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talking to a bloke today who makes bricks for the construction industry in the west midlands, or nationwide use ....hes had a tough few years .....recently july was his busiest month EVER , even busier than the boom years ......he cant keep up


a mate of mine works at the local ford dealership ....they sold 14 new cars last weekend........hpefully things are picking up


my mates .....roofers ....decorators ....window fitters are just starting to have a choice of work again......although they have never been out of work

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That would tally up with what i've been getting from builders merchants and having to wait for brick/block deliveries.

I've been contracting work of my mate who's a builder / developer but seriously thinking about dipping my toe in the water and getting my own work again.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

We've waited for five long years for this, Osborne said the UK economy is coming out of Casualty and creeping forward to recovery.


Lets hope it carries on. :yes:

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I work in construction and it's been tough for a lot of guys over the last few years. I have been lucky in that I've kept going but the money on offer is about the same as I was earning 10 years ago. Was offered a short term contract today that is nearly double what I been getting for the last 3 years, only problem is if I let down the contractors I'm sub-contracting to now I may well be up the creek without a paddle in 2 months time.

Decisions, decisions...glad to have them to make though, hopefully a full recovery is on the cards!

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We've waited for five long years for this, Osborne said the UK economy is coming out of Casualty and creeping forward to recovery.


Lets hope it carries on. :yes:



without borrowing the billions ed balls said was necessary ......

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without borrowing the billions ed balls said was necessary ......

That's rubbish to be honest Bunbury......this is not a recovery but a very slight upturn......USA invested heavily and their growth is really going strong and far far more than ours.....if this inept government had followed suit we would be the same as the USA....

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Guest scrumpy

They are following the USA, all the FRACKING WAY, also dont forget the house buyers deposit scheme, that has boosted confidence in construction, but at what price further down the line, we will have to wait and see

That's rubbish to be honest Bunbury......this is not a recovery but a very slight upturn......USA invested heavily and their growth is really going strong and far far more than ours.....if this inept government had followed suit we would be the same as the USA....
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I agree that there is a slight upturn in the construction sector, however it is coming from a very low level. Current construction output is at the same level it was in 1998 and there have been a lot of business failures in the last few years. Wages have been depressed and the next problem we are likely to hear of will be inflation. I read a report recently which said that construction worker earnings over the last three years had fallen by 12% in real terms, so once people have a choice of who to work for, they will be looking to try and catch up.


We will also soon see skills shortages IF the upturn continues (and as I work in the sector, I have my fingers crossed that it will), because there has been a chronic lack of apprenticeships and trainees.


Who knows, we may see those affected by the slowing resources investment in Oz coming back to the UK.

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dont forget the house buyers deposit scheme, that has boosted confidence in construction, but at what price further down the line, we will have to wait and see


The Government underwriting mortgages, does seem quite high risk I agree.

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without borrowing the billions ed balls said was necessary ......

It is probably fair to say that the cuts were too deep too soon so more borrowing might have been a good thing. Unfortunately none of the political parties instil confidence IMHO.

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That's rubbish to be honest Bunbury......this is not a recovery but a very slight upturn......USA invested heavily and their growth is really going strong and far far more than ours.....if this inept government had followed suit we would be the same as the USA....




technically pb the u.s is bankrupt .......obama has borrowed more money than any other american president to keep the u.s afloat


America needs to create 100,000 jobs every month ( and rising ) forever just to stand still

they created 165,000 last month ......looks good ....but most of these were low paid service jobs


Americas debt is now nearly 17 trillion dollars ......they call it " kicking the can down the road " , because every president avoids tackling the debt ....and its rising rapidly



what is americas unemployment rate , after this massive investment of cash .....?


They have millions of people on food handouts


Detroit has just declared bankruptcy .......imagine if manchester or birmingham went bust


on top of allll that , one day they will have to address the debt ! .....think i will stay in the u.k , and address the debt .....thanks

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technically pb the u.s is bankrupt .......obama has borrowed more money than any other american president to keep the u.s afloat


America needs to create 100,000 jobs every month ( and rising ) forever just to stand still

they created 165,000 last month ......looks good ....but most of these were low paid service jobs


Americas debt is now nearly 17 trillion dollars ......they call it " kicking the can down the road " , because every president avoids tackling the debt ....and its rising rapidly



what is americas unemployment rate , after this massive investment of cash .....?


They have millions of people on food handouts


Detroit has just declared bankruptcy .......imagine if manchester or birmingham went bust


on top of allll that , one day they will have to address the debt ! .....think i will stay in the u.k , and address the debt .....thanks




america unemployment rate 7.6 %

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talking to a bloke today who makes bricks for the construction industry in the west midlands, or nationwide use ....hes had a tough few years .....recently july was his busiest month EVER , even busier than the boom years ......he cant keep up


a mate of mine works at the local ford dealership ....they sold 14 new cars last weekend........hpefully things are picking up


my mates .....roofers ....decorators ....window fitters are just starting to have a choice of work again......although they have never been out of work


B61, it's good banter to sling off at each country, but honestly, it's good to see the UK, getting back on its feet.clap.gif


Cheers, Bobj.

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The cuts the UK has faced were predicted the moment Blair walked into number 10. I was sat in a pub that day with mates - most of whom had voted for him. I remember the debate when I pointed out that all it meant was a spending spree that would have to be paid for down the line. As ever. The electorate are pretty dim really. They vote in labour. Labour spend like a kid armed with their dads credit card. Country goes into massive debt. Cons come in and have to administer the problem. The electorate don't like having to pay for things and vote labour back in. The cycle continues.


The big difference now though is that the cost of running social schemes is spiraling out of control with an aging population, which increases cost and decreases the income, the cuts are probably no where near what they need to be. There are going to have to be some hard choices made.

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