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When you move back are you going to the same area?


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Curious to find out from people who move back how many actually return to the area they left or if they end up moving somewhere else?


Did leaving and returning give you more of a sense of appreciation?


Thoughts anyone. :smile:

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We have returned to the same area, like Quoll, for family.


I'm going to East Anglia next year when I move over cause its where my family is, trouble is theres soo many nice counties in the UK to choose from!

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I think it all depends on what your drivers are to move back. If you are missing family and friends along with the UK itself, then it may not be the best decision to move back and not go to where you know and where your family is. This would only satisfy half of your needs and wants and you may still not feel total settled. However, if it was only the great UK that you were missing and did not really mind being away from family, friends and what you know, moving back to a different place, this would be a good time to try it.


For us, if we did move back it would be to the same area that we know and love. There is the family and friends network there, which we now realise that we miss more than what we thought we would. We love the area (Worcestershire) and often think of the places we used to go and take for granted. You often hear about people going back and then fitting back in where they left off and for us, if we went back that would be the attraction. Loving what you know is not always a bad thing.

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I'm going to East Anglia next year when I move over cause its where my family is, trouble is theres soo many nice counties in the UK to choose from!

Oooo, what with you, Mrs LZB and me, we'll have a little East Anglian enclave!

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