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Rudd calls election.


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Guest Dave53

It doesn't really matter who you vote for , you'll still get the same old political rhetoric , the same old political broken promises , and the average bloke in the street will still be shafted , no matter what party is in power..

Dave C

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To realize Abbott is being backed/supported by Rupert Murdoch is enough to make me think that Australia needs Abbott in power like a hole in the head.

Murdoch supporting Abbott because he wants to water down the NBN in AU which seems to be one of the most positive things for Australia if it comes off

Murdoch wants Foxtel to have a nice little monopoly.

Enough to make me vote for Rudd I think

I suppose Abbottt will also want to water down the New Disability Scheme in Australia? But he does want to get rid of the Mining tax???? Nice to see someone caring for the disabled


Would you vote for Rupert Murdoch? sorry Abbott

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Abbott is doing what is best for the country.

Murdoch is doing what is best for his own business interests.


Do not confuse the two. They have nothing to do with each other.

The Murdoch press always go after one side or another in every election in every country they operate in.

They don't always get it right and are not as powerful as they think they are. Most people are not that gullible that they choose their vote based on articles in the Murdoch papers.

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Guest Ptp113
To realize Abbott is being backed/supported by Rupert Murdoch is enough to make me think that Australia needs Abbott in power like a hole in the head.

Murdoch supporting Abbott because he wants to water down the NBN in AU which seems to be one of the most positive things for Australia if it comes off

Murdoch wants Foxtel to have a nice little monopoly.

Enough to make me vote for Rudd I think

I suppose Abbottt will also want to water down the New Disability Scheme in Australia? But he does want to get rid of the Mining tax???? Nice to see someone caring for the disabled


Would you vote for Rupert Murdoch? sorry Abbott

Ahh the fundamentalist, racist, Barsteward, and lackey of Murdoch to boot. I don't think so

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Are you an Australian citizen ?



yes I am and I know I have to turn up to the polling station but that's it. Being threatened with fines and prison is not democracy and only dictatorships and banana republics do that. If people chose not to vote then parliamentarians should be looking at the reasons why people do not vote as is the situation in the UK - mainly because they are a bunch of lying scumbags more interested in lining their own pockets than trying to make the country a better place. Australian MPs are not as bad as British ones but it seems that they only want to resolve the problems that interest or affect them.


I'm going to spoil my ballot paper but since becoming so, I have been plagued by visits and letters from federal and state MPs and local councillors.


In one respect I should consider myself lucky with all of this interest as I don't think I even had anyone knock on my door in 20 years in the UK but when they clearly do not have any interest in the local issues I have contacted them on it is clear that they are not interested in resolving matters. I have raised the matter of the extreme number of potholes in a main road near me which have been so badly maintained that I consider it dangerous to drive on and you have to weave between them. None of these "representatives" have even acknowledged my letters.


Its pretty bad that when 2 of them have each sent me 3 letters in 8 weeks welcoming me to the area when I have lived here for for a long time!


Anyway, rant over. I believe that voting is a right and if I chose not to vote then that should be my choice and i shouldn't be forced to vote. MPs have the choice to abstain and so should I.

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I wish I could vote but alas not yet. I find it all fascinating and I look forward to some really good debates.


Do they actually debate any pressing topics over here? All I hear about is boat people.

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Does anyone else think it's a bit odd that he has to ask permission from Her Majesty's representative?



Nup...Australia is a constitutional monarchy. It will remain like that until Australians vote to become a republic.

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Do they actually debate any pressing topics over here? All I hear about is boat people.


Absolutely. There will probably be 3 debates between the leaders.

The economy is the big one. Each side will try and convince they can manage the economy best.


But no question, boat people will be one of the major issues of the election.

It is believed that Labor could lose the election on this topic alone given its importance to the people in the marginal electorates of western sydney.

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I find it all fascinating and I look forward to some really good debates.


You could be in for quite a wait.


I don't think Abbott is a gifted speaker. Or gifted in any other area, frankly. But, just like in Qld, I think LNP will win simply because people are fed up with the ALP. And as for Rudds' advert "Vote for me, 'coz Australia loves an underdog". It's pathetic. It reminds me of Anna Blighs' "Don't give the LNP _too much _ power".


The reason he's the underdog is because he's failed to implement viable policies and people can see that.


Quite how Abbott got to be party leader is beyond me, but I'm resigned to the fact that he will be PM in 6 weeks time. Hopefully he's got someone on board who knows what they're doing.

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Absolutely. There will probably be 3 debates between the leaders.

The economy is the big one. Each side will try and convince they can manage the economy best.


But no question, boat people will be one of the major issues of the election.

It is believed that Labor could lose the election on this topic alone given its importance to the people in the marginal electorates of western sydney.


So the boat people is important to bogans?


I'm glad that in the UK people don't have to vote. Imagine what would happen if the chavs of Britain voted, we would probably end up with some BNP members. Luckily they would never vote unless it was tied to their benefits :)

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