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Everything posted by Alnaibii

  1. This may be of use to you. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArviwOkQc_pFdFoxeU94QXVKTkFOSV9SM05CdXFxU3c&usp=drive_web#gid=97 You can add your data as well.
  2. Yes, usually you get the invitation the same day you get State nomination.
  3. You did not answer if you have a file number from NSW. I read that you can send another EOI with another State ticked. It seems that Victoria is more picky with candidates. You need 7 on IELTS.
  4. I know there are some high-risk countries. The applicants from those countries get extensive check. I read about one guy from Palestine who got invited a year ago, and still doesn't have a visa. All other countries are treated the same, no matter if you are from Canada, USA or Europe. But I do not know if this is done by NSW, or they leave to DIBP. http://www.immi.gov.au/about/charters/client-services-charter/visas/3.0.htm
  5. But how did you get an invitation if you are missing 5 points?
  6. I was joking, it is better to keep a back-up plan. I think they will review your application, and if successful, you will be invited for 190 as well. What stage are you in with 189? Paid and uploaded docs?
  7. I think you can try Resident Return Visa, but conditions may apply.
  8. Congratulations on your invitation! Would you call NSW to tell them to stop processing your file, so I can get mine faster? :biggrin:
  9. If you got the Acknowledgement letter, and a file number, it will be processed. If not, I guess it will not be considered. Make a Plan B.
  10. Theoretically, all occupations that were on NSW SNOL were in demand. You can check seek.com.au for any occupation, and see how many classifieds are there. For Architect, there were over 100 in Sydney, last time I looked.
  11. Oh, wouldn't that be great! The fact is - on the list there are 350 names, out of 7400 files, so less than 5%. There is no guarantee anybody will get sponsorship, but if you meet their demands, I do not see why not.
  12. Hi you can check this spreadsheet for timelines. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArviwOkQc_pFdFoxeU94QXVKTkFOSV9SM05CdXFxU3c&usp=drive_web#gid=97 You may fill in your timelines as well. at the current rate, I would say you will get your answer within 2 month. Cheers
  13. From my understanding, they will answer all applications received prior to 24th of December.
  14. Visas expire about one year after they have been issued (one year from the meds or PCC). Visas are individual, so everybody has to validate theirs.
  15. I did not think you can feel anything below 4. Here we have earthquakes very often, but usually I feel something only if it is 4.5-5.
  16. Yes, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth are in the same country , but also they are ranked one after another. So if this poll, or whatever it is, would have asked 2-3 people more, the ranks could have reversed. The surprise is on top, 3 out of 4 should not be there. I guess the expats need to pay bodyguards in those cities, that's what makes life so expensive there.
  17. "The fundamental flaw of all cost-of-living surveys is that they convert local prices into US dollars, which means that any changes are as much the result of currency fluctuations as of price inflation. In surveys by ECA, UBS, Mercer and EIU the cost of living in cities outside the US dollar zone becomes more expensive if the dollar weakens against local currencies even when prices remain unchanged or indeed fall. Probably the most useful figures are those by UBS because the also examine income and purchasing power. The research by ECA, Mercer and EIU is for the benefit of US employees sent abroad by their companies." from http://www.citymayors.com/features/cost_survey.html
  18. They have been in Bucharest 6 years back. Prices were between 30$ and 250$. They are like wine, the older, the more expensive.
  19. Hi Nicolas, Yes, 1 year is the average period. You have to assess your skills, sit IELTS if necessary, a lot of waiting is involved. After the visa is granted, you have about one year to validate it. It is one year after the Medicals, or Police clearance, whichever comes first. Cheers
  20. Sorry to hear about the assessment. No, they say they process all files in chronological order. In this spreadsheet you can see other people's timeline. You can fill in yours as well, if you want. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArviwOkQc_pFdFoxeU94QXVKTkFOSV9SM05CdXFxU3c&usp=drive_web#gid=97 I am an architect, there are not so many in this list. Mostly accountants and IT
  21. That's weird. On my Ack on 26th of November, they stated they are working on applications from 3rd of October :confused: In any case, you can modify your EOI anytime before the invitation, to reflect your current situation.
  22. Hi, you can search for jobs on http://www.seek.com.au/
  23. Hi Kiera, You could submit EOI for 190, ticking QLD as sponsoring state. I do not know if then you are entitled to bridging visa, but you get an EOI number.
  24. hi, did you get the SS from NSW? As for EOI, you can update the current one, if you have enough points.
  25. To get the points for partner skill, you need to assess the skill, and the occupation has to be on the same list as the main applicant's (SOL or CSOL).
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