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Damned IELTS!


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Yeah 189 too, no haven't applied for anything else yet, doing this for ANMAC skills assessment then applying for that then AHPRA. That's the order i think! Just need IELTS for ANMAC. Have you done your skills assessment yet, that's another minefield I'm not looking forward to! If I get 7's I'll have get an extra 10 points too, can't hurt!


No I'm waiting to get the points I need before doing skills assessment with ANMAC.

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Practicenurse I didn't realise you could apply for AHPRA before ANMAC, thought you needed to have skills assessment done before AHPRA! So I could be getting on with that while I wait to get IELTS results ? This process baffles me, everytime I think I've got it in the right order I learn something new!!

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No you can apply to AHPRA anytime. I've had my eligibility since May.

The good thing about doing ANMAC first is that they will forward your certified documents into AHPRA, but AHPRA won't forward them into ANMAC!

So many people do ANMAC way first.

I only did AHPRA first because I was initially going to try and just go on a sponsor 457 visa, (which u don't need ANMAC skills assessment ) just need registration with AHPRA.

But since I've looked into it more I really want to go down the PR 189 route.

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Ah right yes, that rings a bell actually, think that's why I was encouraged to do it ANMAC then AHPRA. I looked at the sponsored route too but too much uncertainty with a family, I didn't want to risk it. PR seems way more safe!

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Yeah, it's much more secure, I just thought that if I went in sponsor to check out oz then apply for PR while there. But getting a sponsor isn't as easy now since the government have made changes making it harder for employers to offer sponsor.

I was really hoping to be in oz by Dec 2013 but if I don't get passed this bloody Ielts it will be well after that. Where & when r u hoping to go?

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We are thinking either Melbourne or Perth, purely because we have friends in both places! I have been to Perth before and it was lovely. As for the when, we thought initially we'd go and validate when we get the visa's then come home and save like billio and go when our youngest is ready for school as I'm not sure how we'd cope child care wise with no network of babysitters like we have here! What about you?

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How old are your children? We are looking at QLD, Perth, or Melbourne, I quite fancy North QLD cairns area, but I'm open minded.

I've changed my mind tonnes of times, we have never been to aus so it's difficult, just gotta research certain areas as much as we can online.

I've got 2boys 10 & 13.

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HI nic1171, I ticked personal reasons too but then attached addresses for results to be sent to Australia so I guess they'd put 2 + 2 together! I think the money making theory is correct! Won't surprise me if it gets scrapped in the future and replaced with something different!

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I always find something else to do like ironing instead of revising!!! I'm terrible!

Well I'll see u at the next test, I waited till they took the very last group through to hall rather than go in early, it's crap sitting waiting in that hall for everyone to come in.starring at 4walls... I hung back as long as I could.

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ohhh practicenurse i remember you saying you had to resit so sorry you did not get the marks needed. I have decided same as you, looking at 189 as gives you more options but about to book for the general test for the 20 points....but excited as only about 6 weeks weeks left till anmac through hopefully. So hoping ielts and skills assessment through around the same time to apply for visa.........heres hoping for us all hey :).............good luck with your resit x

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ohhh practicenurse i remember you saying you had to resit so sorry you did not get the marks needed. I have decided same as you, looking at 189 as gives you more options but about to book for the general test for the 20 points....but excited as only about 6 weeks weeks left till anmac through hopefully. So hoping ielts and skills assessment through around the same time to apply for visa.........heres hoping for us all hey :).............good luck with your resit x


Fingers crossed for u too! Your more than half way there!!


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Hi guys, I'm posting regarding the IELTS yet again! I've just had my results in and I did great in the speaking-9 reading-8 listening-8.5, but the writing got me! 6.5. It was the academic test as I'm a nurse I need 7's in all areas, so now i need to re-sit to get a better score in the writing and just hope I can maintain the others to a 7 or above!


So my question is..... Does anyone have any tips on how to improve my score on the writing element of the academic test? I practiced all other elements of the test and but without knowing the question it's difficult to practice. I did some practice tests so I had an idea of time frames for writing the amount of words necessary and had no problem filling the word count. I think I fell down on interpreting results of the graphs to be honest so any tips on that would be greatly received. I had to write 250 words on the pro's and con's of robots in the workplace!!! I structured in with an intro, main body then brief conclusion, did paragraphs, not sure what else I could have done for that so I'm assuming it's the graph question that let me down.


I've got 4 weeks to improve til my next test. Im a native English speaker, born, bred and taught here, educated to degree level! Surely I can do this!!! Arghhhh!!! So frustrating!


Any help massively appreciated!


Bouncy x



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If anyone wants anymore tips, I did a blog post about this back when I sat mine - I also did the academic version (although it turns out I didn't need to, but better safe than sorry :) ), and have background with IELTS as well:




HTH anyone looking for more info :)


The reading got me again 2nd time round, by half a point again!!

I just ran out of time, I need to practise reading alot faster.

Can I just check, in the 3articles used in the test, do they all flow in order for each section of questions?

I found myself on the last article really stressed because I couldn't find the answer. It was one of the last questions so am I right in thinking the answer is somewhere at the end of the article?

I quick read the whole blumming thing but still struggled to find what I needed, clock was ticking so I was under pressure too.

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Hi guys, I'm posting regarding the IELTS yet again! I've just had my results in and I did great in the speaking-9 reading-8 listening-8.5, but the writing got me! 6.5. It was the academic test as I'm a nurse I need 7's in all areas, so now i need to re-sit to get a better score in the writing and just hope I can maintain the others to a 7 or above!


So my question is..... Does anyone have any tips on how to improve my score on the writing element of the academic test? I practiced all other elements of the test and but without knowing the question it's difficult to practice. I did some practice tests so I had an idea of time frames for writing the amount of words necessary and had no problem filling the word count. I think I fell down on interpreting results of the graphs to be honest so any tips on that would be greatly received. I had to write 250 words on the pro's and con's of robots in the workplace!!! I structured in with an intro, main body then brief conclusion, did paragraphs, not sure what else I could have done for that so I'm assuming it's the graph question that let me down.


I've got 4 weeks to improve til my next test. Im a native English speaker, born, bred and taught here, educated to degree level! Surely I can do this!!! Arghhhh!!! So frustrating!


Any help massively appreciated!


Bouncy x

Hi Bouncy,


Have you ever considered making an enquiry of your result? I also got 6.5 in Writing, which I think too low. I requested for re-marking, and finally got 7.0, just sufficient for state nomination.

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Thanks wrussell and vp3, I'll try those links too! Practicenurse yes the questions go in Order with the text, I read some parts what seemed like a million times before finding the answer!


It's was the last article I just struggled to find the answer! I was convinced it wasn't there, but the stress of the clock probably took over and I was most likely missing the obvious!


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