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Last night in the UK!!!


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Well the time has finally arrived we are spending our final night in the UK!

spent the evening packing the suitcases, including an emergency dash to the shops to buy an extra one as we realised we had way too much stuff! Thank god for the extra baggage allowance!!


Boys are all bathed and in bed now as its gonna be a long couple of days for them and we are finally sitting back and relaxing before we head off for some shut eye too!


We have our last meal with all of the family tomorrow before we then have to head off to the airport. It's gonna be a very emotional final farewell but I'm sure the excitement of it all will help us to cope!


We have a few lovely 5 star apartments lined up over the next few months from Brisbane along the sunshine coast and into Hervey Bay where will finally settle and begin our new life!


Soooo nervous yet so excited! Still can't quite believe this day has finally come......some one pinch me please! :biggrin:

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