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Everything posted by jess6

  1. You can freely travel until your 457 expires indeed I am currently on bridging visa B until mid September. I was on Bridging visa a before (since January when my 457 expired). Thanks for the kind words - MA will follow up on Monday - hope to see them process it quickly now. I just want peace of mind like most of us! Have a nice weekend!
  2. I wish you the best of luck. It is unlikely that April files are incomplete. I am from June, my application was apparently easy, got submitted "decision ready" and they just opened my file last week. No word from them yet. I thought they would reach out for medicals renew but no, nothing. I am travelling to Europe to see my family in two weeks - and I am on a bridging visa so this is quite a stressful situation - I hope they won't ask for more docs while I am there... No idea why they do not process certain files. We all went though this here on that forum...
  3. Yes, my MA thinks we should hear something within a week from now. My account still shows "Received".
  4. Yeah - thought about you - I guess their answer to that would be "90% are being processed within xx months but there is no maximum timelines". They told me that on the phone when I called the second time. In my case, I just asked my MA how long it could take from allocation to final decision and same kind of answer... I guess in my case, we got told because we asked so many times. Many people just don't even know when the case is allocated, it just goes from "Received" to "Finalised" which gives an impression of speed while actually nobody knows how long it took. Very transparent process it is, isn't it?
  5. Thanks for sharing - I know super annoying, right? For my case, I hope they will reach out soon if they need my medicals to be renewed because I am traveling overseas to see my family in August and I am on Bridging Visa so I'd be happy to avoid the additional stress...
  6. I would argue that it depends on what she studies and her long term goals in life. If her life dream is to live in Australia, then she looks at the immi website and try. Occupations like nursing and teaching will take time before being removed from the long term list.
  7. Finally! Congrats!! - It does look like they open the files and do not necessarily change the status to "in progress". Mine is open and it's still flagged as "Received"! It's great - it looks like they are getting more active this week!
  8. You should be fine to get your WHV renewed. But keep in mind that the only fact of living in Australia does not make anybody eligible for Permanent Residency. The Permanent Residency is a visa process you need to apply for. This is pretty strict and very controlled as it should be. So read everything carefully the Immigration Website to see if you could potentially be eligible now. If you are not eligible now with your current skills, I do not see how you could become eligible while being on WHV. If I was your age and would dream to immigrate to Austraila, I'd probably travel in the country during two years or one year here and one year in New-Zealand. You are young, you should make the most of it :-) Then I would study at an Australian University to obtain skills that Australia needs. That's a long term startegy which requires time, money and also risk because you never know what the future holds.
  9. Your wife and yourself should reach out to your local MP to plaid your case. Sometimes in life we have to rely on others help. At least you would have tried everything you can. If it does not work, you need to take some time for yourself to decide what is most important to you without listening to anybody else. I might be a little too optimistic but considering your wife is Australian, I do not think you'd struggle too much to get back to Australia later on if you were to decide to move to the UK. There is no right or wrong decision really but people here might all have a different opinion on your situation. On top of that, we do not know you and your family. I understand that you would like to have all your daughters close to you. Will the back and forth be good for your youngest one though? Will it allow her to build friendships? My gut feeling is that if you get back to the UK, you may decide to stay there because your yougest girl will start to socialize there, your wife and yourself will build a new life there as well. If I were you I would ask myself how these moves will affect me and my family emotionally: 1) How my youngest daughter will experience the moves. 2) How my oldest daughters will benefit from being closer to me. 3) What I want the most in life and how these moves will affect my couple. I don't know about other people, but personally, in my life, I have never been able to have it all and I have never been able to please everyone either. That caused me a lot of emotions both positive and negative but so is life. It hurts sometimes but that's character building. That what makes us all unique. Good luck!
