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Everything posted by Croft

  1. YAs Tychen states, you can register with the UK authorities but it is NOT necessary to apply for a passport. Indeed, the wording here implies your child is already a British citizen - The key word there is automatically. Having worked with UK border controls, it is an interesting fact that you do not have to have a passport to enter the UK, but is sure makes life a lot easier to prove not only your identity but also your right of abode. There is a Right of Abode stamp you can have in your overseas passport, but last time I looked it was actually more expensive than a UK passport.
  2. It may be best to discuss this with the teacher accreditation authority for whichever State you're planning to emigrate to. I take it you're planning to do some kind of post-graduate course in order to gain your teacher QTS in the UK? Are you then planning to work in the UK for a while to gain experience? I know many experienced UK teachers start practising over here on a provisional basis, and I have met others from non-English speaking countries who gave up trying to transfer their qualifications over and just took the course over here. I took my course for Primary teaching in Queensland, a 1 year Graduate Diploma which no longer exists, minimum now is a 2 year Masters. I understand the prerequisite for most post-grad courses now is that your primary degree is in a core subject area. Course requirements may differ. As I said though, check with whichever authority covers the state you want to move to.
  3. As you may be aware, taking an English Language Proficiency Test can improve points, even if you're from an English speaking country. GermanTeacher, you may also want to investigate the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) test, which could give you extra points. A friend of ours also had to go down the State Sponsored route to get the required number of points.
  4. We only have one child, no family here here in Australia and our parents are getting elderly. About 5 years ago we opted, in a Will, for some close friends in the UK to look after him, but they'd want to take him back there. Now he's settled with a wide range of friends, we're going to have to re-examine our options. It could be friends here, or other relatives in the UK. It's something we're going to have to reconsider, and soon.
  5. We thought that about our 3 year old (3 years 2 months to be exact). Were we wrong. Tooks months for him to settle into kindy, and 3 years before he considered Australia home (after a month long trip to the UK incidentally).
  6. As a physio, my wife's list of eligible people to sign off her documents was very limited as she was applying from overseas (within Australia it's a mile long). We had to get a notary public in the end, which in the UK is expensive but here in Australia is free! Had you been in London there are many Aussie teachers working there, but the NE less so. You could try searching for an Aussie teachers forum in the UK to see if there are any near you. I'm afraid all I can say is good luck. Edited to add it's JPs that are free in, in QLD at least - Notary Public's are still expensive!
  7. As ABG states, you will need an RRV, full details here https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/visa-1/155- Essentially there are 2 types of RRV, 155 and 157. You will not get the full 5 year 155 RRV as you don't meet the residency criteria (2 years in 5 of your PR). Your best chance is to apply for the 1 year 155 RRV because of your personal ties to Australia through your family. The 157 visa is 3 months and you meet the residency criteria BUT it is only for travel that is of a "compelling and compassionate' nature - not a job I would suggest! I'm not in any way a migration advisor so take my advice with a pinch of salt!
  8. In short, no - https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/visa/char The pertinent section states (my bold),
  9. There are some truly ugly Australian accents though. I've found most metropolitan accents a lot softer and less grating, here in QLD at least.
  10. Even if you have rescinded it for some reason, by right you can apply for it to be re-instated (one time only - after that it's by application to the Home Secretary). Many people think that if they let their UK passport lapse, they are no longer citizens. That is not the case - you just don't have a document which makes it easy for the UK immigration authorities to check your status. As others have said, it sounds to me like your are both still British citizens. As we have seen in recent months in the Australian Parliament, you can be a UK citizen without even realising it. The days when you had to register a birth with the UK High Commission or Embassy are long gone.
  11. According to this - https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/155- - you can get a 5 year RRV if you have spent a minimum of 2 years in Australia in the last 5 years. You can only apply for this once your original PR expires (5 years after issue). Now, if you stay until early 2018 (to make up for the fact you have spent time out of the country already) you may be technically eligible under CURRENT rules. Rules change though, and you'll be applying from outside Australia under your current plans. The website states you must be a permanent resident at the time you apply for your RRV. Whether that means you hold a PR visa or are actually resident in Australia someone else may be able to answer.
  12. is an alternative option for some permanent visa holders who do not have, or cannot use or obtain, a passport and are unable to use the VEVO system. So for most people not required. While the "Permanent Residence Evidence ImmiCard" is no longer issued, you can get an "Evidence of Immigration Status ImmiCard" should you need one!
  13. In urban area, there is an over-supply in primary. If you want a full time position, in Queensland at least, you really need to go rural or remote. However, there is a fair amount of work if you're prepared to do relief or short term contracts. These can evolve into longer contracts too. Last year, in my first year teaching, I had a 1 week contract which ended up lasting 22 weeks, and this year a 1 week contract that has now been extended to 17 weeks.
  14. Remember, if you do have you ceremony before you go back to the UK you'll need to get an Australian Passport before you leave as your Visa automatically terminates following the ceremony (and they're pretty hot on it). As a citizen, you need to leave Australia on an Australian passport. If you try and leave on a British Passport you may have problems (as your Visa has been terminated), as well as the hassle of trying to get the airline to let you board when you fly back.
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