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what have you done today to get to the uk

beach pig

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i thought I would start this thread in response to the thread in NCD.as the other thread has given helpful tips about people moving to oz .I thought it was right for people to post what they have done to get back to the uk.


To me the process of moving back home seems a lot harder than coming out here especially after being here six years.I mean in that time we have

put roots down,with jobs:shocked: friends/pets/ schools abit of familiarity within the area we live, just like we had in the uk


But moving back I think we do with a sense of trepidation,i mean we pretty much no what we are going back too Whereas coming here is/was a big exiting adventure.

The problems are magnified when you don't have that family support round you I think .I mean you still have to book flights,arrange shipping,sort passports,cancel rent/sellhouse,find somewhere to stay until takeoff,sell all your junk you have somehow collated,makesure passports are up to date,sort out shipping,sort out financing,sell cars,cancel all the insurances,cancel utilities,and lots lots more.Then( wait for it) look for somewhere to live, find schools,find jobs,find a car and all the other things you just cancelled or sold to start over again in the uk(why do we do it to ourselves)


I think for us anyway to get that exiting adventure feeling back we are going back to a different county down sarf, far away from where we came from to get that buzz of something different instead of going back to that bubble we was in before.but still close enough to family by car or train.


So for us we are still at the early stages of moving back and looking into all the above and more.It would be interesting to hear peoples thoughts on what they have done tday to get back to the green green grass of home.by the way this is in the mbttuk forum so no cheap shots and turning it into a oz vs uk *** for tat I think we all now what peoples thoughts on whats /wheres best. thanks andy

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Good post Beach Pig!I've heard over the years some people say,that rather than moving to Oz,they should of just relocated somewhere in the UK!lol.Lots of people returning do move to a completely different area and I personally feel its a good idea.A fresh start is a positive thing.Of course if you are returning to the UK for family reasons it might not be so good,but the UK is really accessible and easy to get around.My daughter met her partner who lived in Luton.She moved there to be with him,disliked it,and they now live in Cornwall and really love it down there.Think about whats important to you lifestyle wise.The beach?A city life?Rural?Then check out jobs in those areas.Look at holiday websites for inspiring future getaways!lol

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Good post Beach Pig!I've heard over the years some people say,that rather than moving to Oz,they should of just relocated somewhere in the UK!lol.Lots of people returning do move to a completely different area and I personally feel its a good idea.A fresh start is a positive thing.Of course if you are returning to the UK for family reasons it might not be so good,but the UK is really accessible and easy to get around.My daughter met her partner who lived in Luton.She moved there to be with him,disliked it,and they now live in Cornwall and really love it down there.Think about whats important to you lifestyle wise.The beach?A city life?Rural?Then check out jobs in those areas.Look at holiday websites for inspiring future getaways!lol


thanks for the reply melz.We have no regrets coming really but yeah we should of probably moved somewhere within the uk near the beach.god I love beaches

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We are at the start of our move back home. First we had to go firm on our decision. Now we are full steam ahead to make it happen. It is true that it isn't quite as easy to make the decision to move back. I don't regret coming but think our time is up. We are looking very hard at what area we will move back to. We have even thought of buying our old house back. Lol. I think when you start considering going home there must be reason. My advice, go with your gut instinct. I think we are pretty realistic that it won't be easy but living here is no longer easy and will have the support of our families back home. Watch this space and will keep you posted on our next adventure

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come on guys with the amount of people who look at the mbttuk some of you must be going back.So what have you done t'day or last week/month.lets make it a success like moving to oz thread.


Would love to go home. I fantasise every day about heading back, but my Australian missus loves it here and so I'm trapped here. I try and work on her with hypnotism and subliminal messages which say "Australia is crap, come back to Blighty!" Not working so far!

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Nope, I'm back and loving it! I did meet a girl from Adelaide at one of my hobby groups today and she was so rapt in UK that she was praying she would get ILR here as she didn't have any ancestral ties to UK. She said much the same as me and we had a good chuckle over the things we both notice about Aus!

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Would love to go home. I fantasise every day about heading back, but my Australian missus loves it here and so I'm trapped here. I try and work on her with hypnotism and subliminal messages which say "Australia is crap, come back to Blighty!" Not working so far!


Sounds like a similar dilemma to my own, I recently ditched my aussie gf of 7 years and will head back after summer...wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it might be, mainly because my family and friends couldn't contain their happiness when I broke the news to them on Skype! Sorry to start the weekend with a 'sad' story, I'm sure your circumstances are far different.

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Sounds like a similar dilemma to my own, I recently ditched my aussie gf of 7 years and will head back after summer...wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it might be, mainly because my family and friends couldn't contain their happiness when I broke the news to them on Skype! Sorry to start the weekend with a 'sad' story, I'm sure your circumstances are far different.


graham nice to hear what you got rid of,but clearing out wives and girlfriends!:eek: ... lol.i think I will stick to getting rid of the materialistic crap :wink: ...

