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Nurse needing help with registration or advice


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i am new to this site and was wondering if I could pick anyone's brains with the process in which I need to follow in order to move to Australia.

i am a qualified adult nurse and looking to move to Perth. We have 2 children aged 7 and 4 weeks old so need to be able to find a visa to cover us all. I have looked at applying for a visa however can not really afford this route so would want to find sponsorship.

how do I go about this? Do I need to apply direct to the hospital for specific role or apply to Ahpra for my registration first?

I have started the application for registration with Australia and need to get my documents certified and write down my clinical/procedural skills on my Cv!

I think I have got myself rather confused as I am reading posts on here saying that people are completing competent tests etc which i didnt think i had to do if getting sponsored but now am slightly unsure and then also would assume I would have to secure a job prior to applying for registration!

Anyone that has done it this way that could give me a few pointers would be great or anyone that could help would be great as I am very confused on the process.



many thanks Lynsey

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Im a nurse currently going through the process. Firstly have your skills assessed by the anmac this takes around 12 to 14 weeks at the minute. Prior to this you need to sit ielts, academic level needing band 7 in all 4 areas. Then ask them to forward to aphra for you, sames time and money also. I will add you can apply to aphra at any time. Even after you apply for visa. Anmac and ielts you will need in order to apply for visa. As for sponsorship you apply direct to state or find employer willing to sponsor. You need to work out which visa you are applying for, do you know yet? Check diac website to check what points you have and options of visa. Hope this helps message me if I can help with anything x

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Have you considered going to one of the Overseas Expos which are held regularly around the UK? We went to one in London just under 2 years ago and there were a number of organisations there who were interested in sponsoring nurses on a 457 visa. They would be worth talking to if you can get yourself along to one of the events.


I would say that if you cannot afford to get a visa yourself and need someone else to sponsor you, you may find it a struggle financially to even get yourself set up out here, as rentals are very expensive compared to the UK and childcare is very expensive if you need it full time to allow you to work. I would suggest that you do your figures very carefully before even starting down the route of paying for ILETS etc.

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I will have a look to see if I can find an oversea expo that's a good shout!

We will be able to afford going out there etc its just all our funds are tied up at present and don't really want to go the long route as I know the sponsorship route is a lot quicker!

thanks for your reply

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Thanks so much for your rreply when you say apply straight to state what do you mean?

how far into the application are you? I hope it's all going well



ielts done paperwork for anmac done now awaiting completion of that back, have already requested them to forward to aphra for registration. When anmac recieved just eoi for to do:biggrin:. Thats the order most do it in, im hoping to go on 189 visa but researched the sponsorship one, basically you apply direct to the state your interested in. Western aus or NSW for example you need to check there criteria.......google state sponsorship for aus it will give you the info you need. I believe its straight forward to and takes a couple of weeks. With that one you work in the state where the employer sponsored you have to work for them only for 2 years and hope you like it, else very difficult to get someone else to take over and from what i have seen many are in more rural areas. Depends what you are wanting though xx

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ielts done paperwork for anmac done now awaiting completion of that back, have already requested them to forward to aphra for registration. When anmac recieved just eoi for to do:biggrin:. Thats the order most do it in, im hoping to go on 189 visa but researched the sponsorship one, basically you apply direct to the state your interested in. Western aus or NSW for example you need to check there criteria.......google state sponsorship for aus it will give you the info you need. I believe its straight forward to and takes a couple of weeks. With that one you work in the state where the employer sponsored you have to work for them only for 2 years and hope you like it, else very difficult to get someone else to take over and from what i have seen many are in more rural areas. Depends what you are wanting though xx



oh also i believe with sponsorship visa u need 2 years min post grad experience xx

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If going for sponsorship only Ahpra is needed, no need for Ielts if you can prove you were taught and assessed in English for at least 5 year. However remember a sponsorship is only a work permit and should you be unlucky to lose your job you only have so long to find a new sponsor or you have to return to the UK. It was at an Expo that I changed my mind from sponsorship to PR. A speaker had suggested an example of perhaps breaking a leg would mean I couldnt work then I would have to return home! Consider long and hard re type of visa your going for. Good luck

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Hey thanks for reply, looking at it that way is quite scary! How long does the PR route take? Or how long is yours taking? Another reason we are reluctant to go that route is the time frame my daughter is very happy to leave at this age but give it another 2years and she may change her mind! X

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From initially planning it my journey has taken 2 year but I was waiting for my son to do his GCSEs so time wasnt precious, Im sure it could be done within the year. That was also another reason I needed PR as a 457 your classed as an overseas student for fees so really expensive. the carrot for my son is Ive promised a swimming pool and he can take driving lessons as soon as we get there as only need to be 16! Im sure you'll find a carrot for your daughter!

