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Witnessed some dreadful animal abuse this morning while walking the dog


Had our dog off lead and a beautiful looking big young staffy came running towards us had a play with our dog then eventually returned to it's owner who was whistling it all the time. They were ahead of us and we saw the male owner take the dog behind a tree and start beating it, my husband shouted 'Oi' at them and he stopped, we walked towards them but they turned and took off in the opposite direction, we did the same and a bit further on he obviously felt the dog hadnt been punished enough for failing to return so when he got just below a dip in the field, thinking he couldn't be seen presumably, he grabbed the dog again and we could see his elbow rising up and down as he punched it hard several times, he then picked the poor creature up in a headlock and swung it around, put the lead on and took off. At this point realising we were following them the couple split up and he made off quickly with the dog his partner walking in the opposite direction, I ran after her and she proceeded to tell me he wasn't 'actually' hitting the animal and it always yelped for no reason, then told me to mind my own business and I told her animal abuse was everyones business and if we caught them again we'd follow them home and report them. My husband caught up with the guy and gave him a piece of his mind, he claimed to be 'teaching the dog a lesson'. The coward then told my husband to mind his business and ran off with the dog.


We wish we'd done more now, should have took his picture and posted it around the local parks. Poor dog, made me very sad. What sort of lowlife scum beats an animal? Like its going to come back if it knows itll get a beating?

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Guest The Pom Queen

If you ever witness anything like this again contact the RSPCA who, if abuse has been confirmed, will prosecute.

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We would have reported but don't know where he lives, don't suppose rspca can do much without? We did follow him in our car a certain distance but had our youngest with us so didnt want to expose him to potential aggression. We did warn them both if we saw them again doing that we'd report, I think we'd have got more involved if our boy hadnt have been with us. Wish we'd taken his picture now.

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Report him anyway! That poor dog probably got more abuse when it got home. If that's what he does in public imagine what he could be doing to the dog behind closed doors.

The police/RSPC will take descriptions of chap and the dog and the chances are he will be known to them anyway. He sounds a very dodgy character. Scum bag!

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Witnessed some dreadful animal abuse this morning while walking the dog


Had our dog off lead and a beautiful looking big young staffy came running towards us had a play with our dog then eventually returned to it's owner who was whistling it all the time. They were ahead of us and we saw the male owner take the dog behind a tree and start beating it, my husband shouted 'Oi' at them and he stopped, we walked towards them but they turned and took off in the opposite direction, we did the same and a bit further on he obviously felt the dog hadnt been punished enough for failing to return so when he got just below a dip in the field, thinking he couldn't be seen presumably, he grabbed the dog again and we could see his elbow rising up and down as he punched it hard several times, he then picked the poor creature up in a headlock and swung it around, put the lead on and took off. At this point realising we were following them the couple split up and he made off quickly with the dog his partner walking in the opposite direction, I ran after her and she proceeded to tell me he wasn't 'actually' hitting the animal and it always yelped for no reason, then told me to mind my own business and I told her animal abuse was everyones business and if we caught them again we'd follow them home and report them. My husband caught up with the guy and gave him a piece of his mind, he claimed to be 'teaching the dog a lesson'. The coward then told my husband to mind his business and ran off with the dog.


We wish we'd done more now, should have took his picture and posted it around the local parks. Poor dog, made me very sad. What sort of lowlife scum beats an animal? Like its going to come back if it knows itll get a beating?

:sad::no:.....that bl**dy idiot deserves to be hanged up by the testicles....with the dog's lead...I think that the owners should be psychologically assessed before they get an animal ownership licence.

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I know, we thought that once we'd said something. I will report him. Easily identifiable by his Eastern Euoropean accent. I will describe him and the dog on here in case people near us see him.