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I have been checking interest rates, and iv told family the good new (for the uk bunch) but not so nice news for the family ill be leaving in oz it was hard


that must be difficult mate having feet in two camps,thankfully I don't have that decision to make but good luck

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We are at the start of our move back home. First we had to go firm on our decision. Now we are full steam ahead to make it happen. It is true that it isn't quite as easy to make the decision to move back. I don't regret coming but think our time is up. We are looking very hard at what area we will move back to. We have even thought of buying our old house back. Lol. I think when you start considering going home there must be reason. My advice, go with your gut instinct. I think we are pretty realistic that it won't be easy but living here is no longer easy and will have the support of our families back home. Watch this space and will keep you posted on our next adventure


I agree with what you say mate,but buying your old house back?depends if you have really fond memories I guess.Look forward to the updates mate

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Would love to go home. I fantasise every day about heading back, but my Australian missus loves it here and so I'm trapped here. I try and work on her with hypnotism and subliminal messages which say "Australia is crap, come back to Blighty!" Not working so far!


read a lot of your posts mate on how you have felt trapped .i think I am right in saying didn't you go back to uk for a bit and it didn't work out. thankfully we all agree to go back.one day maybe?your fantasies will turn into reality.

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Nope, I'm back and loving it! I did meet a girl from Adelaide at one of my hobby groups today and she was so rapt in UK that she was praying she would get ILR here as she didn't have any ancestral ties to UK. She said much the same as me and we had a good chuckle over the things we both notice about Aus!


cheers quoll.all your posts always have a positive vibe.did you sell everything and start again

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cheers quoll.all your posts always have a positive vibe.did you sell everything and start again

Nope. We still have our house in Aus and all I have here is what came in my backpack when I came on the holiday from which I never returned (plus stuff I have acquired). We're living in my parents home as they need the support (which is why I didn't return). All my "stuff" is still in Aus but after nearly 2 yrs without it, if and when I do go back, apart from a few sentimental bits, it'll all be cleared out (I no longer fit into my clothes anyway, being 50kg lighter than when I lived there!) I think I would be tempted to sell and start again if we were moving. there is nothing I have left there that is causing me sleepless nights with missing it.

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We can't really begin to plan anything yet as we have both a house and a business to sell ( in this market its hard, business been on market for nearly 6 months now) and have to do work to the house before we put that up for sale. So....in answer to your question. We did work to the hosue on our only day off! Very productive though.

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We can't really begin to plan anything yet as we have both a house and a business to sell ( in this market its hard, business been on market for nearly 6 months now) and have to do work to the house before we put that up for sale. So....in answer to your question. We did work to the hosue on our only day off! Very productive though.


Sounds like us we are spending all our spare time working on our house to get it on the market. Every day is a step closer. You will get there and so will we. Only down side if we back to UK this side of Xmas is we will come out of one winter and go straight into another lol. It will be worth it though. :)

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I agree with what you say mate,but buying your old house back?depends if you have really fond memories I guess.Look forward to the updates mate


Lol, if you saw our old house you would understand. Beautiful old cottage. But I guess we don't want to go backwards but onwards and upwards. Hope to go home and find something better. :)

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Beachpig, we lived in Adelaide for a while but came home 'Dayn Sarf', no regrets. In a nutshell- broke lease and sold furniture (the bits we got in Oz, to the people who took over our rental). However this was only because we never brought any furniture over from the UK only personal bits and bobs. Shipped bits back (using company who shipped stuff over Initially- no problems), booked flights, stayed with friends for a few weeks before flying bk, handed in notice for both jobs and that was that really.

When we got bk here to the UK, had to stay with in-laws for a bit, get jobs (which was easier than we thought- only one of us has a qualification, but we both found decent jobs), brought a house, brought furniture. It wasn't easy but we are now settled nicely. It can be done.

If you have any questions or I can help in any other way- fire away. We have been through it and come out of it. You will be ok.

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Sounds like us we are spending all our spare time working on our house to get it on the market. Every day is a step closer. You will get there and so will we. Only down side if we back to UK this side of Xmas is we will come out of one winter and go straight into another lol. It will be worth it though. :)


That's what my husband says, We are planning to travel via the states on our way back though, We need a long break after the arduous few years we have had trying to run a small business in this tax heavy, over regulated country. I'm not bitter or angry, just very very tired.

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We sorted out the paperwork to buy my OH's later fathers house. I doubt we will live in it when we return but it's a good investment as it will be owned outright. Also approved the letting agents brochure and I think it will go up on Right Move/Zoopla soon.

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Guest Geordee

Well we have the packers in tomorrow, so what haven't I done today to get us back ;) Its hard hard work, especially these last few weeks, with little support and 4 young un's! For the last few weeks, while the OH has been at work through the day, I've been packing / running house / looking after children etc and then by 8pm when they're tucked up, we're working till about 3am sorting out and packing. We've lived here a long time and have a lot of crap we wanted to clear, so opted to self pack the non fragile stuff so we could clear it out! But bitterly regretting it now! The cats went to the cattery today and they leave next week. Kids last day at school wednesday and we leave this Saturday!!!

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