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Anyone flown with Cathay Pacific?


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We're flying from auckland to london via hong kong....thought we got a good deal as they were cheapest but been reading the reviews online and everyone is complaining about horrible the seats are, i get back and neck aches easily so a little bit worried now :frown: has anyone flown with them long haul and if so how did it go?

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Hiya Britchickx

I flew with them over to Oz end of last month. I too was worried about the seats, especially as my eldest daughter suffers from Shermans Disease (back problem) and had a bad episode in the week running up to leaving. The seats look just like normal airline seats until you want to recline and then its a case of pushing with your bum!! and pulling with your feet at the same time. There was four of us flying, two thought the seats were great, one didnt care and i would have prefered normal reclining ones, although i woulnt say it was uncomfy. My daughter was one that thought they were great and she had no aches or pains at all.

As for the airline, the H/row to HK flight was so so, FA's not the best nor was thge food. The HK to Perth sector i couldnt fault, brilliant staff, great food and even though a shorter flight a lot more drinks/food service to be had.

All in all im not sure where this airline gets its 5* rating from. IMHO i dont think its a patch on Qatar or even some of the 4* airlines. It could be for its business/first class, something i will never get to review:cry:

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Hi, we flew to Heathrow via Hong Kong from Brisbane with Cathay in June and I found the long 2nd leg was pretty uncomfortable. This leg was on a 747 and it was by no means new so maybe you`ll get a newer one with better seats. We came back with Singapore Air on the A380 and that was more comfortable.

The best thing to do is get as much exercise at Hong Kong as possible and try and sleep on the plane.

Good luck Russ

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I flew from Auckland to London and back with cathy pacific and they were fine. I was flying alone with a 14month old and they were great. Any flight from NZ will change over staff in HK as each leg is 12 hours so you can get awesome attendents on one flight and terrible on the next. I always found the HK NZ better as there was usually a mix of HK and Kiwi attendents who were really good the other leg I usually ended up with stewards who didn't like passengers very much. From what I remember the food was alright. Can't remember the seats being praticullarly bad but I am only 5ft 1in and wasn't sleeping as travelling with toddler.

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I flew back from Heathrow to Perth with Cathay in June. Didn't notice anything different to any other airline. The plane wasn't full so had an empty seat next to me (which is always good) the crew were ok and as for the food, well aeroplane food is aeroplane food! Lol!

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I've used them a lot, last time last month. I quite like the seats as you don't have seat in front in your face. I didn;t get any aches or pains. Entertainment was good, no complaints there. They have food and soft drinks at the back of the plane during the flight and you can go and help your self whenever you want. Food OK. If it is the cheapest airline then go with it, it's fine.

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thanks everyone, glad to know that it's not all bad! Flights are booked now anyway so going whether I like it or not lol. I wasn't planning on sleeping in either flight though if I can help it - we fly at lunch time NZ time, land in HK at 9pm and have a 13 hour stop and then fly from HK to london in the morning so was planning on just sleeping during their stop over. I pulled a muscle in my neck a few weeks ago and it's been giving me aggro ever since so don't want to be too uncomfortable! Thanks again :)

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I am sure the flight will be okay :) I flew with Royal Brunei the first time I went Perth and then read the reviews and was as nevous as anything but had nothing to worry about :) how much did the flights cost each (I assume paid in NZ$)? Just wanna make sure I have saved enough to clear immigration in Auckland I need $4500 plus enough for a one way flight (as i am coming in on a one way flight). :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
I shall avoid Cathy for flying then :tongue: Flying with malyasia which I did previously so know what to expect. I think the recline helps so much (well for me it does) :)


We are flying with Malaysia next week so hoping they are ok. Not looking forward to the flight with a toddler.

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We are flying with Malaysia next week so hoping they are ok. Not looking forward to the flight with a toddler.


We did it at the start of the year with a toddler they were fine, the staff were friendly towards little one, the only negative was the decor was out-dated. Apart from that nice staff, nice food and a good entertainment system. Hope you have a good flight :)

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We're flying from auckland to london via hong kong....thought we got a good deal as they were cheapest but been reading the reviews online and everyone is complaining about horrible the seats are, i get back and neck aches easily so a little bit worried now :frown: has anyone flown with them long haul and if so how did it go?



CP is the onl airline we fly with from London to manila and back to London (it pit stops at HK for 1 hrs and we change planes), i've always found it to be a pleasant flight, i just make sure i bring my comfy neck pillow on board and unlike most ppl i sit close to the toilets cause I hate to Q up to use it.

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