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Everything posted by xxlornaxx

  1. Doubt it...what makes u think that?
  2. I did it for a week...I was not as done in as I thought I would be and although I hated doing The flights there n back so close together it was worth it n i only had a week to do it in so didn't have much choice ...i probably wouldn't do it again if I can help it but it's doable and enjoyable!
  3. What if you moved back and your kids decided they wanted to live in Aus n left...would u move back again?
  4. Thank you and if I had to give an example of one is it just anything that causes a hazard or risk to people's safety? Is that what work place health and safety is? Could it be risk of violence or bullying or cuts or something? Or does health and safety deal with specific risks?
  5. definitely not better..and certainly not worse..just different...I'm happy in Aus but was happy in UK too...'better' I believe comes from inside yourself and not being in either country...id rather stay in Aus simply because it's warmer but that has drawbacks too
  6. If you had a job interview question that asked you to highlight work place health and safety issues that were specific to inpatient mental health what would you say? thanks
  7. Just colour scans is fine..don't need to be certified
  8. So have they changed how you get tfn then? Coz I did it all online and just got it posted out..didn't have to go anywhere or show ID...just had to give passport number and other details
  9. Will your passport not do? I applied for tfn online and didn't need to do any of that
  10. Maybe inpatient be different..I only visited briefly..centralised triage deal with all areas but was based in north Melbourne Royal park campus....I couldn't work on inpatient in Victoria due to the shackling I seen
  11. Wow I think your handling that perfectly and I'm sure your mum would be very proud and thankful for the kindness your showing to all your family and doing the right thing
  12. I told them when I first thought about it n mentioned it on n off...don't think they thought it would actually happen initially as was just an idea but I wanted them to know it was my plans to make it happen...they didn't think too much about it then thinking it may never come to anything...I didn't really see it as breaking news or it being a bad thing x
  13. Alfred, Austin, mercy..their all supposed to be really good
  14. Triage...where have u been offered job? I came from Scotland too
  15. A gut feeling that I should be in qld was what brought me here..the weather, people, amount of places to explore, financial prospects and good employment is what keeps me here...and a general feeling of peace as I am where I belong ? Even though I'm alone here and no idea where that feeling comes from i just know its right
  16. I found it very easy to find a nice place to live, there are lots of options. I hate the cold too, initially you won't feel too cold as you will be comparing it to uk but very quickly I hated feeling cold n wet a lot of time n that's one of reasons I left n won't ever go back lol it does get very warm but too much cold for me n sky too grey. There's lots to do and things are accessible so if you have hobbies or interests there will probably be some groups,clubs,meets etc if you look for them where u can meet people...lots of ppl from different places live there and appeared to me to be welcoming but I'd rather live in QLD anyday where the sky is bluer! But as a city it's a very cool place.
  17. I wouldn't stress about it too much at moment, tell him you'll support him in whatever decision he chooses to make as you respect him as a young adult and leave it at that...the relationship may end or he may just change his mind but if you are arguing over it he may force himself to stay even if he doesn't really want to just to prove he can... or it could ruin open communication between you both...it's while off yet, million things can happen so I say just support him and see how it goes....I've done that with fridge too and when our toaster didn't pop my mum just managed to stop me putting a knife in it to sort it out lol...live n learn n your less careful when you know mum n dad will pick up pieces!...sounds pretty normal to me lol
  18. Yes I did, worst experience of my life earlier this year, I would advise anyone to avoid this employer..especially if your coming from another country...but just my opinion
  19. I usually get asked in application form with the usual yes/no questions...I also put it in my cover letter
  20. I would give them a call or drop in, might save u some money
  21. Depends where in qld too, big differences in regions
  22. Has she tried it yet? Many ppl dont get required scores first time round
  23. Try your local court too...I phoned them and they stamped/signed all mine for free
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