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What are the WRONG reasons for immigrating to Australia?

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Guest guest76088

Here's one of many: because you are running away from something (eg debt, or something that you should really resolve)



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Well that wasnt the wrong reason for me, it was the right reason!


The wrong reason, is, I think when youre searching for something you think will fix stuff, ie a move to a new country, will make you and your partner closer, less stressed, you and your career, more fulfilled, you and your kids, more satisfied with your lives.


The right and only reason I think is to take a chance on an enhanced lifestyle or a different way of life, to experience another country and all it offers

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Guest chris955

Yes the wrong reasons are that it will give you a better life, better future for the kids, that it will make your problems go away, that you will be happier. There are many wrong reasons. It isnt to say that those things wont happen but it is the belief it somehow happens automatically. You only have to read many posts on here to see it isnt guaranteed by any means.

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...If you are emigrating with the view that you will work less hours for more pay, have more holidays and spend all your days down the beach, if you think the sun always shines...etc etc. But i also think some people go to run away from the problems life throw at them back in the UK thinking they won't face the same problems in Oz... and sooner or later it is bound to catch up with them.

Most aren't naive enough to think emigrating to Oz is going to fix all their problems, and for me, it's nice to seem optimism in those who are hopeful that Oz could offer them a different, more positive life way of life.

Everyone's reasons for emigrating are different, i agree with Bromney...no one reason is universally right or wrong...

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Guest guest76088

These are not bad reasons. These are very good objectives for making changes in your life. These are not "old chestnuts" as you like to call them.

If someone believes that these objectives can be realised by a move to Australia, then who are you to say otherwise?

Your experience may have been different, and your account may be interesting as one of many varied accounts.


Where I am more aligned with your view is that such a move will not solve problems by itself and you can't simply leave unresolved issues behind. You have to be prepared to do due diligence and work at it to realise the benefits.




Yes the wrong reasons are that it will give you a better life, better future for the kids, that it will make your problems go away, that you will be happier. There are many wrong reasons. It isnt to say that those things wont happen but it is the belief it somehow happens automatically. You only have to read many posts on here to see it isnt guaranteed by any means.
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I suppose one I can think of is believing you will have a better quality of life having never lived there before….


Oops that's exactly what we did, on a whim, NYE 2011, lets get the hell put of here. Had never even thought about Oz before, Didnt even know anyone that had been but by March we had the visa and were ready to go.


hey you probably right not the proper way to go about it, but thankfully it's so far working for us and even if it does go all wrong we've had a great experience.

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Oops that's exactly what we did, on a whim, NYE 2011, lets get the hell put of here. Had never even thought about Oz before, Didnt even know anyone that had been but by March we had the visa and were ready to go.


hey you probably right not the proper way to go about it, but thankfully it's so far working for us and even if it does go all wrong we've had a great experience.


Glad to hear it is working out, and to be honest there are no guarantees in life (except for taxes and death), so even the most planned & informed moves may still not work out....

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The old chestnut "were doing it for the kids"


Now that does depend,.......maybe on the ages of your kids. I'm sure I've read you've got teenagers, how are they getting on here?


we came with a 16 and 18 year old, who basically at the ,moment in the UK Didnt have much of a future, yes one was about to start college and the other uni but what was there for them after that. Here they have both landed great jobs, the youngest has more saved than i have ever had, yet still manages to buy all the latest clothes and gear. The oldest is in a position in Shire planning that would normally only be given to to a uni grad, yes it's hard work but the company looks after then, plenty going on in the social club etc.


I suppose the down side to this is we may have shot ourselves in the foot, ie what if it doesn't work out for us and we want to head back, but could we expect them now to give up such great lifestyles and job prospects just to follow us. Of course we couldn't, and that is something I never thought about.

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Glad to hear it is working out, and to be honest there are no guarantees in life (except for taxes and death), so even the most planned & informed moves may still not work out....


Your so right there is ne guarantees, all we can try and do is make the best of any given situation. Glass half full/empty type thing.


We were shallow and wanted sunshine not rain and cold, in the UK the business OH was in was becoming a joke, they really couldn't see the wood for the trees, haha bet they regret that now, all the best staff have now moved to the Oz, the company is on its knees.


Whether its governments or top tier managers they are all so short sighted.

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I suppose a really bad reason to move to Australia is if you are on the run from the police or pretending to be dead like Ronnie Biggs and John Stonehouse .... long time ago now, I dont suppose anyone would get away with that today :biggrin: Seriously, the strangest impulsive moves can work out fantastically well and the most planned and thought about things can be a disaster. I think in the end its a case of 'suck it and see' - also not expecting too much.

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I suppose a really bad reason to move to Australia is if you are on the run from the police or pretending to be dead like Ronnie Biggs and John Stonehouse .... long time ago now, I dont suppose anyone would get away with that today :biggrin: Seriously, the strangest impulsive moves can work out fantastically well and the most planned and thought about things can be a disaster. I think in the end its a case of 'suck it and see' - also not expecting too much.



Couldnt have put it better, thank you. How many people do we see on here who have planned planned and planned again yet still disappear after a few weeks. I always thought these stories were pie in the sky, but I've now personally known one to go back after 6 weeks and wait for it another to do a bunk in less than a week cos he was missing his mum. That is gospel.

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by the way, is it immigrate or emigrate?


not a native speaker, but if I get my latin right a move from the UK to Australia is immigration if you are in Australia and emigration if you are in the UK ...

so you emigrate from the UK and immigrate into Australia


or did I got that wrong ?

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Guest chris955

Im not sure whether you deliberately misunderstood what I was saying or not ? At no time did I say those things were bad reasons, The question was wrong reasons and to me it is the BELIEF that these things are guaranteed which I actually said in my post. At no time have I said that you cant have a better life or it cant be better for kids.


These are not bad reasons. These are very good objectives for making changes in your life. These are not "old chestnuts" as you like to call them.

If someone believes that these objectives can be realised by a move to Australia, then who are you to say otherwise?

Your experience may have been different, and your account may be interesting as one of many varied accounts.


Where I am more aligned with your view is that such a move will not solve problems by itself and you can't simply leave unresolved issues behind. You have to be prepared to do due diligence and work at it to realise the benefits.



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What you mean someone had actually paid him to go and he left after a week? I thought he had gone on his own and changed his mind! Crikey, my daughter went entirely uninvited on a young persons one year visa. That was eight years ago ..... Perhaps I'm not a terrible person, perhaps I'm a terrible mother :-)

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Guest Ptp113

Insular myopic PB's who think they are moving to Blighty with sunshine. Will they ever learn.....

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Guest guest76088

Work it out for yourself and don't patronise me.



Your earlier post:

the wrong reasons are that it will give you a better life, better future for the kids, that it will make your problems go away, that you will be happier. There are many wrong reasons. It isnt to say that those things wont happen but it is the belief it somehow happens automatically. You only have to read many posts on here to see it isnt guaranteed by any means.



Your bizarre response:


Im not sure whether you deliberately misunderstood what I was saying or not ? At no time did I say those things were bad reasons, The question was wrong reasons and to me it is the BELIEF that these things are guaranteed which I actually said in my post. At no time have I said that you cant have a better life or it cant be better for kids.
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Guest chris955

Im not sure you are in any position to accuse others of that.


Work it out for yourself and don't patronise me. BigD
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Guest guest76088

An unrelated personal jibe? Not what is expected from a mod.



Im not sure you are in any position to accuse others of that.
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