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English lads seeking sponsorship


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There are 3 of us basically sick to death of England and round about 3 month ago we decided it would be a good idea to try and move to Australia, we went about looking at different Internet sites and events visiting expos regarding moving to Australia. We eventually found some information telling us the best way to get into Australia would be getting a working/holiday visa, we are currently waiting to apply but first would like to know if this really is the best way to go about it. We would like to stay over in aus permanently (if possible) however we found out we would need sponsorship and we aren't even sure this would guarantee a permanent visa. Any advice would be greatly appreciated or even telling us where wasting our time it would be helpful. We are all 19 but are extremely dedicated and don't mind having to work hard to get this. we are also all unskilled (which we know doesn't help our situation) but willing to learn we also will have round about 7000/8000 British pounds if this helps once again any help or advice would be appreciated

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There are 3 of us basically sick to death of England and round about 3 month ago we decided it would be a good idea to try and move to Australia, we went about looking at different Internet sites and events visiting expos regarding moving to Australia. We eventually found some information telling us the best way to get into Australia would be getting a working/holiday visa, we are currently waiting to apply but first would like to know if this really is the best way to go about it. We would like to stay over in aus permanently (if possible) however we found out we would need sponsorship and we aren't even sure this would guarantee a permanent visa. Any advice would be greatly appreciated or even telling us where wasting our time it would be helpful. We are all 19 but are extremely dedicated and don't mind having to work hard to get this. we are also all unskilled (which we know doesn't help our situation) but willing to learn we also will have round about 7000/8000 British pounds if this helps once again any help or advice would be appreciated


Unfortunately if you have been told that this is your best option, it means that your options are very limited. People with the right skills do not need sponsorship either, many of us moved without a sponsor. I think it is unlikely tat your WHV trip will lead to anything other than you having a great time.

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A WHV is what it says. A holiday.

In order to gain sponsorship you still have to have a skill on the skilled lists. There are two lists known as the SOL and CSOL. Have a look at immi.gov.au for these lists. However, at the age of 19, it would be very unlikely you would have a skill on the list

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Get over here on a WHV and have a great time for a few months. Check out a few places you think you might like. Absolutely loads to go at, massive country with 5 time zones, 3 hours difference at certain times of the year between East and West cost.


Different climates within the same country. You can drive in a couple of days from snow (at some times of the year) to tropical rain forest and balmy beach weather without getting on a plane.


Sydney is a great place to be for a few weeks as a backpacker. Loads of decent places to stay around Kings Cross, lots of other travellers around there to have a good time with and Sydney is great. You can get cheap digs, maybe a part time job in a pub or restaurant and in your time off nip down to Bondi, Manly or one of the other splendid beaches.


Travel to the other major cities as every one is totally different and has a different "feel" about it. I live in Perth and love it here but could have easily settled in a lot of other places in Aus and had a good time.


If you like it enough to make any of you want to train to do something that will get you on the list to apply for emigration that can only be a good thing.


Good luck mate, have a great time.

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