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Coles Shopping


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One quick note on the subject of food. I shall be moving out with a case full of 'proper' cadbury's chocolate. The chocolate in Australia is not good! We were in Melbourne for easter and the brand named chocolate tasted like the cheap stuff you get off the market! Apparently different recipe to stop it melting....but yuk!!!

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Cauliflowers were $1.50 in Coles this weekend, Bananas $1.50 a kilo in the local fruit shop. Both Coles and Woolworths have specials every day and we just wait for them. Aldi is also good for specials.


Remember we shop in dollars not pounds. Also we get more wages here in Aus.

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We try not to bother with big supermarkets any more, Aldi is much cheaper. Even our corner shop is cheaper for some stuff. Fruit and and veg can be as much as 4x more expensive in supermarkets compared with greengrocers.


This isnt a whinge about Australia, its just about being pragmatic.



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I have just had to stop doing a "dummy" online weekly shop at Coles. I had 44 items and was up to $142.44 - I had to stop as I was hyperventilating! OMFG, I am certainly gonna love trawling round for the bargains when I get out there. How can they justify $9.98 for 3 peppers - are they making it up:biggrin:


:biggrin: i know you said you're not in the uk but for the hyperventilating others Coles online sell 3 individual green peppers for a total of $3.75 or 1 pound 70 pence in the uk equivalent.




The last 2 or 3 comparison shops people have posted have come within a few dollars of each other when using the 2.2 cost of living comparison rate so don't think there is that much difference.

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Guest tandcmum

to be honest we find woolworths cheaper than coles, but there are bargains to be had in both. We have found a market type place that sells all locally produced and sourced fruit/veg and meat and we go there first, the other day we got enough meat and veg for 2 weeks for $100, then we just go to woolworths for other bits like tea, cereals, milk etc. places like big w are good for cleaning type products and you can get big boxes of washing powder/fabric softener for very cheap. We have also found that we are eating differently because of the climate, so a lot of the stuff we used to buy in the uk we don't now get, we prefer lighter meals of meat, with salad, or rice or pasta. It is a bit more faffing around than a weekly trip to tescos but it does not have to cost a fortune if you are preparedto shop around

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Guest Tamjb

With respect, why does anyone move anywhere then 'compare' or 'complain' that things aren't the same? Wherever you are, just get on with it & enjoy :cool:

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to be honest we find woolworths cheaper than coles, but there are bargains to be had in both. We have found a market type place that sells all locally produced and sourced fruit/veg and meat and we go there first, the other day we got enough meat and veg for 2 weeks for $100, then we just go to woolworths for other bits like tea, cereals, milk etc. places like big w are good for cleaning type products and you can get big boxes of washing powder/fabric softener for very cheap. We have also found that we are eating differently because of the climate, so a lot of the stuff we used to buy in the uk we don't now get, we prefer lighter meals of meat, with salad, or rice or pasta. It is a bit more faffing around than a weekly trip to tescos but it does not have to cost a fortune if you are preparedto shop around


that just about sums it up, just go from fruit/veg shop to supermarket to Aldi to butchers. Only takes about 4 hours....

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Guest GoldCoastMag

It doesnt take long to acquire the taste once you have used all your reserves up though.....


One quick note on the subject of food. I shall be moving out with a case full of 'proper' cadbury's chocolate. The chocolate in Australia is not good! We were in Melbourne for easter and the brand named chocolate tasted like the cheap stuff you get off the market! Apparently different recipe to stop it melting....but yuk!!!
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We did (or should i say i set my daughter homework of..) a comparison just to get an idea for a cost of living matrix (so we new what basic salary we would need), and found that it all balances out in the end. I think she did 2 supermarkets over in Oz, Woolies and Coles, and compared them against Sainsbury's and Tesco's.

I have to say they came in similar and actually a little cheaper than the UK. The amusing thing was that everytime the Oz supermarkets came in at a better price my daughter was saying 'yes WE'RE cheaper' like she's been Australian all of her life hehe.


I know some things are more expensive, and as said previously, it is all relative, but for those that have commented in the likes of 'just get on with the move' or 'why move and then complain about the prices', I'm sure you would rather have prepared immigrants that come over knowing their limits, than immigrants that soon find that they cannot afford to live there....


