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Feck feck feck. There are some knobs


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Guest chris955

I know exactly what you mean and who you mean ;) The problem is if you introduce facts and realism you are branded a hater or drama queen. It is very frustrating.

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The worst are those who haven't even lived in Australia - is it mean to hope they come unstuck and hate it??


Perhaps I'm just getting my karma for judging someone who tried to advise me before I came about how expensive and unfriendly Perth was :)

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They have either never "lived" in Australia or they came at a time when they could take advantage of the £ against the Aussie $. Its criminal that people have there hopes and dreams built up like this only to have them shattered and then to make it worse they are criticised for not trying hard enough!!

sorry but they are idiots!

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I agree too Very Stormy.... some people on here live in a bubble.


I think some people think that they can move over here, get a $100K + job in the mines, and life will be grand with all the sunshine.


It is bloody hard graft moving over to Australia, and often not what you know, but who you know.


Some people really need to take off the rose tinted glasses.





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The worst are those who haven't even lived in Australia - is it mean to hope they come unstuck and hate it??


Perhaps I'm just getting my karma for judging someone who tried to advise me before I came about how expensive and unfriendly Perth was :)


You know what Jules, and maybe I shouldn't be saying this as I am a mod, but sod it, the ones that used to piss me off the most, were the ones in the UK, who had never lived in Australia, and were bigging it up all the time, I used to secretly wish that they make the bloody move and it all go south for them.... I am awful aren't I !!





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Guest chris955

Well we have lost the worst offender and I wont say I am sorry, he would give people the most ridiculous inaccurate 'advice' and be thanked for it. Not only is it annoying it is also incredibly irresponsible.

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Well we have lost the worst offender and I wont say I am sorry, he would give people the most ridiculous inaccurate 'advice' and be thanked for it. Not only is it annoying it is also incredibly irresponsible.

I really must of missed something lol Who have we lost who was the worst offender?PM me HWB if its "private"lol

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I see lots of crap advice on this site regularly. What can you do? It's all so subjective and people hear what they want to hear. I remember a thread where someone was going to be based in Sydney and asked if $60k and was enough to be able to support his family. I mean seriously??? Yet, the usual billy bullsh1tters said it was. "Oh, you can shop around and blah blah blah". Shop around?? Yes, if you live in a tent in Campbelltown. So wrong!!


They say Melbourne is one of the most liveable cities...really? It's growing so fast and house prices are so expensive, people are being pushed further and further out of the city fringes and the infrastructure cannot cope! I'm a stay at home mum at the moment and it's a real struggle for us on one wage, albeit a good wage. This is our choice obviously, but going back to work I would be leaving the kids pretty much 11 hours a day in day care. I couldn't do it. People need to know it's still the daily grind here, instead of the fairy stories that people tell on here.

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I have to laugh when I see the pro-oz people spouting rainbows and sunshine from their arses on the main forums, the poor sods think moving here is going to solve all their problems. No it won't. You'll just be bringing the same problems with you, and picking up a few Aussie ones. No one stops to think that you still need to get up, go to work/school, come home, go to bed and do it all the next day. There's no time for beaches and skin cancer.

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What is hard, is that people give crap advice to newbies saying how wonderful their life will be when they get here and giving up that well paying job to come to Oz as a tradie will be all wonderful and they will live in a palace and bask in the sunshine and blah blah and the poor sods believe it, regardless of what other people tell them, because they want to believe it.


I go on one of the sister forums and a family were insistent on coming because they would live the dream, kids would be living in a 1950's way with no access to drugs and things and hubby would earn far more and only have to work 35 hours. I tried to warn them, but when they were adamant, I did what I could including lending them my car when they arrived for a week. A few months later, hubby is doing 12 hour days, wife can't find work, financially they are worse off and teen has been in trouble for smoking weed at school. They are now planning on going back and are annoyed nobody warned them of what it is like. WTF.

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It frustrates the hell out of me as well.Theres a few who just spout absolute rubbish about the perfect lifestyle they are expecting and if you try to tell them, they turn on you, along with all the ozlovers.

Mind I did PM a girl recently who had her head filled with complete rubbish by a certain Tassie Lover, and she was posting all this stuff about the perfect life in lala land.I sent the girl a PM, I just had to , and filled her in on a few facts, and she changed her mind, so I was very pleased about that.Of course I dident get a Thank You, and never heard from her agian, but at least she did take some notice.She had been told no crime ever happened down here and I think when she read the newspaper articles I sent her, she got a huge shock

The ones who post all the comments and have never lived here, drive me insane,I think most of them have never even had a holiday here,so they are in no place to comment whatsoever and I honestly think most are living in some deluded world, and wont even make it here, especially when you read through past posts and they have considered just about every country you can think of,and have ideas of how they will come here and get this job and that job, they are just dreamers, but I do wish they would stop filling peoples heads with complete rubbish, its very unfair.

And as for the ones who are here, and are telling newbies that they can come here with a few dollars and get everything just like that, should quite honestly be shot.I dont know why they do it,its so wrong

We can only hope the Karma bus comes soon, for a few of them.