It happened at Rotary Park football playing fields on Scenic Drive, Wanneroo. He was about 6 foot, pale complexion, shady looking, greasy overgrown dark brown hair, with a skinny female about 5"4, hair scraped back off face, she also spoke with eastern european accent. Dog was a taller, chunky black and tan staffy wearing a harness of some sort. Looked very happy and full of life, obviously not had him long. Keep an eye out Perth dog walkers. I think he lives in Wanneroo as was on foot and I havent seen him before and tend to know a lot of the dog walkers in the area by sight so must be a new dog.

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That story nearly reduced me to tears HH!Good on you for going after them as well,the world needs more people like yourselves!About 3 years ago we had the neighbours from hell.The guy in particular was very nasty.Very aggressive and loud mouthed,you know the type?Anyway they had two staffies.Now I know what some people will say about this breed of dog.I owned one myself in Australia and my dog was the most loving passive soft dog!Its the owners that make them otherwise!Anyway I endured listening to this idiot beating his dog to oblivion and reported him.I just couldn't stand it.It doesn't matter what the dog's done,it doesn't deserve to be beaten.I'd hear the guy belting it,it would yelp in pain,and I'd hear the knobhead swearing at it,including the revolting c word!Shortly after reporting him I heard the dog bit him(no surprise there!)and he took the dog to the nearest rescue centre! (Nice one you jerk:mad:!!!!!!!!!Lets hope someone who genuinely loves dogs gave it a good home)Seriously why do people actually own dogs if they don't even like them?????The mind boggles!The idiot kept the youngest dog and guess what?He breeds from it!So not only has the poor dog got a d***head as an owner,it also has to provide his income!Makes my blood boil!We moved just after that happened.

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Thats what we said Cath, they will make it defensive, either that or a quivering wreck. Trouble is staffies are naturally submissive dogs, dont deserve that treatment, no dog does. I cant get my head around how anyone can think that thats ok, in public too! Im glad we had our boy with us because my hubby would have chinned him and probably got into trouble himself

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On a similar note, we recently witnessed kids belting some poor sleeping ducks with stones....I too shouted Oi!. The parents were standing nearby and wanted to know what my problem was..... it could potentially have driven me to violence (as I wanted to belt them one) so had to force myself to walk away...

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I'm sure some people get dogs just to take out their frustrations.Rather than beat the Mrs,they think its more acceptable to beat the dog!My staffie was adored by everyone who met him.He was very tuned into me and heaps intelligent.I can recall one incident.We were walking past this guy who used to usually have his kelpie chained up outside in the front garden.One day it wasn't chained,and rushed towards us bearing its teeth etc.What did my staffie do?Jumped up at me so I could pick him up,so he was out of range from this kelpie!

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I'm sure some people get dogs just to take out their frustrations.Rather than beat the Mrs,they think its more acceptable to beat the dog!My staffie was adored by everyone who met him.He was very tuned into me and heaps intelligent.I can recall one incident.We were walking past this guy who used to usually have his kelpie chained up outside in the front garden.One day it wasn't chained,and rushed towards us bearing its teeth etc.What did my staffie do?Jumped up at me so I could pick him up,so he was out of range from this kelpie!


New Migrants to proud Australia should witness how Australians and the Australian Government treats it wildlife..One word disgusting..

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Horrific!! Still report them, it is highly likely they frequently use that dog park, if you see him again, I would follow him at a distance and report him to rspca saying to made a report (this one) and you can see the perpetrator. Arse hole!!

Never mind the vermin dogs and cats..Lets pay attention to the beautiful wildlife in australia..that is being decimated by : Humans,dogs and cats..

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Never mind the vermin dogs and cats..Lets pay attention to the beautiful wildlife in australia..that is being decimated by : Humans,dogs and cats..


And not forgetting the feral goats,camels,brumbies,cane toads.......we're discussing cruel animal owners,not the local wildlife!:cute:

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Never mind the vermin dogs and cats..Lets pay attention to the beautiful wildlife in australia..that is being decimated by : Humans,dogs and cats..


Well then Alicia maybe all humans, dogs and cats should move out of Australia and leave it to the wildlife. Are you volunteering to go first?

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