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How did you write your stat dec?


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I've asked this before but lost the thread... we're soon to be writing our personal statements of our relationship for my partner visa... just wondered how to start it off? How to write it? Do I just write 'we've been in a relationship since X time' and write a time line of events, keep it to the point or do I write lovey dovey stuff like how I couldn't live without Paul?? I don't really want to write that it's a bit cheesy haha, obviously i'll write something about seeing our future together and wanting to settle down in Aus but not sure really...any thoughts?

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I've asked this before but lost the thread... we're soon to be writing our personal statements of our relationship for my partner visa... just wondered how to start it off? How to write it? Do I just write 'we've been in a relationship since X time' and write a time line of events, keep it to the point or do I write lovey dovey stuff like how I couldn't live without Paul?? I don't really want to write that it's a bit cheesy haha, obviously i'll write something about seeing our future together and wanting to settle down in Aus but not sure really...any thoughts?





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I've asked this before but lost the thread... we're soon to be writing our personal statements of our relationship for my partner visa... just wondered how to start it off? How to write it? Do I just write 'we've been in a relationship since X time' and write a time line of events, keep it to the point or do I write lovey dovey stuff like how I couldn't live without Paul?? I don't really want to write that it's a bit cheesy haha, obviously i'll write something about seeing our future together and wanting to settle down in Aus but not sure really...any thoughts?


I started off with, I first met.......in.....and then described how we met up again, how our relationship developed and how we kept it going when he went back to Australia. How I met his family, and he met mine etc etc. PM me If you want Stacy and I'll go into more detail if it will help, or if you want to ask me anything.

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We wrote a single stat dec, which we both signed. It ran to a page and a half of typed A4, it started with how we met, when we started dating, when we moved in together, meeting the parents and other significant dates in our relationship and concluded with our decision to move to Australia together. As I've 'known' you nearly four years happy to share it with you if you want.

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We wrote a stat dec each.


When we met, where we met, introducing the families.

how and when we realised that this was a serious relationship, how it developed.

when we moved in together, how we planned our future together and why we chose Australia.

we also included how we supported each other (gave instances of events) how we divided household bills and chores.

And finally that we were to people in love and wanted to share our lives together.


Hope this helps x

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We wrote a statement each (it asked for one from each of us). Hubby wrote 5 pages of A4 by hand, I wrote 2 or 3 pages of A4 typed.


We both wrote them differently. Which is kind of the point to it. We didn't both cover all the same life events but they mostly crossed over somewhere.


I just wrote how we met, when we decided to wanted to become more than just two people dating, how our relationship progressed and so on. Then a brief bit about our wedding. More detail about how he had supported me emotionally etc during my pregnancy and after our son was born. Also how I supported his sporting activities and other things. Kind of just stuff that showed how we share our lives, not in each others pockets but that we are a normal couple, doing some couple things, some things on our own but with the support/interest of the other person there. Also covered how he supports the family financially and so on.


Basically, cover all the points they list in the booklet. You can bullet point it, write it long hand, type it, whatever works for you. Just write your own, each of you. They want to see the person in the words, not carbon copies of each other or just copying each other. I did a few drafts in type before my final version which I then showed to hubby. He wrote his free hand and we made sure our dates tallied and that was it. His was a very different style to mine.

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We wrote a statement each (it asked for one from each of us).


Sometimes using an agent - which we did - can offer slightly alternate solutions, based on the legislation rather than sticking to the Partner Migration Booklet. Our application was never questioned. S'all I'm saying.

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Sometimes using an agent - which we did - can offer slightly alternate solutions, based on the legislation rather than sticking to the Partner Migration Booklet. Our application was never questioned. S'all I'm saying.


If we'd paid an agent maybe it would have saved me a couple of evenings of my time but we didn't go that route so no loss there. Working from the partner booklet was fine for us. Writing a statement each was no biggie. I doubt I'd have wanted to write a shared one so to speak as hubby and I have very differing styles of approaching such things. It'd have driven me nuts :)

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If we'd paid an agent maybe it would have saved me a couple of evenings of my time but we didn't go that route so no loss there. Working from the partner booklet was fine for us. Writing a statement each was no biggie. I doubt I'd have wanted to write a shared one so to speak as hubby and I have very differing styles of approaching such things. It'd have driven me nuts :)


It takes different strokes... But as was explained to me: we had kids, insurances, houses and a long history together - the CO was not going to spend a whole lot of time reviewing our subjective views on our relationship when there were far meatier evidences on offer - a short who when and why suited us both and in our case was the easiest option.

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We wrote our separately. Started with when we met, when we started dating, how our relationship progressed, how we support each other - financially, emotionally etc and where we see our future (we are not yet married but live together). We wrote ours at different times, I put down exact dates, OH put month/year. It was really nice to read each others afterwards as we had practically written the same! Good to know we're on the same page HA HA!

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