up inside. I also found that I had more disposable income whilst working in Australia than I did back in the UK as well, despite working in low end jobs during my time there.


Overall I believe that Australia offers an environment and lifestyle that surpasses that of the UK.

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Considering you asked how I could judge Australia based on Perth (fair question which I will answer separately) I am wondering where in the UK you went? No pollution, crowding or crushing negativity in much of Scotland and many, many other places I know personally.

Same as you LR!I would'nt move anywhere just for the weather.I've spent 30 summers in Oz stuck inside with the aircon blasting!No diff than being stuck inside with the central heating blasting!(Although I suppose where I lived in Oz,I had to have the woodburner chuggling away 24/7 in winter so we were stuck inside twice a year!

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Considering you asked how I could judge Australia based on Perth (fair question which I will answer separately) I am wondering where in the UK you went? No pollution, crowding or crushing negativity in much of Scotland and many, many other places I know personally.

Pollution from Chernobyl for a start. Not something pommy authorities want to talk about, for obvious reasons. Crushing negativity is everywhere, you're just used to it. Lived in Scotland for a year way back, bloody cold!

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Though I'm not there yet, factors that appeal to me are the weather, the excitement/adventure and it's just something I've always grown up thinking I'd do.


I spent a lot of my childhood growing up in either Singapore or Australia and we moved around a bit so in some respects, I don't have the same depth of roots in the UK as others who have grown up here may have. Plus, I know it's still a bit away but I'd love to be closer to Asia. My mom's side of the family live in either Singapore, Malaysia or Australia so it will be nice to have that proximity.

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A visit back was enough thanks, but I couldn't stand being around 65 million smellies. The country itself was OK though bar the pollution, crowding, crushing negativity et al.

I'm assuming the negativity was yours? Not the UK I know but then I have lived in Lewes, St Albans, York and visited too many beautiful places to list here. Too many on the to-do list plus places nearby (never even visited Ireland) so I'll be heading back soon to make sure I get time to experience them all!

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We thought we were bringing our girls to a better place. Weather, is better, at least for the three month blast of summer (Perth), winters much milder, but it was summer we were interested in. Work life balance , jees, what a joke, Australia is more like the US with respect to work, it dominates life, I seen so much less of my family here.

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We thought we were bringing our girls to a better place. Weather, is better, at least for the three month blast of summer (Perth), winters much milder, but it was summer we were interested in. Work life balance , jees, what a joke, Australia is more like the US with respect to work, it dominates life, I seen so much less of my family here.

So change it? Here your seating is in your hands, nobody else's

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Just a quick note to let you know a few posts containing personal comments about other members have been removed.

Can i ask we stay on track, this thread is titled ''Main reasons for leaving the UK',,, please feel free to start other threads rather than this one be taken off track.


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