I personally have done as much homework/research as I can so that I know what job I can and cannot accept, based on the cost of living..


To all those that have posted in the positive, great tips guys and all useful stuff, and as for growing stuff, that's something that I plan to do. What kind of tree do I grow sausages on?????



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best to shop at coles/wollys on sunday afternoon when in oz--they sell things cheaper--new shelf stacking for monday morning:wink:getting rid of old stock---good research though doing online (dummy shopping) before living in oz--well done--mind you fresh stuff in oz is expensive:confused:


Doesn't work that way matey. With 7 day shopping there is no cheap day. The only thing cheap(er) are 'consumables" such as bread/cakes and hot chickens which are reduced daily about an hour before closing and further reduced a half hour later. Coles "stock/delivery" day is Tuesday at my branch but varies from store to store as hauliers can't deliver to all the stores on the same day. Shelf stocking has no particular day in any store..............they're stocked when they're low or when the merchandisers call.

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that just about sums it up, just go from fruit/veg shop to supermarket to Aldi to butchers. Only takes about 4 hours....


Must have driven our ancestors crazy, (who worked longer hours, less days off, and no late shopping) especially the downtrodden working classes who couldn't afford cars :rolleyes:

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Must have driven our ancestors crazy, (who worked longer hours, less days off, and no late shopping) especially the downtrodden working classes who couldn't afford cars :rolleyes:


Ah but at least they had ye olde general store

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Don't look for banana's whatever you do...


I can often buy bananas for $1.99 Kg, which isn't expensive - and I'm as far away from banana growing country as you can get in Oz.

Bananas were only really expensive after a cyclone destroyed about 90% of the banana plantations.

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Must have driven our ancestors crazy, (who worked longer hours, less days off, and no late shopping) especially the downtrodden working classes who couldn't afford cars :rolleyes:


And no Saturday or Sunday shopping in many places.



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With respect, why does anyone move anywhere then 'compare' or 'complain' that things aren't the same? Wherever you are, just get on with it & enjoy :cool:


Because some people have to watch what they spend! It's not about complaining it's about noting what is expensive and what isn't and working within a budget.

It's just about being canny - we go to Aldi and some local veg places, then to Woolies to get the other stuff. Then it doesn't seem too bed - I got an 8lb watermelon for $4 yesterday and there is always bargains to be had. The great thing here is that every supermarket puts leaflets through your door with the specials so you can know where to get what without trawling around all day looking for the best deal.

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Because some people have to watch what they spend! It's not about complaining it's about noting what is expensive and what isn't and working within a budget.

It's just about being canny - we go to Aldi and some local veg places, then to Woolies to get the other stuff. Then it doesn't seem too bed - I got an 8lb watermelon for $4 yesterday and there is always bargains to be had. The great thing here is that every supermarket puts leaflets through your door with the specials so you can know where to get what without trawling around all day looking for the best deal.


Yeah, but even that's not enough for some folk. Folk are for ever noting baked beans at $1.70 a can, yet heinz baked beans are on special every month at coles and woolies for $1...............even then, if they bought at normal price they'd have to eat 10 cans a week to be $6.70 out of pocket...............big deal!.............what's so hard about stocking up when you're notified of "specials"? I never buy anything, other than on special and it doesn't take too long or is hard work, once you've been informed via flyers.


Nothing stranger than folk............they'll cue at a servo to save 4 cents a litre and put 30 litres in their car saving $1.20................My prado has a 150 litre tank but I wouldn't sit in a queue to fill her up. That will last about 3 weeks saving me $2 a week...........whoppy do! Even though I am price conscious.........there's better/bigger savings to be had elsewhere without queing. Ask 'em to find a butcher doing rump at $4.99 a kilo (as mine does) instead of buying at Coles at $18 a kilo, or vegies and fruit, for less than half the price of Coles, and they go spare, saying they haven't got the time to shop around or that they didn't come to Oz to scrimp and save yet they'll sit in a queue for petrol!!!!

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The difference is that when you have lived in a country all your life or for a very long time, you know the places to go to get a good deal and you know what is a reasonable price. Moving to a new country you have no knowledge to draw on and you can't help but convert the cost back to GBP and then fall over at the thought.

