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Swimming Pool Costs


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Hi guys,


I'm in the middle of arguing with the mrs about weather or not we buy a house with a swimming pool or not.

I want one, she doesn't.


She thinks it will be far too much upkeep and cost too much to maintain.


Can anyone shed some light on the costs and maintainence.


My theory is when not in use in the winter, no worries,just rake anything out of it, better yet use a cover. Come time for summer, do 1-2 chlorine dumps to clean it out chemically before use. Although that may not work!


Cheers all.



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A Pool is for life not just for summer !! You have to maintain them year round to keep the chemical levels correct and you also have to rake and clean them every other day or so. I have never had one but lived in Florida and all my mates that had pools said it was a pain in the ass to up keep and if they ever buy another house they would buy one without a pool. Also very expensive....

I have added some links that tell you what you need to do.

With that said i want a pool when we move to Oz so will be in the same situation....



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Don't buy a house with a pool.... don't put a pool in..... after the first year... novelty wears off.... wife nagging for it to be cleaned and l told you so does not stop.... chemicals are well expensive... salt or chemicals... pool cover just traps the crap on top and most falls into pool when you wind it up...you will use it and then find that u would rather not use it cuz it needs cleaning first... it is not theraputic to clean a pool after a days graft at work or having 2+ hrs plus a weekend cleaning a pool....then u will find that for reasons only known to the universe... every leaf... stick... wild life is attracted from miles around to ur pool..... dont do it... use the sea its free or get a mate with a pool......also if it comes that you ignore everyone and get that pool... remember that if it came with a house... you will find that it will need to be emptied in the near future and a reno can cost $6000+ cuz the last people had the same idea about a pool and probably didnt up keep it and l can bet ya bottom dollar that the next house they brought did not have a pool.... on costs in WA...OH can spend $90 to $150 every time on chemicals.... good thing..... you can take a sample to a pool shop and get it analyzed for free lol..... bunnings is quite cheap for chemicals and salt...

Hi guys,


I'm in the middle of arguing with the mrs about weather or not we buy a house with a swimming pool or not.

I want one, she doesn't.


She thinks it will be far too much upkeep and cost too much to maintain.


Can anyone shed some light on the costs and maintainence.


My theory is when not in use in the winter, no worries,just rake anything out of it, better yet use a cover. Come time for summer, do 1-2 chlorine dumps to clean it out chemically before use. Although that may not work!


Cheers all.



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Hi Thom


Top of our wish list on moving here was to have a pool, 6 mths after our arrival we bought a house and had one fitted, 5 years on the novelty hasnt worn off and its become more of a necessity in summer especially for the kids. We are in QLD and i know in some states they dont have them as much but in QLD it can add value to your property too.

Knowing what i know now, id purchase a GOOD quality pool cover and use it as much as possible, not only does it keep leaves and stuff out, it keeps the water in and also keeps the water warmer.

Cost wise it isnt that bad if you can stay on top of it. We used pool shops at first and seemed to be forever shelling out on this chemical or the other so i learnt to maintain it myself and i bet this year so far im not upto $100 yet. We have stopped using it now for winter, so i will give it an algae prevention booster this next week and chuck some salt in (its a slat water chlorinated pool) should cost around $60 all up to do and wont really need anything else until November. If you get a problem and it goes green or something then you would have some outlay on top of that, but ive managed a summer without a green pool this year,lol..


Electric wise you dont really notice it ,my average bill at the moment is around $500 and we have a 3 bed detached house with workshop and garage. In summer i run the pool for about 8hrs a day- 2 x 4hr slots and now we arent using it its on for 2 x 2hr slots per day.

This is based on a 12.5mtr x 4mtr pool holding approx 50 to 60,000 litres.


Cal x

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I've had a pool for many years and some years ago I would have agreed with the other posters but now I don't. The cost in money and time for maintenance is quite small these days. During the swimming season I run the filter for 8 hours a day, 4 hours at other times. At the beginning of the season it costs around $200 for buffer, salt etc and that's it for the year apart from some acid which only costs $16 for 5l. I don't think I spend much more on average than 15 minutes week in time. The filter takes care of chlorination and works the cleaner. I would spend about 5 minutes a week backwashing the filter, brushing the walls and cleaning the chlorinator only get done once in a while so account for the other 10 minutes I allowed in the weekly time.

