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Everything posted by shaunfreo

  1. I I think you can claim points for a partner qualification, but I think the skill you are claiming must be on the same list as the primary applicant and you must be able to pass the skill assessment for that occupation your history in the occupation of bricklayer seems a bit sketchy would suggest you contact a reputable migration agent to see if it’s possible good luck I know there are many who will fall short with the new rules
  2. I went for 7 days holiday from Perth (which is supposed to be really boring) after 3 days couldn't stand the place and had to pay a supplement to get an early flight back it was worth it wouldn't ever go again
  3. Look at the aitsl website. aitsl.edu.au, most of the info you need will be on there and what you will need to pass a skills assessment. you do need a minimum of 45 days supervised practice supervised by a qualified teacher also there really isn't a shortage of primary teachers in Australia, certainly not in the major cities, and certainly not in Perth , the positions that there are are often in rural or remote areas which is probably not what you are thinking of , most jobs in Perth would be casual , relief or temp contracts in the cities which may not be ideal if as you say you are dependent on a double income, work can be there one minute with a gap before the next look at jobs.wa.gov.au , or seek .com that will give you an idea anyway good luck
  4. sorry missed the first bit out in previous post International applicants must have a nursing qualification that is equivalent to level 7 (in New Zealand this is a bachelors degree) on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework
  5. The minimum requirement in New Zealand for registered nurse registration is now also a Bachelor degree ,( equivalent to level 7 on the NZ qualification framework)
  6. Hope it was helpful and the best of luck
  7. Its all a bit up in the air at the moment, I would still be a bit cautious myself , The pool works in that if you apply and are successful, you sit in the pool and when a vacancy arises you could be offered a position( and yes there may be others in the pool already waiting ) There is never any guarantee of a permanent position from a pool vacancy , its a kind of insurance for the hospitals to ensure they have people available if there was a mass exodus of staff for example, in the current climate that is unlikely though. , some pool positions have an end date and if no positions become available, in some cases say after a year you have to apply again (if they keep the pool open that is) So they have offered a temp contract in hope that funding is available to make it permanent. The Private sector is much more straight forward they recruit as positions are available
  8. It does depend a bit on which hospital, but you are just as likely to be treated either well or badly in either the public or private sector. With regard to the public sector job, just because they say it will be ongoing after 6 months from my own experience you cannot assume it will, WA is in a financial mess and there are still restrictions on public sector employment so anything could happen,, The private sector work would be of lower acuity than the public no trauma etc but you may think that a good thing. I would say given the situation here at the moment to get a permanent position would be a good thing, many new arrivals are having to rely on casual or agency work but its your call in the end, but good luck
  9. just go to the nearest Medicare office with your passport and you get a temp card. The main difference here is that you have an option to have a baby in a private hospital as well as a public. The public system is just like the NHS. Given that you arrive in Oct and due in Jan the private option is probably not possible as they usually have a waiting period before you can claim and it's often 12 months for high price care like obstetrics most public hospitals allow self referral so contact the Ante Natal clinic explain your circumstances and they will book you in with a midwife first to take history ect , then you will see an obstetrician to discuss birth plan. Like the UK if you had a previous C Section you would be offered that again, but depending on the reason for your last section they may consider a VBAC ( vaginal birth after Caesarian ) if you wish it . Make sure you bring your pregnancy record along with copies of all blood tests and scans , and a letter from an obstetrician outlining the reasons for your last section would be a good idea. As others have said and in my experience as a midwife the most daunting thing may be doing it without family and friend support anyway good luck and if you have any other questions please ask
  10. Hi Your main problem is if you only have a diploma in nursing you will not pass the skilll assessment nor will you be able to register with AHPRA as a nurse as a degree in nursing is the minimum requirement for both.
