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Selling UK Property


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we are currently doing this although we started the process when we were home in the uk a few weeks ago ... so far we haven't encountered any problems and our solicitor has assured us its pain free ...just have to actually sell it :biggrin:


mrs keily

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Did you sign power of attorney to anyone like the solicitor etc. I am thinking of selling now. My neighbour there states that the houses in my road are selling in next to no time when they come up for sale. Had it valued and it has increased a lot. had several valuations. (though I know its only worth what someone will pay for it)

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Did you sign power of attorney to anyone like the solicitor etc. I am thinking of selling now. My neighbour there states that the houses in my road are selling in next to no time when they come up for sale. Had it valued and it has increased a lot. had several valuations. (though I know its only worth what someone will pay for it)


I wouldn't do that, keep control if it yourself. I have sold a house from overseas and also bought one from overseas. There was no need for power of attorney and the whole thing was really very simple (or rather no more complicad than normal because these things are never simple!)

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No problem doing this but if you don't need the money or have a sitting tenant it might be worth sitting tight as values are increasing (in south east anyway) and are expected to carry on doing so nationwide, at least in the short term. Also putting houses on the market in winter can reduce its appeal and therefore value (though this does depend on the type of property to some extent).

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No problem doing this but if you don't need the money or have a sitting tenant it might be worth sitting tight as values are increasing (in south east anyway) and are expected to carry on doing so nationwide, at least in the short term. Also putting houses on the market in winter can reduce its appeal and therefore value (though this does depend on the type of property to some extent).


Unfortunately we need the money otherwise I would hold on to it as our flat is actually located in the South East and the surge in prices has been surprising.

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