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I have a couple of friends that have pools in Melbourne but one has a completely automatic pool like public ones so does not need to do anything but would not want their electric bil. The pool cost over 200 grand to install. My other friend has a slightly cheaper model but requires more work but they just get a pool company to come in and do it for them.


So pool = cash unless you have time and energy.

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Was part of our dream to get a pool, we haven't moved in yet but only looked for houses with pools. But we are renting so if novelty wears of will move to a house without one. Somebody told us chemicals should cost about $80 a month. Not sure how correct that is.

Good luck with your house purchase and whatever you decide ...

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$80 a month ,every month is extoranate, from my experience anyway!!! $80 every 6 months is more like it.


Cal x

Excellent sounds even better, we can put the rest towards our parking fine we received today!

Cheers cal

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Guest Guest16631

.........we also pay very little in chemicals.......................I keep a check on the chemical balance..........small kit from pool shop........................put the creepy crawly in once a fornight...................very little up keep ,if you spend half an hour a week clearing out the leaves...............check chemicals and balance if needed.. ...!................well worth havving in the summer imo.........good luck with whichever you decide...................

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Hi Thom


Top of our wish list on moving here was to have a pool, 6 mths after our arrival we bought a house and had one fitted, 5 years on the novelty hasnt worn off and its become more of a necessity in summer especially for the kids. We are in QLD and i know in some states they dont have them as much but in QLD it can add value to your property too.

Knowing what i know now, id purchase a GOOD quality pool cover and use it as much as possible, not only does it keep leaves and stuff out, it keeps the water in and also keeps the water warmer.

Cost wise it isnt that bad if you can stay on top of it. We used pool shops at first and seemed to be forever shelling out on this chemical or the other so i learnt to maintain it myself and i bet this year so far im not upto $100 yet. We have stopped using it now for winter, so i will give it an algae prevention booster this next week and chuck some salt in (its a slat water chlorinated pool) should cost around $60 all up to do and wont really need anything else until November. If you get a problem and it goes green or something then you would have some outlay on top of that, but ive managed a summer without a green pool this year,lol..


Electric wise you dont really notice it ,my average bill at the moment is around $500 and we have a 3 bed detached house with workshop and garage. In summer i run the pool for about 8hrs a day- 2 x 4hr slots and now we arent using it its on for 2 x 2hr slots per day.

This is based on a 12.5mtr x 4mtr pool holding approx 50 to 60,000 litres.


Cal x




post a picture of your pool if you can its incredible, cheers.

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Definitely must have a pool. Just moved into our own house with saltwater pool. we love it. Fab pool shop near us, will do a sample test on our water and they even say you dont need to spend much on it. Will try and post a picture of my pool too. Love it. xpool.jpg


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Cheers everyone! Some very mixed opinions here!

The mrs wants a big garden for the dogs and kids, which i want, but i want the pool too. Guess i'll have to try talk her round!

With her being Aussie, i'd of thought it was a given she'd want one!

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Tell her it will be your job to clean it. Honestly it doesn't take that much. And it is sooo relaxing and especially in summer when the weather is stifling. Kids will love it too. She 's Auzzie, they don't feel the heat like we do. Tell her its for your health and well-being so when its really hot you wont get all hot and bothered and grumpy.... lol Get 1 !!!!

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Tell her it will be your job to clean it. Honestly it doesn't take that much. And it is sooo relaxing and especially in summer when the weather is stifling. Kids will love it too. She 's Auzzie, they don't feel the heat like we do. Tell her its for your health and well-being so when its really hot you wont get all hot and bothered and grumpy.... lol Get 1 !!!!


I've tried the "it'll be my job" line. Didn't get anywhere! Tried telling her that it'll be a lot better to get people round and have a BBQ / pool party than going to the pub.

She know's what i'm like in the heat, but at the moment we live literally across the road from the beach, but when we buy, we won't have that luxury, hence why i NEED the pool! WOMEN!!!! (No offence!)

