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Damned IELTS!


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Hi guys, I'm posting regarding the IELTS yet again! I've just had my results in and I did great in the speaking-9 reading-8 listening-8.5, but the writing got me! 6.5. It was the academic test as I'm a nurse I need 7's in all areas, so now i need to re-sit to get a better score in the writing and just hope I can maintain the others to a 7 or above!


So my question is..... Does anyone have any tips on how to improve my score on the writing element of the academic test? I practiced all other elements of the test and but without knowing the question it's difficult to practice. I did some practice tests so I had an idea of time frames for writing the amount of words necessary and had no problem filling the word count. I think I fell down on interpreting results of the graphs to be honest so any tips on that would be greatly received. I had to write 250 words on the pro's and con's of robots in the workplace!!! I structured in with an intro, main body then brief conclusion, did paragraphs, not sure what else I could have done for that so I'm assuming it's the graph question that let me down.


I've got 4 weeks to improve til my next test. Im a native English speaker, born, bred and taught here, educated to degree level! Surely I can do this!!! Arghhhh!!! So frustrating!


Any help massively appreciated!


Bouncy x

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Hi there!

I have my test tomorrow!Eeek! I am worried about the writing too so I got some essay correction done by an English teacher in Manchester, I paid £40 for 2 sets of both tasks to be marked and feedback, his need back has been great, along with the Ielts Simon blog and this I found on twitter have been great http://www.ieltsonlinepractice.com/courses/

good luck!

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Hi Niinstalls!

Thanks for your reply, I'll try the simon blog, that's one I've not used already! You'll be fine tomorrow, I'd say everything is really straight forward, just keep an eye on the clock and focus on what your doing. In the listening test I kept thinking about what I was going to cook for dinner, my mind kept wondering! Still managed a decent score in that though! With your tuition I'm sure you'll nail it!


Good luck!!

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Ahh practicenurse it's so disheartening isn't it. I'm booked in again in 4 weeks also. Practice indeed, I'll be to take away if I miss out again, don't know how people who've had to re-sit 3 and 4 times keep going! I'll be on first name terms with the folks in Sunderland at this rate!

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Hi Incata, yes I've looked at the some samples but definitely worth having a closer inspection! I'm happy with how I did in all the other elements of the test, just need to focus on improving my writing, or graph interpreting skills! Thanks for the tips!

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My IELTS: listening 8.5, reading 9, writing 7.5, speaking 6.5 (done a couple of weeks ago). English is not my first language. Frustrating isn't it. I also think some of this test is a scam, why on earth does the registration form ask about motives for taking the exam, and in case you're migrating then it asks where are you going.


Doesn't matter, you WILL shell out the money if you really want to go. I've read of people (English being their first language!) sitting the exam 5-6, even seven times to get above 8 in all four modules. There were a couple of cases of a remark being requested, the majority unsuccessful, and only one getting a higher band score (7 from 6.5 in the speaking module). I am asking for a remark also (speaking). Money down the drain, I know.


If my don't get a seven at least for the speaking part, then only next year will I have another go at this, and I will tick 'personal reasons' for sure!


Check this out also: http://www.britishcouncil.org/professionals-exams-ielts-intro.htm

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Yeah, I find that strange why they ask that...

I missed out by half a point again, on the reading again! I just find 1hr not long enough.. I knew I was rushed towards the end. I just need 7s, I would never make all 8s if I had to!

I really feel for those who do need all 8s.


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Yes practice nurse, I was there that day! Small world! I only spotted one other Brit, there was alot of Chinese students there that day. You weren't the lady who advised me to take my bag with me were you? probably more Brits than I noticed! 9 times!!! I'd have thrown in the towel!

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Guest guest30085

Keep going guys, the format of the test was a little 'different' to what I was expecting, but I just kept practicing the online tests and from an IELTS book. Just practice as much as you can and if youre still struggling it may be worth paying for one of the sessions where they will check your work over. Good luck to those taking again x

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Guest guest30085
Thanks for the reply adonna! Yes just got to plough on, we'll get there in the end I don't doubt!


You will I'm sure :)

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Yes practice nurse, I was there that day! Small world! I only spotted one other Brit, there was alot of Chinese students there that day. You weren't the lady who advised me to take my bag with me were you? probably more Brits than I noticed! 9 times!!! I'd have thrown in the towel!


Haha! Yes that was me! Eeee it is a small world...

I did take my bag into the speaking test too..I couldn't believe that woman said leave it in the canteen...


Are u booked on next one in aug?

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Ahhh, hello practicenurse! I know, fancy suggesting I leave my bag in the canteen with 80 odd strangers! To be fair, I was about to do as I was told until you stepped in! The examiner told me to leave it outside of the door! God knows what they think having a hand bag in the room is going to jeopardise!


Yes I'm booked on the next one at the end of August so I guess I'll see you there! Fingers crossed we get 7's across the board then! X

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Haha, I took my bag in with me, the examiner said as long as my phone was on silent then that was fine, not like I'm gona have a little person in my bag doing the talking for me! It's silly really, I can understand keeping bag out of the exam hall, but at least it's locked away.

Do u live and work in Sunderland?

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I live and work just down the road in Newcastle! So not to far to travel for this bleedin test. What about you, I'm guessing your a practice nurse?( I won't tell you how I worked that one out! ). Are you based in Sunderland?

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I live and work just down the road in Newcastle! So not to far to travel for this bleedin test. What about you, I'm guessing your a practice nurse?( I won't tell you how I worked that one out! ). Are you based in Sunderland?


I'm from houghton le spring, work in County Durham, yes your right! Excuse the Mis spelling! (PACTICE nurse lol) that's touch screen error haha.

What do u do?

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Yeah 189 too, no haven't applied for anything else yet, doing this for ANMAC skills assessment then applying for that then AHPRA. That's the order i think! Just need IELTS for ANMAC. Have you done your skills assessment yet, that's another minefield I'm not looking forward to! If I get 7's I'll have get an extra 10 points too, can't hurt!

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Hi guys

Have u thought about appealing the writing?


Bouncy I had same results as u and appealed my writing and won...in the meant time I had also sat the test a third time and got marks I needed. I was short on time so couldnt afford to wait around x x

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Hi debbio, I would appeal if I thought I stood a chance but I do think I messed the graph interpretation up. How long did the process of appeal take? And did it cost? I've already signed up for the next one do maybe if I still don't make the grade after yet more practise I'll try to appeal, good to know someone has been through the process and won! Thanks for your reply!!

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I was considering appealing too as it was just the reading test I was down by half a mark, but I know I ran outta time towards the end and just quickly picked out random answers! So prob won't stand a chance with re mark..

I really need to practice on the reading,

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