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Swimming Pool Costs


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That wasn't my fault, its those warm pools in Brisbane, they make my pee pee leak out, it doesn't happen in the freezing cold sea at Bridlington. Lol




Makes 'em shrink like little hazelnuts big feller........................bit like yer crinkled old vizog mate :biglaugh:

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Guest JonnyNI

Very funny post realitynotincluded - you had me laughing out loud!!!


I guess I won't be going for a pool then....




Don't buy a house with a pool.... don't put a pool in..... after the first year... novelty wears off.... wife nagging for it to be cleaned and l told you so does not stop.... chemicals are well expensive... salt or chemicals... pool cover just traps the crap on top and most falls into pool when you wind it up...you will use it and then find that u would rather not use it cuz it needs cleaning first... it is not theraputic to clean a pool after a days graft at work or having 2+ hrs plus a weekend cleaning a pool....then u will find that for reasons only known to the universe... every leaf... stick... wild life is attracted from miles around to ur pool..... dont do it... use the sea its free or get a mate with a pool......also if it comes that you ignore everyone and get that pool... remember that if it came with a house... you will find that it will need to be emptied in the near future and a reno can cost $6000+ cuz the last people had the same idea about a pool and probably didnt up keep it and l can bet ya bottom dollar that the next house they brought did not have a pool.... on costs in WA...OH can spend $90 to $150 every time on chemicals.... good thing..... you can take a sample to a pool shop and get it analyzed for free lol..... bunnings is quite cheap for chemicals and salt...
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