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Everything posted by xxlornaxx

  1. I didn't realise a stat dec had to be witnessed..i just sent one re. criminal record with only my signature...They must have accepted it as just a statement then?!
  2. No..but declare it with your application..If you have read advice given on this thread..same applies to you
  3. Yes we were in similar position. .We just added a letter outlining as much info as possible abt two minor offences..as long as u r open n honest it should b ok. .We got visa with no further questions asked
  4. i am selfish and i moved with no problems, i would say yes you need to be a bit selfish..but most of us have to be a bit selfish at some point in order to be happy
  5. Thats not true, you can send your application anywhere..and activate it anywhere too..even at a different office from where you sent application..
  6. you don't register to each state any more, by being registered with Ahpra you can work anywhere in Australia..you can send your documnets to any office, some people choose which office to send it to by figuring out where would have less applications to speed process up! Dunno how well that works. I sent to Sydney and now work in QLD.
  7. im 33 and still not sure about children, i enjoy working and my current lifestyle, been married 6 years..its a big decision that i'm still not ready to make..women die and are ripped apart by childbirth, it doesn't sound pleasant or appealing! I have always wanted to adopt/foster though. Im glad i didnt have children in my 20s, the things i would have missed out on and i would have had no money. We are all living much longer now and from what i have read our fertility is extending also!
  8. the expense puts me off, i can imagine going without a lot which i wouldn't want to do..depends how much you want kids i guess
  9. My friend done it recently n he went full business dress..pics were nice..I think I would go casual
  10. Were they not certified correctly? Ahpra and anmac dont want same things and verification has to come straight from nmc...I knw its frustrating you'll get there in the end n all this will be a distant memory
  11. start looking at ANMAC and getting your skills assessed, send all info they require and then from their you will need to get registered with AHPRA..also have a look on skill select website to see what visa's you could be eligible for
  12. Yes...but for anmac a legal professional can also do it...but for ahpra Legal professions can only do it if your already in oz
  13. Skills assesment is a seperate thing from ahpra. .no you dont need to do ielts..if your not using an agent then that bit isnt relevant. .whole process took 8wks for me..for some its been quicker and some longer
  14. I was similar situation to you but I foned general line. .they wouldnt tell me much on fone but after every fone call i made within 24hrs I would then get an email update..and then my eligibility letter I think even if you think the fone call didnt get u very far it actually nudges them along a bit..they were always pleasant on fone..
  15. I had exact same experience lol nice when its all done..another box ticked
  16. No, your right to do that..im same..need few confirmations of everything im told lol
  17. Lol yes yes yes thats right..no ielts needed for ahpra and she doesnt need anmac if she is not main applicant and u are not claiming partner points on the visa she just needs to register with ahpra and provide proof of at least 5years being taught in english
  18. Wow..u will be fine..u appear very organised and that is the main thing. .especially when you are applying and when you initially arrive..I am was very organised too and everything went very smoothly for me..I think ppl can experience hiccups when they dont properly plan or take their time to read things..but you def going right way about making your move a success..good luck
  19. Yeah I was the same, no records for me either, although I initially didn't realise a stat dec would do so I done the ielts exam...only found out on here after that I didn't need to do it, doh!
  20. Ahpra is like nmc, you need to be registered with them to practice as a nurse. Anmc is part of some of the visa processes, like a skills assessment i think, I am going over on a 457 to work so I did not need to do this, someone else can tell you more about that as i only know the outlines of it. You don't need to be registered with ahpra to apply for most jobs but they like you to be eligible, you are not fully registered till you appear in person in Australia and you must do this within one year of applying to ahpra and receiving eligibility letter. I had just sent off my application to anpra when i got offered a job, they were happy enough with this start i had made, from posting it took 9 weeks to get eligibility letter. You will need either a letter from your school specifically stating you were taught and examined in english, or stat dec from you stating same. I also had sqa results, however they did not say anything about being in English so were not enough. Good luck xx
  21. You don't need skills assessment to register with ahpra, when you apply it can take several weeks to be processed and then you have one year from the date you get the letter of eligibility to turn up in person at the office in Australia to finalise and complete registration.
  22. How did you realize you had done it wrong? If I were you I would phone them...
  23. if you can prove u have at least 5 years education in English then you don't need to sit language test, proof would be a letter from your school confirming teaching in English, or signed letter from yourself confirming this, a stat dec....if for some reason you could not supply this then you would need to do the language test, ielts.
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