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The Price of Tomatoes as of 11 08 2012

Love Shoes

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Guest The Pom Queen
Whoops typo it´s these false finger nails ...... :laugh:


I can´t even change it now ..... oh no I bet people think I must be going crazy :laugh:

Ill change it for you

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Guest guest17301

Yes I refused to buy them! Luckily our plant is going strong in winter but not keeping up with demand! My plants do better in winter, I think this is becasue Im so crap at remembering to water twice a day in summer. The markets have them at a better price...fruit and veg is massively seasonal here and very much affected by restrictions etc

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Apology notices are posted in both Coles and woolies. It's due to very heavy rainfall in Roma...........They're both a dollar dearer here at 8.98 for field and 9.98 fro truss


Didn´t notice one in our Cole´s it must be my eye sight ...... that explains it .. because they had just shot up. They had a spring onion problem last weekend and I saw that notice ... thanks Johndoe

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Apology notices are posted in both Coles and woolies. It's due to very heavy rainfall in Roma...........They're both a dollar dearer here at 8.98 for field and 9.98 fro truss


Really? Roma? It hasnt had any significant rain since the floods earlier this year as far as I know.

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Love Shoes ,is there no Aldi near you ? Chicken is $3.99 kilo ,unless it too has gone up this week.

As for the Tomatoes, guess i wont be buying any this week if they are still that price!!


Cal x


I keep looking at ALDI for chicken but it is $10.99 a kilo for the breasts (I prefer breast)

I bought some cheap chicken the other day for $2.99 for a mixed bag ideal for BBQ´s .... but for curries we always use breast ....

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Love Shoes ,is there no Aldi near you ? Chicken is $3.99 kilo ,unless it too has gone up this week.

As for the Tomatoes, guess i wont be buying any this week if they are still that price!!


Cal x


They're a tad cheaper at Aldo but they're not ripened...................green as.

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Really? Roma? It hasnt had any significant rain since the floods earlier this year as far as I know.


I'm guessing it doesn't need more than a bit of "rain spotting' for coles or woolies to refuse to sell it.................if it's rain spotted, the growers want extra for cleaning.

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How do you grow your own well in Summer, are they better in the shade? Mine always split.....


That's due to irregular growth. The skin reaches it's "hardening off" stage where it has more or less attained natural/maximum growth but the inside continues to grow due to irregular conditions, such as a spurt of sunlight/watering/fertilising. ie if you water every couple of days 9the tom sort of gets used to that in simple terms) and then decide to water daily, it puts on a growth spurt splitting the skin. A routine should be developed without changes, as splitting skins is hard to control without. Water regularly and deeply.

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I bought a big bag of Romas last week and have a few left. I noticed today that they were more expensive so I shall be rationing them!


We have put in a couple of small veg patches, just for growing things that we use masses of such as tomatoes, spinach and lettuce. Would I start to put plants in now? I have no idea really of what I am doing!

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Guest isis1mcc

We bought 4 yes FOUR tomatoes in Coles last night for the salad on home made burgers the oh was making and didnt notice the price till he was back in the car looking at the receipt, $6.75 he nearly fell off his seat....

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We bought 4 yes FOUR tomatoes in Coles last night for the salad on home made burgers the oh was making and didnt notice the price till he was back in the car looking at the receipt, $6.75 he nearly fell off his seat....


This made me smile, thanks so much for cheering me up :cool:

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Right now I'd also be concerned about the amount of crops failing in the US which means cereal prices around the world will rocket. Its been an awful year for farmers in the US and they provide a large chunk of the crops for many parts of the world.


Inside a few months I expect to see shoppers paying a lot more.

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We bought 4 yes FOUR tomatoes in Coles last night for the salad on home made burgers the oh was making and didnt notice the price till he was back in the car looking at the receipt, $6.75 he nearly fell off his seat....


Just out of interest, as I can't remember, but do supermarkets have scales you weigh and price on or is it all at the till? I tend to weigh everything in the F&V section here so I know how much its costing me and how heavy and can adjust accordingly if need be.

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