I did a dummy shop before we left to see how much it would cost to stock our cupboards with all the basics, flour, herbs, pasta, rice, cleaning products etc and then added a weekly shop on top. It came to $700.00, i was expecting a big bill, but maybe not quite that big.

Anyway, all the locals my OH works with advise on not buying your fruit and veg from the supermarkets because of the price and likewise with meat. There are plenty of places to go to buy these you just have to be prepared to explore.

Check the flyers that are delivered weekly for specials and work your shopping list from that and stock up when you can.

My weekly shop is more expensive than back home, but we still have more money than we did at home to do other things together. Swings and roundabouts if you ask me.

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Nothing stranger than folk............they'll cue at a servo to save 4 cents a litre and put 30 litres in their car saving $1.20................My prado has a 150 litre tank but I wouldn't sit in a queue to fill her up. That will last about 3 weeks saving me $2 a week...........whoppy do! Even though I am price conscious.........there's better/bigger savings to be had elsewhere without queing. Ask 'em to find a butcher doing rump at $4.99 a kilo (as mine does) instead of buying at Coles at $18 a kilo, or vegies and fruit, for less than half the price of Coles, and they go spare, saying they haven't got the time to shop around or that they didn't come to Oz to scrimp and save yet they'll sit in a queue for petrol!!!!


who said anything about queuing for petrol??


Don't you think that Coles and Woolworths are doing their customers a major disservice if those customers are spending hours of their weekend time driving around town looking for bargains, or studying junk mail for cans of beans for a dollar?


Hardly a ringing endorsement of their service that...

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Hi thought I'd out my thoughts in... Been here 4 weeks so not long.

shopped in Coles each time along with greengrocers and butchers. The first week I thought omg how much?? We lost weight that week. The last few shops ive found pretty cheap to be honest. We are a a family of five. last week spent 250 dollars and filled the freezer up with lots of meat. This week there was enough meat to make up meals for the week so spent 150 but that included washing powders, start up items like stocking cupboards with cleaning items etc... So working it out with relative wages we are about the same as the uk.

I think fruit is very cheap... $2 kilo bananas, $2 kilo apples etc...

I am not buying as much ready made processed food here. It is so cheapnot buy In the uk . The kids get one pack sweets a week here as a treat. I actually prefer those prices higher here as it means we are eating better and the kids are also eating less junk....

Have no pets so can't compare pet .

i had budgeted around 1000 a month and think we will spend around 850......that's only if my husband stops buying alcohol...now that's expensive imho.....

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who said anything about queuing for petrol??


I just did.................if punters are prepared to queue or look for cut price petrol as they have said they've done on PIO before, then why not groceries?


Don't you think that Coles and Woolworths are doing their customers a major disservice if those customers are spending hours of their weekend time driving around town looking for bargains, or studying junk mail for cans of beans for a dollar?


Hardly a ringing endorsement of their service that...


Sez you. If they didn't inform you of specials, then that would hardly be a ringing endorsement now would it? As for "spending hours of their weekend time driving around town looking for bargains" Why would they have to do that? the flyers inform them of the specials so they hardly have to go looking for them. All the major supermarkets, my bucher, and greengrocer are all within a 5 minute drive. My weekly shop takes me around an hour all up. If they don't want to "study junk mail", then they can hardly complain that it's expensive here.................highlight of my week reading "junk mail" which informs me of their special offer of t bone at $18 instead of $21 when I'm paying $6.99 at a shop right on their doorstep. Once you've found a shop that sells cheaply, why then would you have to spend hours at weekend looking for bargains, unless of course they move shop every week? :goofy:


It must be marvelous in the UK, having tescos, asda et al and your local greengrocer and butcher (if you don't fancy supermarket meat, fruit and veg) all alongside each other just so you don't have to, " spend hours of your weekend time driving around town looking for bargains, or studying junk mail"


To add to the debate. IME not only is it worth shopping around for cheaper than the supermarkets, the cheaper food is also better and the "uniformed size and colour" of supermarket fruit is an instant put off...............more time expended growing them a perfect shape, than their is growing 'em for flavour.

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