  10. That's really annoying. I am so sorry. They are understaffed, I think it is the main reason for the delays... Sometimes I wonder if there are specialised CO in certain occupations. For example, imagine there would be an equal number of CO specialised in each area (Marketing, ICT, Hopsitality, Engineering, Health, Education etc.), if there are more cases for certain areas (such as Hospitality and Marketing), then those CO would have more workload and would consequently need more time to process the visas. Making assumptions here obviously I hope you will get a positive outcome next week It looks like the end of last week saw more movement than the two first weeks of july - so fingers crossed.
  11. Although that could be fun and who knows they might change their minds! In France we have the say: "Only idiots do not change their mind."
  12. 1 - Most PR holders do not live in isolation and consequently have Australian friends and family who care, support them and also give feedback. 2 - Most PR holders are future citizens so any smart politician would definitely listen.
  13. I am on bridging visa B and I went overseas two weeks ago. While it's good to be careful, you can't stop your life either. Here is the page on what immigration clearance is: http://www.border.gov.au/Lega/Lega/Form/Immi-FAQs/what-is-immigration-clearance Just ask more details to your agent so you can feel better while travelling overseas. Just adding something: it is good to be prepared for the worst but try to stay in a positive mindset - I know it is hard :-)
  14. It is super frustrating but at least someone is looking at it. Have you or your MA contacted the deparment for a status update? Has your nomination been approved? I personally got super happy two days ago just knowing someone is looking at it. I think it's important to celebrate each step that brings us closer to an final answer.
  15. You need a Bridging Visa B to go overseas. It's probably best to talk to an agent.
  16. @wooddar it looks like Verystormy has a great point here. How long have you been a Permanent Resident? Also if you missed the application submission by a day but were eligible - have you thought of reaching out to your local MP? You obviously want to live in Australia long term and the reason to return to the UK is related to your three daughters. Australia is a familly driven country, I'd be surprised to see the department not take your case into account - especially if you have been locked out because of the website outage. I would not look at the situation from a financial perspective, I would look at it from an emotional perspective. What do you want? How do you feel about it? What do your daughters want? How do they feel about you being so far with a new family? They are teenagers sure. They might not see you super often when you are back in the UK because they might prefer spending time with their friends - although some teens are more family driven than friends driven... However moving back to the UK for them is a wonderful proof of love. That is very likely to have very good impact on them and their future life, no matter what.
  17. Renewing the Medicals requires a new HAP ID - and the feedback from my MA was to wait for the CO to ask because a new HAP ID could complicate the process more than helping it. No idea why but I trust her 100% so I will wait for them to come back to us. She also said that the CO is likely to be ok with medicals being out of date considering the delays in processing times. How quick the application gets processed will probably depend on the CO workload. At the moment, my account still show "received" and not "in process" so let's be patient. I have waited for 13 months so I am already super happy to see that the file is being looked at.
  18. This article is from May - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-05-22/citizenship,-visa-grant-waiting-times-may-increase/8548012
  19. Fair point. Populism is not a solution to nationalist populism though. Education is probably a better option - but not cheaper short term for sure. After 5 years in Australia and 4 different PMs - if I remember well - I wish the Australian system would be more grounded and stable. With the current system, politicians are constantly in "campaign mode" - and sometimes "stabbing in the back mode" - instead of being in "government mode". It really prevents the government to lay out a long term strategy. Instead, we see constant short terms moves and short sighted tactics aiming at increasing popularity instead of focusing on a long term plan. A country is not a start-up and it would be great to educate people on why immigration is important for Australia instead on putting the blame on it.
  20. Thanks for the kind words 1 - Both nomination and application are being processed apparently - nothing approved yet. 2 - I do not know - it depends on the file I guess? 3 - We did too - our MA submitted everything decision ready. 4 - AFP is valid a year - You need to provide a new one indeed. I had done this back in April already in anticipation, our MA uploaded it back then My medicals are expired so I am wondering if they will ask me to renew them or not. When I provided my new police check, our MA had advised to wait before re-doing the Medicals because it depends on the CO apparently. I wish you lots of luck too. The wait is very painful, I do sincerely hope the 2016 files - especially the first semesters ones - will be picked up and processed asap.
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