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I have to laugh when I see the pro-oz people spouting rainbows and sunshine from their arses on the main forums, the poor sods think moving here is going to solve all their problems. No it won't. You'll just be bringing the same problems with you, and picking up a few Aussie ones. No one stops to think that you still need to get up, go to work/school, come home, go to bed and do it all the next day. There's no time for beaches and skin cancer.



Very true Matt. There is a huge amount of defensiveness about Australia amongst certain posters and I think that this accounts for the amount of nonsense that they post. In truth, most of us learn very quickly who those posters are and what their agenda is. I've just returned from a three week trip to the UK and whilst I'd love to live there again, I'm not blind to the difficulties that we'd have starting all over. You have to be realistic about how your life will be lived in terms of income, location, cost of living and the logistics of getting to work and school. As a previous poster mentioned, Melbourne is massive and so getting into the city from the outer suburbs is hugely expensive and time-consuming. It's this kind of stuff that you have to factor in when you make the move, or be prepared to pay way over the odds (as we do) for accommodation closer in. Pointing this stuff out doesn't make anyone a 'hater,' it's merely responsible posting.

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I often get a hammering from suggesting that living on 80K a year is a struggle. It does leave me thinking that maybe it's me, and overindulgence in ALDI is the source of all our woes....

Also can't get through to people that $1000 per day IT contracts aren't exactly plentiful in Brisbane - In fact, I only got a contract at $500 per day recently as someone 'put a word in'. The usual response (usually from people in UK) is 'only people with cr@p ICT skills can't get jobs in Australia' or 'I'm coming over with 10 years+ experience and have been told I'll sail into a job' , or (my pet hate) 'Seek shows 1,240 adverts for BA's in the last 3 days so theres loads of work for those that want it' - The implication that anyone in IT out of work has inferior skills or just isn't trying enough. FFS, I've got 20 years decent experience and it isn't a stroll in the park.

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I often get a hammering from suggesting that living on 80K a year is a struggle. It does leave me thinking that maybe it's me, and overindulgence in ALDI is the source of all our woes....

Also can't get through to people that $1000 per day IT contracts aren't exactly plentiful in Brisbane - In fact, I only got a contract at $500 per day recently as someone 'put a word in'. The usual response (usually from people in UK) is 'only people with cr@p ICT skills can't get jobs in Australia' or 'I'm coming over with 10 years+ experience and have been told I'll sail into a job' , or (my pet hate) 'Seek shows 1,240 adverts for BA's in the last 3 days so theres loads of work for those that want it' - The implication that anyone in IT out of work has inferior skills or just isn't trying enough. FFS, I've got 20 years decent experience and it isn't a stroll in the park.


I agree 100%. I would hate to have to try and live on less than 80k if I had a mortgage! It certainly wouldn't be a life of luxury but having to count every penny.


i have friends who have also complained about the change in availability of IT jobs especially - and Canberra is a very fickle beast in that regard!


the other one that gets up my nose are the 50 somethings who just do not get that Australia is very ageist and here are people with only a few years to go retirement, who may well not find jobs and who don't have enough time to build up for a comfortable retirement but its all "yeah, come on over, you'll walk into a job, have an adventure etc" And don't get me started on social workers!

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There is one particular member who works in IT in Perth, he is a very level headed reasonable person and I have no issue with him at all - we have agreed to disagree amicably many a time but he moved to Perth over 10 years ago, he lives in one of the nicest suburbs - walking distance to the beach and close to the city. The sort of place now that your standard 'aussie dream' house would sell for 1.5 million. His lifestyle is no longer attainable to most new migrants but he simply doesn't see it - he suggested to me if I sold my house in the UK I could have his lifestyle - my house in the UK has negative equity!!


If the median house price in Perth is $500k then to live in an average house, in an average suburb you'd need to earn about $150k. And most people don't want average! I'm not on a train line and 23km from the CBD and a $500k house in my suburb is a last century 3x1 - most of them are bought to demolish!


On $80k unless you have other assets you are not living the Aussie dream! On the other hand I am planning to live on £40k in the UK and with a 3x1 costing £130k where I plan to live I believe I will be living reasonably well.

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Some of you might have guessed which thread made me rant. If not it is the mining jobs one in the jobs section. None of the people who are commenting actualy work in mining, more than one doesn't even live in Oz. Yet, apparently as a manager in the WA mining industry, I know nothing. The people who live in the UK who have never seen a mine know better.

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I didn't see the thread but I get the drift - apparently with no mining experience so long as you are prepared to work hard you can become a millionaire ;)


I see similar things about IT - I was sponsored to come here, had a job that enabled me to become high profile across multiple companies in Perth (I was the customer so they had to be nice to me!) and once I decided to move on it was easy for me to get a contract BUT almost every week I meet taxi drivers who came here on skilled migrant visas who cannot get IT work. Local contacts (& being white sadly) counts for everything.

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