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Tony Abbott elected new Australian PM in a landslide !!


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Just some of Abbotts "achievements"

1. Announcing a Cabinet with just ONE female member.

2. Revoking the funding of the Climate Council.

3. Announcing massive public service cuts, including cuts to CSIRO.

4. Seeking a $200 Billion increase to the debt ceiling.

5. Gifting the Reserve Bank with $8.8 Billion.

6. Ordering public servants to refer to lawful asylum seekers as 'illegals'.

7. Approving massive coal port expansions on the Great Barrier Reef.

8. Refusing to negotiate with the Russians over the release of Australian citizens.

9. Separating a mother from her newborn because she is an asylum seeker.

10. Negotiating with a suspected Sri Lankan war criminal.

11. Condoning war, rape & torture as 'difficult things in difficult circumstances'.

12. Demanding a repeal of a price on carbon despite GLOBAL rallies

A lot to be proud of Mr Abbott

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And also another big lie public service cuts would only be through natural attrition - over 14,000 public servants on contract will be axed - wouldn't call that natural attrition - well done Tony adding to the unemployment queue for Christmas

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And also another big lie public service cuts would only be through natural attrition - over 14,000 public servants on contract will be axed - wouldn't call that natural attrition - well done Tony adding to the unemployment queue for Christmas


On the plus side he will probably hire them all back in some way or another in the medium term. But the "savings" will give him a good stat to use for a few months

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Just some of Abbotts "achievements"

1. Announcing a Cabinet with just ONE female member.

2. Revoking the funding of the Climate Council.

3. Announcing massive public service cuts, including cuts to CSIRO.

4. Seeking a $200 Billion increase to the debt ceiling.

5. Gifting the Reserve Bank with $8.8 Billion.

6. Ordering public servants to refer to lawful asylum seekers as 'illegals'.

7. Approving massive coal port expansions on the Great Barrier Reef.

8. Refusing to negotiate with the Russians over the release of Australian citizens.

9. Separating a mother from her newborn because she is an asylum seeker.

10. Negotiating with a suspected Sri Lankan war criminal.

11. Condoning war, rape & torture as 'difficult things in difficult circumstances'.

12. Demanding a repeal of a price on carbon despite GLOBAL rallies

A lot to be proud of Mr Abbott


I did write a response to these points, but you know what? I can't be bothered to post it.


You don't like the bloke, and nothing will change your mind.


Personally I've nothing against him, and agree with most the things he's done.

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Well known in Canberra as a fundamentalist, racist, barsteward! No wait he's worse than that, he's a fundamentalist, racist, Pommy Barsteward!

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Turns out Indonesia was spying on Australian officials as well.


Only Abbott has the balls to stick it to Indonesia, a leader needs to be strong and non-apologetic for something that all sides are doing.


Enough with all the years of faux tolerance by Labour, it's refreshing to see a Abott as a leader being patriotic and doing his elected duty. He needs to get tougher with Indonesia as they are directly allowing their country being used as a launch pad of illegal activities into Australian waters and allowing so many people to their watery graves in death boats.


Now is not the time to be spineless.


If Indonesia so wanted they could really open the doors to boats leaving. The solution obviously lies with Indonesian co operation. Nothing strong in Abbotts approach offending a near neighbour. Apologise and move on. Germany had an apology from America. Australia needs Indonesia more than they need us I would suggest.

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Guest Guest66881

So blackmail is the new law on a political level i mean, why apologies when everyone knows that all nations spy on each other, this world as no chance does it?

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I think Kev and Julia did that. Tony Abbott has done well to to improve that in a short time. Indonesia admitted spying on Australia some time ago. Did the Australian PM make a public incident about that? Their present foreign minister seems very anti Australia every time he opens his mouth. I wonder if they will return the aid they have received and refuse any further aid? The PM should not under any circumstances apologise to these hypocrites. THe Labor party and the Greens should also remember under whose watch the incident occurred.


Their foreign minister studied in Australia so likely knows it fairly well. He does nothing more than reflect foreign policy and the demands from within government. There are certainly people within government and opposition that do not like Australia for various reasons (not forgetting East Timor) and with presidential elections coming up the government there has to appear tough to their general population. Much like Abbott and the boats.

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So blackmail is the new law on a political level i mean, why apologies when everyone knows that all nations spy on each other, this world as no chance does it?


A clever politician would soothe the ruffled feathers without actually apologising - and what the man in the street can easily say on a forum is quite different to what the political head of a country should say in public. Obama managed it without any loss of face, why can't Abbott? No class, no manners, and no skills. Should stick to bullying women and surf life saving!