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do you have kids ?


Kids = pool end of story :D



In south africa where I grew up we had a pool, used to go swimming with my mom at 5am in summer before school SUCH a good way to wake up !!


G E T T H E P O O L !! :P




I've tried the "it'll be my job" line. Didn't get anywhere! Tried telling her that it'll be a lot better to get people round and have a BBQ / pool party than going to the pub.

She know's what i'm like in the heat, but at the moment we live literally across the road from the beach, but when we buy, we won't have that luxury, hence why i NEED the pool! WOMEN!!!! (No offence!)

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We don't have kids yet. I've said i want to own a house before i consider buying, although she does want them now, but we're just trying to be realistic.


I personally wouldn`t want a pool with little kids around. I know it would be fenced but still.... we have a pool 2 min. walk from our apartment and that`s fine with me:wink:

. My parents have quite a big free-standing pool in the garden that they collapse for winter, maybe you cound try this first to see if you like it? Maintenance is I imagine nothing like in-ground pool, you still use a filter of course.

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Mine's a big one......................upwards of 90,000 litres


The pump is run 8hrs a day and it's 1000watts...................that's 8 kilowatts a day at around 20cents a Kw.................so an average pool would cost less than 10 bucks a week in leccy if they're fitted with the right sized pump and even less if connected to off peak leccy and less again if covered and knocked down to 4 hrs in winter. Knocking down in winter can cause problems that require more chemicals to correct than needed if you're on a saltwater pool (self chlorinating) as you may not make enough chlorine to keep it in balance.....................especially uncovered (which legally it should be in Qld) I run mine for 8 hrs even in winter and what it costs me extra in leccy, over those who only run for 4 hrs, I'm prepared to bet I save in chemicals.


The biggest cost chemical wise is Concide or other algae killers so don't let algae take hold. I use pool blocks..................one pool block lasts about a month and they cost about 7 bucks each. They stop all algaes including the dreaded black algae. other than this, I only ever need the odd bit of Acid.........or alkaline product if there's been a lot of rain. Pool shops will try to sell you "starver" which you won't need if you're using pool blocks, and "sunscreen" which you won't need if the pool is covered when not in use............these two products make up the bulk of most pool products sold to the unwary. My pool..........



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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Mine's a big one......................upwards of 90,000 litres


The pump is run 8hrs a day and it's 1000watts...................that's 8 kilowatts a day at around 20cents a Kw.................so an average pool would cost less than 10 bucks a week in leccy if they're fitted with the right sized pump and even less if connected to off peak leccy and less again if covered and knocked down to 4 hrs in winter. Knocking down in winter can cause problems that require more chemicals to correct than needed if you're on a saltwater pool (self chlorinating) as you may not make enough chlorine to keep it in balance.....................especially uncovered (which legally it should be in Qld) I run mine for 8 hrs even in winter and what it costs me extra in leccy, over those who only run for 4 hrs, I'm prepared to bet I save in chemicals.


The biggest cost chemical wise is Concide or other algae killers so don't let algae take hold. I use pool blocks..................one pool block lasts about a month and they cost about 7 bucks each. They stop all algaes including the dreaded black algae. other than this, I only ever need the odd bit of Acid.........or alkaline product if there's been a lot of rain. Pool shops will try to sell you "starver" which you won't need if you're using pool blocks, and "sunscreen" which you won't need if the pool is covered when not in use............these two products make up the bulk of most pool products sold to the unwary. My pool..........




Looks sh7t to me, i would want a real big one, lol

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Looks sh7t to me, i would want a real big one, lol


That's 'cause you were always plssed when you saw it. :tongue:..........................and we all saw the little yellow stain in the water when you got in :biglaugh:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
That's 'cause you were always plssed when you saw it. :tongue:..........................and we all saw the little yellow stain in the water when you got in :biglaugh:


That wasn't my fault, its those warm pools in Brisbane, they make my pee pee leak out, it doesn't happen in the freezing cold sea at Bridlington. Lol



I loved that pool mate, it was amazing.

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