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Personally, I would go for PR every time if you have that option. Some people have come out on 457 with the promise of PR sponsorship then there has been a freeze and people have to do it themselves. You will find you have some costs on the 457, it is likely you will have to pay for the visa application and medical cost (with you being a health worker). As someone mentioned, do be reminded that this is only a temporary working visa and PR is not automatic. It may also restrict you seeking promotions/other positions outside your sponsoring health service - unless they are willing to take over the sponsorship

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have kids personally I'd avoid the temp visa. You aren't entitled to any help or child care benefits (such as the old type family allowance or whatever it was called) should you need it. You will also have to pay school fees of up to $5000 per child. You don't pay school fees on a permanent resident visa and if you do become ill (or break a leg!) and can't work you'll have financial support. If you are struggling to afford the visa you'll definitely struggle once here. We came on a permanent resident visa through my work as a nurse and from starting the process to sitting on the plane took one year but that was by choice, things were ready 2 months prior to this. We had to borrow the money and pay it back on the sale of our UK house. It's expensive butvin the long run will savd you money, hassle and worry. If you love it in oz and want to stay the process of getting your pr once here is more difficult and costly. Good luck and always happy to share what I've learnt along the way if that helps. It's still fresh in my mind as we only arrived in May, Maria x

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Also forgot to say I'm in perth too! They are crying out for nurses as the new big hospital is opening. You'll get a visa super quick. Have you thought about a state sponsored pr visa? We went through a migration agent who sorted all this for us. Well worth it, one thing less for you to get your head around! Maria x

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I have to say I back all the posts on here advising of PR. Its nice going for a quick and cheap 457 but you are basically making life harder for yourself in the long run, if you want to settle your children you will still have to pay for PR in the long term. The child tax credit equivalent is also very good if you are a PR, whereas you are not entitled on a 457. This seems to be around $600 per fortnight, although as in the UK based on your circumstances. There is a calculator online somewhere. From years of being on this forum and seeing posts from people who have lost their sponsors being forced to return to the UK and uprooting their children I wouldn't go for this visa unless I was desperate. I am sure in the extra time it takes to get PR (perhaps 6 months more than a 457) your daughter wont change her mind. My daughter is nearly 10 and cannot wait to get out there. We have been talking about it since 2008.


Good luck in the future. Once you have made your mind up about the visa you can decide on the route you need to take as they both have different requirements.

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Aww Maria this is great info! I'm glad that the is lots of opportunities for nurses! We have decided to go for the pr route going to borrow the Money until the house sells! Gonna try and do it alone rather than an agent tho, so may end up asking you many questions! So the visa was relatively quick tho?

How are you finding life out there? Where abouts have you moved too?

hope things are going ok for you? Thanks again for the advice!

Lynsey x

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Ask away (may not be able to answer as our agent did all of the behind the scenes and paperwork stuff). The visa was much quicker than we expected, I'd heard of nurses waiting 2 year plus, I believe it was because of us choosing Perth and Perth alone (we were adamant on that). South of the Swan River the new Fiona Stanley Hospital is opening which needs hundreds of nurses, plus all the hospitals north of this are scared of losing their staff to Fiona's and are in a mad recruitment drive. Personally I reckon you've opted for the best possible time to apply. I won't lie it's hard and we've had moments of "I want to go home I hate it!" You miss friends a lot, and family plus everything is new and different and quite frankly odd!, there's tons of stuff to organise and do and all while your stressed and tired BUT I can't imagine actually getting on the plane and going back. The life for the kids is amazing and when off together and you hit the beaches, parks and marina's it's like living on a holiday. We have to remind ourselves its only been 4 months as you want things like new friends and a social circle immediately but it doesn't happen, your too busy. However slowly but surely we are meeting people and making friends. We have moved north to an area called Kingsley which is nice, plenty of space and not all British. We didn't want to just swap our old lives for one in the sun. We wanted a new way of life totally and so immersing yourself with new cultures is the way to do it. Also remember the long term goal! If you aren't loaded (as we weren't!) when you first arrive you work all the hours god sends as its VERY expensive here, however once my husband is sorted with his permanent job I can cut my hours right down and we'll be living the life we planned.

Maria xx

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Hi guys, I have another query!!!

We have now decided to go for the 190 visa route and This is where i am at the moment

As I haven't got an up to date passport which i need to book my IELTS test I am booked in at the passport office for a premium service weds morning.

then I am booking my ILETS for the 7th Sept as I need extra points for the visa.

then I was gonna apply for the skills assessment with ANMAC when i receive my results however I have been looking on here at a few posts and apparently the wait on the skills assessment is around 16-18weeks! Am I able to apply to ANMAC now before my Ielts results so I can get the process started!?

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I went the pr route only took seven months from start in dec 2011 visa grant July 2012 so not long. Aphra reg took bout two months although I'm a reg midwife and adult nurse here in uk APHRA would only give me registration for midwifery not nurse. Not sure why as was just a rejection letter with a big code

we hoping to move jan 2014 but at min frantically looking for jobs x

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From what I can remember and from looking at all my letters you need the IELTS before applying to ANMAC. They are notorious for losing stuff so it's better to send everything together anyway. However start getting all your documentation ready to go. Don't forget to ask that IELTS send a copy of your results directly toAHPRA! Get the NMC to send your verification document to ANMAC and AHPRA (the office in the state you intend to work) now though to save time (and money if you do both at same time). Toodalou I got 15 points for a diploma (I actually had an advanced diploma but that counts for nothing). I do think Australia counts it as equivalent of a degree but it doesn't mean anything once through the process or gives extra points. Good luck girls. One last piece ofcadvise...read everything and dot all the I's and cross all the t's. I had some documentation sent back from AHPRA as I hadn't put the date next to my signiture on an item (even though it was at the top of the letter). The CV and CPD paperwork has to be exactly what they've asked for,Maria x

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