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Just some of Abbotts "achievements"

1. Announcing a Cabinet with just ONE female member.

2. Revoking the funding of the Climate Council.

3. Announcing massive public service cuts, including cuts to CSIRO.

4. Seeking a $200 Billion increase to the debt ceiling.

5. Gifting the Reserve Bank with $8.8 Billion.

6. Ordering public servants to refer to lawful asylum seekers as 'illegals'.

7. Approving massive coal port expansions on the Great Barrier Reef.

8. Refusing to negotiate with the Russians over the release of Australian citizens.

9. Separating a mother from her newborn because she is an asylum seeker.

10. Negotiating with a suspected Sri Lankan war criminal.

11. Condoning war, rape & torture as 'difficult things in difficult circumstances'.

12. Demanding a repeal of a price on carbon despite GLOBAL rallies

A lot to be proud of Mr Abbott


Give him a chance only been behind the desk a few weeks. I'm sure he'll be able to add considerably to the above list in due course.

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A clever politician would soothe the ruffled feathers without actually apologising - and what the man in the street can easily say on a forum is quite different to what the political head of a country should say in public. Obama managed it without any loss of face, why can't Abbott? No class, no manners, and no skills. Should stick to bullying women and surf life saving!



Oh And eating your ear wax in Parliament in front of camera is much better?! That's Rudd by the way, on You Tube in all it's glory..................

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Oh And eating your ear wax in Parliament in front of camera is much better?! That's Rudd by the way, on You Tube in all it's glory..................


LOL Ah well, I scratched a gnat bite on my bottom at work the other day when I thought the office was empty, before I remembered the security cameras, so that kind of moment can happen to us all! I am not, and wasn't a fan of Rudd either, but at least he seemed to have read "Politics 101" at some stage, unlike TA. An error of good taste is quite different to an error of serious political etiquette!

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Of course all Prime Ministers grow in the job.

Tony has started well and will only get better.


John Howard also I believe grew as a PM.


I really respect Tony Abbott as an honourable, decent man.

He quietly spends his holidays volunteering with the CFA, and spends time working with Aboriginal communities in remote outback Australia.

Not to mention the Pollie Pedal raising thousands each year for charity.


I wish more of our politicians were like him.

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Of course all Prime Ministers grow in the job.

Tony has started well and will only get better.


John Howard also I believe grew as a PM.


I really respect Tony Abbott as an honourable, decent man.

He quietly spends his holidays volunteering with the CFA, and spends time working with Aboriginal communities in remote outback Australia.

Not to mention the Pollie Pedal raising thousands each year for charity.


I wish more of our politicians were like him.


Well he could always allow one of Australia's many homeless families live in the house being rented for him for $3000 a week he does not want , that would be a nice gesture.

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In Australia we vote for the policies, not the man...That's possibly why the UK has gone down the gurgle...You vote for the man, not the policies.:wink:


Cheers, Bobj.


I suspect that people voted for Abbot because he was perceived as a better 'bloke' than Rudd who according to press isn't very nice. I have to say that like most people I know (Brits and Ozzies) I would care more about policy than personality. Abbot a big fan of Cameron according to the Daily Fail... wouldn't surprise me, seem to have v similar qualities.

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You want a homeless family to live in Kirribilli House ?


Are you a Greens voter by any chance ?

NO not Kirrabilli House, the LNP have rented a house in Canberra but TA wants to live in accomadation provided for the police cadets at $110 a night. I give him credit for that but sad to see a beautiful home sitting empty. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/house-pm-rejected-costing-us-3000-a-week/story-e6frg6nf-1226762841457#

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Does look very nice. I'm sure one of the other pollies will put their hand up to move in.

I bet it won't be empty for long.


But I agree it does sound a stuff up, if one of his staffers rented a house for him to live in without asking the person who was supposedly going to live there whether he liked it and would actually be happy living there.


It seems hard to believe they would rent him a house without showing him it and asking him if he was happy with the choice.


But if they did they have stuffed up.

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Does look very nice. I'm sure one of the other pollies will put their hand up to move in.

I bet it won't be empty for long.


But I agree it does sound a stuff up, if one of his staffers rented a house for him to live in without asking the person who was supposedly going to live there whether he liked it and would actually be happy living there.


It seems hard to believe they would rent him a house without showing him it and asking him if he was happy with the choice.


But if they did they have stuffed up.


Actually even worse than that as they leased it "before" he was elected .

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To be fair to Abbott, it was leased by the PM's office before the election for whichever candidate won. The Lodge needs a lot of renovation work because the roof was falling in, possum piss dripping through the ceilings etc...


The problem with getting out of the lease is ironically trying to find somebody to take it over. Since Abbott's announcement on cuts and job freezes, the bottom has dropped out of the rental market and renters will not commit for the next 10 months where they can find other places for 6.

$3000 might have been the going rate 3 months ago, you would knock $1000 off that now on the current Canberra market. Luckily for the owner, they don't need to drop the asking price because they already have the PM by the balls til next August..

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