  11. Hi When you apply for a job there will specific selection criteria, you need to address each one and outline how you meet the criteria, you need to give examples from practice include a few examples for each crteria, employers are not interested in hearing you can do something they want examples. Its a lot harder to get nursing jobs at the moment and there is usually quite a bit of competition, are you applying for specialist roles, ? they usually have the most competition as fewer of them, the other problem is when there are no huge shortages its harder to secure a job from overseas, as there tend to be enough local candidates available. Have you tried nursing agencies? not ideal but at least you could get some work when you arrive, get known in hospitals and stand a better chance of getting permanent position Good Luck
  12. Also remember you need to be degree qualified to get registration , also as part of the process to register as a midwife you have to evidence a number of continuity of care episodes which many UK midwives struggle to achieve (search previous threads on this) good luck
  13. That is not correct there are no exceptions in order to register as an RN the minimum is a degree , there are no separate registrations for paediatric nurses
  14. The IELTS is not a pass or fail test , you get a score in each section which in turn gives you an overall band score. being a native English speaker may help to some extent, but the reading and writing sections can be the downfall of even a native speaker , you most certainly do need to worry about the questions , if you don't understand what is required you run the risk of not getting the score you need. google IELTS test practice, there are some free test papers you can use or you can buy some. The key to getting the score you need is to practice like mad , don't expect it to be easy just because you speak English, and prepare to do it more the once good luck and I hope you do well in June
  15. I often wonder how many would take out Australian Citizenship if they had to give up their UK citizenship , I know it's not an issue because we can , but who knows it could change , I certainly wouldn't have given up my Uk citizenship to be an Aussie
  16. Your post is a little confusing Just wondering why you are applying for New Zealand regisration when it seems you want to come to Australia , you will still have to do a skills assessment for Australia which will cost money , so why not just apply straight to AHPRA , before you submit an EOI for a skilled visa 189 you have to have a positive skills assessment from the body that does that for physiotherapists in Australia I think you may be making it more complicated or do you not understand the process ?
  17. I have been here 15 years , and still feel it , some people manage to be here and never think of the U.K. In my experience with ex pat friends that's quite rare, its the curse of migration , like you I wish I had never done it , although still love the life I have here but would also go back tomorrow
  18. Car insurance isn't cheap , even if you do a , compare the market thing some companies may seem cheaper but when you look at what they offer it's usually way less in terms of excess , included car hire , window damage ect , when you take it all into accont even with the cheaper quotes when you add the things you probably need they all come out very similar , I go with RAC not the cheapest but are great when things go wrong
  19. there is a school fee charge in WA, just out of interest what is your occupation, you mentioned hospital, there is currently a job freeze on public sector jobs in WA (except teaching and police) so the main problem may be getting a job in order to get the state nomination,
  20. Hi there there have been nurses on here who have obtained AHPRA registration with a dip/he and a degree in HV ( and community nursing as well) so shouldn't have any problems it's the same as if you had topped up diploma to degree . in relation to visa you will also need a skills assessment by ANMAC the criteria are pretty much the same as for AHPRA , you can get your AHPRA registration first then get a modified skills assessment with ANMAC which I believe costs less. in relation to claiming qualification points for visa I am no expert but I believe it requires that the degree you have ,be in or closely related to your nominated occupation which it certainly would seem to be ,but this is where a good MA will be able to clarify make sure they are MARA registered good luck
  21. Your not Ill , you made a mistake , it's how you put it right , don't get sucked into the ghastly Australian health care system which only wants to take your money speak to your husband , tell him you want to do , a counsellor may be able to help but if you know what you want save yourself the time and money hope it works out good luck
  22. you seem to have a good life , you appear happy , it's not all good down under , its ok but it's not a better life just different , I would stay where you are , I work in the health service here and it's no different to the NHS patients are the same , the same problems the same damands the same constraints think very carefully before you make the move you may never get back what you have now good luck
  23. On 21st December the Government of WA did put a complete freeze on all public jobs in WA apart from police and teachers, there isn't really a shortage of nurses any more, and priority is given to PR and aussie citizens, there are the private hospitals but not many vacancies there either, there are plenty of agencies with variable amounts of work as is normal with agency work Healthcare Australia Agency seem quite popular good luck
  24. As already said you must exit and enter Australia on your Australian passport , in fact you wouldn't get past check in on return without presenting a current Astralian passport you can enter the UK on either but if you enter on an Australian passport you just get the usual three month entry , I just look and see which line is shortest , sometimes it can even be the non UK EU line
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