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Wanted Down Under part of the filming what farce! DO NOT COME TO AUSTRALIA!


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A few months ago a friend of mine asked me to come over to her house as the Wanted Down Under team were filming an update on them about their move to Oz etc.


I had to laugh to myself. Talk about it all being staged. I had to come through the door bright and smily. (it took 3 attempts). Then we all sat around the table and we had to say

''Oh life is so great over here .. so much opportunity, the weather! the Austalians! So great for the kids .. etc..etc...''


They have been over here for 2 years now and the husband as still yet to get a job.


I don't actually come on here very often because I am too busy working 60 hours a week (same for my husband) just to make ends meet.


If I had my time again I would certainly not have emigrated. We are so much worse off here than in the UK.


I don't want to offend the ''Australian Lovers'' but this is how it is for us. The only reason why my friend did the film shoot is because they were getting paid. Funny that ...

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A few months ago a friend of mine asked me to come over to her house as the Wanted Down Under team were filming an update on them about their move to Oz etc.


I had to laugh to myself. Talk about it all being staged. I had to come through the door bright and smily. (it took 3 attempts). Then we all sat around the table and we had to say

''Oh life is so great over here .. so much opportunity, the weather! the Austalians! So great for the kids .. etc..etc...''


They have been over here for 2 years now and the husband as still yet to get a job.


I don't actually come on here very often because I am too busy working 60 hours a week (same for my husband) just to make ends meet.


If I had my time again I would certainly not have emigrated. We are so much worse off here than in the UK.


I don't want to offend the ''Australian Lovers'' but this is how it is for us. The only reason why my friend did the film shoot is because they were getting paid. Funny that ...


The only thing surprising to me is that in this manufactured age anyone would think there was much real about such a show.

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Guest Shell15
A few months ago a friend of mine asked me to come over to her house as the Wanted Down Under team were filming an update on them about their move to Oz etc.


I had to laugh to myself. Talk about it all being staged. I had to come through the door bright and smily. (it took 3 attempts). Then we all sat around the table and we had to say

''Oh life is so great over here .. so much opportunity, the weather! the Austalians! So great for the kids .. etc..etc...''


They have been over here for 2 years now and the husband as still yet to get a job.


I don't actually come on here very often because I am too busy working 60 hours a week (same for my husband) just to make ends meet.


If I had my time again I would certainly not have emigrated. We are so much worse off here than in the UK.


I don't want to offend the ''Australian Lovers'' but this is how it is for us. The only reason why my friend did the film shoot is because they were getting paid. Funny that ...

They only pay for your flights etc nothing more..we applied for it and it states that in the term and conditions

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If you are both working that many hours to make ends meet you must be living

a. Sea view area Sydney Harbour

b. Massive mansion in Toorak

Sorry but no-one struggles here on hours like that- you must be rolling in it!

And you point was ?? you know them ??? or are you just trying to put someone down for trying to make a go of things.I feel more sorry for you than them. well done GreatTobeBritish
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We made the pilot episode of this show ,way back in 2006. We also filmed an update a couple of years ago. You dont get paid for doing it, they will cover any out of pocket expenses you incur.

After making the Pilot and then watching it back months later it was funny and actually quite amazing how clever the editing is. How things happening on different days ,appear to happen together and the biggest thing we noticed was how your words can be 'protrayed'.They did NOT say , 'You have to say ABC or D, but they did 'hint' at how they wanted the conversation to go..' .


In the end it was a fab exprience and something the kids can look back on, we laughed at ourselves and didnt take offence at how they had done it, despite some negative comments from others .. Hence,, We knew EXACTLY what to expect with the revisited and if i hadn't been happy with how the 'camermen and editors' worked, then no way would we have done the revisited..


Cal x

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Guest lemongirl

Are you saying no one should come to Australia because Wanted Down Under is staged? That's sort of what your title implies. That's a bit extreme....

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Guest Shell15

Lemongirl let them think that... you see the secret is not to let them know what there missing out on, and keep that all to ourselves. We dont want over crowding on our (Australian) lovely beaches now do we ;)

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Sorry to hear it's not the "dream" life you expected but to tell everyone else not to come is a bit OTT !

Let us make our own minds up when we arrive...................you make your own luck and we all make mistakes, for it is some moving countries !

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A few months ago a friend of mine asked me to come over to her house as the Wanted Down Under team were filming an update on them about their move to Oz etc.


I had to laugh to myself. Talk about it all being staged. I had to come through the door bright and smily. (it took 3 attempts). Then we all sat around the table and we had to say

''Oh life is so great over here .. so much opportunity, the weather! the Austalians! So great for the kids .. etc..etc...''


They have been over here for 2 years now and the husband as still yet to get a job.


I don't actually come on here very often because I am too busy working 60 hours a week (same for my husband) just to make ends meet.


If I had my time again I would certainly not have emigrated. We are so much worse off here than in the UK.


I don't want to offend the ''Australian Lovers'' but this is how it is for us. The only reason why my friend did the film shoot is because they were getting paid. Funny that ...


You're absolutely right! Never mind these people who think Oz is a land of milk and honey. :skeptical:


You all heard the OP, get right to it at once! Withdraw all your lodged visa applications.....that way I can get a bloody case officer and I can join the suffering down under.:dull:


Thank you for the information, by the way. :biggrin:

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People have to make their own minds up. But come on 120 hours and struggling .


Do the Mathis even if only getting $20 ph it works out at 10400 per month not taking into account overtime rates and the fact it is looking at a very low wage.


So we are looking at more than $2400 per week and struggling.


By the way Pinocchio was a real boy



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Guest AKA63029

At the end of the day it's 'just' a programme, which in the TV execs eyes means 'entertainment' be that good or bad.


I often watch a programme about Snake Handling and go ballistic about the 'safety' procedures that are ignored.


But yep, makes for great TV when you see some numptie bitten on a 'bare' finger.:laugh:

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I do not understand why "wanted down under" have to portray Australia as brilliant. Whats in for them? Why can they not make a programme based on the realities of moving to Australia? That is to say, some people love it and some people dont. Who is paying them to say Australia is great in such a biased way?

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Guest Shell15

I agree, that should portray it as it is for each individual family. Its not fair on anyone seriously moving out there and not seeing the pro's and con's of the move. They do show some who do not like it and dont move..

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If you are both working that many hours to make ends meet you must be living

a. Sea view area Sydney Harbour

b. Massive mansion in Toorak

Sorry but no-one struggles here on hours like that- you must be rolling in it!


or in massive debt!

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I have removed some posts and tried to tidy the thread, feel free to discuss topic but lets not get personal,please


Cal x


Oh....Sh*t..have i missed it! dam

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Do the Mathis even if only getting $20 ph it works out at 10400 per month not taking into account overtime rates and the fact it is looking at a very low wage.


So we are looking at more than $2400 per week and struggling.



I did the same earlier at $20 an hour but decided not to post it....then I found this



Australia's minimum wage is $15.96 per hour x 60 hours a week x 48 weeks of the year (assumed 4 week unpaid holidays) = $46,000 x 2 people = $92,000

($100,000 if holidays are paid)


Even after Super, Medi and Tax you have still got to be looking at a take home pay of $3,000 each



If you are working for a company that is only paying you for 35-40 hours a week and expecting you to work 20+ hours a week for free then its you own fault; a)for doing it & b)for not changing jobs

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Guest Guest26110
I have removed some posts and tried to tidy the thread, feel free to discuss topic but lets not get personal,please


Cal x


Maybe the poster is on a fixed salary.

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