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Did it take moving to realize that you did not have it that bad after all?

Phil & Vikki

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Our main reason mirrors yours though I don't think anything bad is happening to the UK. Just got in from a run and it was cold for first time. Will be indoors in the gym for the next 6 months. The cold was never a major issue for me until a few years ago but loathe it now. The UK is as good as anywhere in the world from May to September. Marking time from November through March is not the way I want to spend my remaining years.


Nov- March is like living inside a fricken' furnace here! Soooo, hot, you may be inside the gym then too!:biggrin:

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those who said they never came to escape.Well what did you come for a laugh?people always move to escape or expierence (same word)something different.i will be honest I came here to escape from fony blairs policys,the pc brigade,the weather,the gangs of kids outside the offy or bottle'oe'and a lot more.and I like the freedom here of being legally being able to drink a stubby while driving lol but they ban smoking?In SA anyway gotta love oz.


I tend to see escaping as - getting away from/avoiding - that there's something you don't like. We liked our lives and had we stayed we'd have been ok.

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Life was good in UK and its good here in Oz, Im aiming to be a citizen of both countries and make the most of the fact that our family is extremely lucky to be able to call either country home. More than that, we are not trapped and can go back to the UK should we wish to. I am grateful for that flexibility. So we will have Xmas this year in UK with cosy fires, roast dinners and all our extended family and fab friends. Then will return to the warmth of a lingering sun, BBQs at the beach with our lovely friends we have made in Oz to have a warm January birthday for the first time in 43 years ! :biggrin:

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We have been thinking about it recently and was wondered if anyone else had the same thought. Recently, we have started to realize that what we initially had in the UK was not really as bad as what we thought it was. Yes there were issues which coming to Australia helped us sort out, but after all it was not too bad there at all. Moving to another country makes you realize that everywhere has its own set of issues and problems.


When we were deciding to come out to Australia, we thought that we had it bad in the UK, but now after a bit of time away, we realize that things may not of been that bad. THis is in respects to health, money, friends, family, British ways and all the other things that crop up in conversations :)



Not that we have things bad here. It is funny how sometimes you think things are far worse than they actually are, when you are set on doing something like moving. It is only when you step back can see the whole picture. The old saying that the grass always looks greener on the other side is often true.


We are not leaving the UK to escape anything if you go to oz with the view that life is going to be better then you are fixing yourself for a fall! life will be just the same but with different challenges. If you move to Oz with the view of living life like you did in the UK then that is also not possible! you need to focus on what you need out life and if in the UK you are not getting that then a move it the best thing for you. People I think often move to oz for what they think is going to be dream life fact a dream life doesn't exists not even for the richest of rich a dream life is made from being happy and for that it doesn't matter where you live you just need the things that make you happy! good luck anyway

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I realised that utopia doesnt exist, I had it good in the UK realised some of that when moved to oz.

Oz can offer me different things. Different not better. still get up early, go to work,pay bills get p*ssed off with the country, look forward to weekends, get cold in winter get wet when it rains, get hot in the summer drive along the seafront,watch sunsets eat ice cream. and go out for entertainment. meet friends for dinner watch soccer


Just Like I Did in the UK. both countries offer me a variety of choices,but you have to go get them, they wont come to you to experience.

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It is a dream life and it is better though. Much, much better.

It is for you, Starlight. In your circumstances, taking into account the life you left behind, the life you have built, the things that matter to you, the things that you value etc etc so many different factors that make us unique as individuals......they all contribute to who we are and how we see the world.


For me - I don’t need to move to Australia to know that life would not be better there for me. I’m pretty sure that in certain circumstances I could happily live in Aus (or a lot of other places tbh) but it is not my dream. The things that make my life full and happy and ‘good’ are all here, in the UK.


But all of that means diddly squat to every one else, because we are all different and weigh and measure things differently. Some folk will agree that life really is much, much better in Aus – for them. But something like a third of people currently going throught he visa process will pingpong, and some of them will pingpong again. Threads in MBTTUK show that some people, after decades of living happily in Aus/ UK, decide that it no longer ticks all the boxes and that they need to move for a happier or different lifestyle. Goals posts change for a lot of us, for lots of reasons, and that fact alone makes me think that nowhere can honestly be described as the place of dreams......just my view. Tx

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I came over in 2007 for weather and job opportunity and will be returning to the UK for the same reason. I am over the heat now as I find it more restricting than the cool and damp, but it's taken a while to feel this way. When I went back to UK in winter 4 years ago many days were bright & crisp and I think I was just lucky. Just been in UK for 5 months and weather been superb. Again not typical, but this has placed rose tinted glasses firmly in place!

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It is for you, Starlight. In your circumstances, taking into account the life you left behind, the life you have built, the things that matter to you, the things that you value etc etc so many different factors that make us unique as individuals......they all contribute to who we are and how we see the world.


For me - I don’t need to move to Australia to know that life would not be better there for me. I’m pretty sure that in certain circumstances I could happily live in Aus (or a lot of other places tbh) but it is not my dream. The things that make my life full and happy and ‘good’ are all here, in the UK.


But all of that means diddly squat to every one else, because we are all different and weigh and measure things differently. Some folk will agree that life really is much, much better in Aus – for them. But something like a third of people currently going throught he visa process will pingpong, and some of them will pingpong again. Threads in MBTTUK show that some people, after decades of living happily in Aus/ UK, decide that it no longer ticks all the boxes and that they need to move for a happier or different lifestyle. Goals posts change for a lot of us, for lots of reasons, and that fact alone makes me think that nowhere can honestly be described as the place of dreams......just my view. Tx


Think this is a great reply and helps sum things up nicely. People are all different and what is right for one is not right for another.We all want to live in a world where we have the freedom to express our thoughts and be able to say if something is not right for us.


This post was not meant to read that we were 'escaping' anything, but more the fact that now we have realised that things were not as bad as we initially thought. There was another post where someone said that it is the same sh1t, just a different place. That is true, unless you win the lottery, we all have to get up, go to work, pay the bills and wish the week away to get to the weekend. For some people, they discover that after a bit, they would rather do all of that in familiar surroundings and with people they have know for a long time. We personally did not come out here to escape anything.

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