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Everything posted by Maruska

  1. Hi there, we moved to Sydney in June last year and this is what we found : IKEA - for furniture, kitchen items, bedding fantastic furniture - got living room and dining room furniture, have to say the quality of the dining chairs especially isn`t great but the rest of the items ( table, couch), are fine appliances - http://www.2ndsworld.com.au/ , these are items that are last year`s model, end of the line, in a damaged packaging etc which kicks the price down while you still get a well working appliance ( got fridge and washer) for small stuff like kitchen things etc there is IKEA again, Kmart, Big W, Target Got a nice set of cast iron pots from ALDI, they still work very well after 10 months use It`s going to be quite a chunk of money. If you don`t mind used furniture or appliances, there is always www.gumtree.com.au
  2. Maruska


    And I thought Houston was bad :biggrin:. Stay safe.
  3. I would probably pass out if a huntsman ran over my hand :swoon:. Nice snake though :biggrin:
  4. And I thought I was doing the best thing... it didn`t even have feathers yet :frown: . I seriously need a manual about caring for abandoned/injured animals. I`ve got the post where Kate ( Pom Queen) described in detail how to check roadkill kangaroo for a joey in it`s pouch saved in my inbox.
  5. What happened to the baby sunbird? Did they parents still feed him outside the nest? I put a baby bird back to the nest once, looked it up the next day and it was dead :sad:. Not sure because it was injured in the fall or because it wasn`t fed.
  6. :chatterbox: :elvis::swoon: For real or just kidding ????? http://www.durexusa.com/?gclid=CKu42b_33rcCFRDl7AodRVwAjw&gclsrc=aw.ds
  7. Maruska

    Great Ocean Road...

    I love all your pictures, you must have had a great time!
  8. Maruska


    All your photos are beautiful, is it the South Island ?
  9. Maruska

    Sealion and pups

    That`s a wonderful photo!
  10. Maruska

    osprey fishing

    WOW, beautiful!
  11. Maruska

    IMG 7179

    what a beautiful picture
  12. You can send your AHPRA application to any office and when you receive your Letter of eligibility you can present to ANY AHPRA office to get your license. Lately it seems people had good experience with Adelaide and Darwin offices. Good luck!
  13. Thanks, he sent them the explanation together with his managers email ( where she states why she can`t give reference AND the number to call to confirm employment) but ANMAC sent us a "copy and paste" article with the requirements for the reference pulled from their website:mad:. When we left Saudi we canceled our bank accounts, people in that area are constantly on the move and none of the managers - his or mine- is in there presently. The HR are the only people really to confirm that he worked there ( they gave him the employment statement in the first place). My worry is that it`s enough for ANMAC but to miss the extra points for DIAC is really a bummer:frown: .
  14. Hi , just wonder if anyone has any advice:wink:. My husband has 10+ years of experience but was only able to get 1 reference in the format required by ANMAC ( from his most recent employer). The previous employer in the US doesn`t give out references due to privacy laws and he sent the email from his manager explaining the situation to ANMAC. ANMAC says that unless they have the references they will only count 5 years of experience ( enough for ANMAC but not enough points for DIAC). He has all his employment statements of course proving he indeed does have the experience. We used to live in Saudi in the past, now it`s impossible to get any "fresh" references because the manager has moved on just as we did:eek:. The reference that he has from there is not in the format required by ANMAC. I can`t help it but it really seems dumb to me:mad:, official statements prove the experience but they need a personal letter ?!!!! Did anyone encounter this situation ( especially I need to know what happened with DIAC and how many points were you awarded) will appreciate any advice
  15. Maruska

    So pretty

  16. You remember me that`s nice:wubclub: . No I didn`t send mine yet, waiting on (hopefully ) positive assessment so we can lodge the visa, our target is of course the July 1st deadline:wink: .It`s 175 or 176 so we will have plenty of time to apply to AHPRA when our visa is processed.
  17. Congratulations:wubclub:, can`t believe that either:biggrin:. Did you send yours to Adelaide? Sorry I can`t advise you about the extension, don`t have a clue:nah:. Good luck and may everything be as smooth as AHPRA !
  18. Maruska


    beautiful picture
  19. Hi, try to post your question under the Migration issues as a new thread. Alternatively you can also search the site by key words. It seems there are only medical professionals likely to look at this particular topic.
  20. My understanding is that OET is only good for AHPRA registration, not for immigration. If you need a language test to gain extra points for DIAC it would have to be IELTS. I think you are not obliged to do language test if you prove that you were educated in English. Hope this helps.
  21. I did OET in 2002, at that time I`ve only been living in an english-speaking country for 1.5 years. I got 3 B`s and 1 A . A and B levels are acceptable to AHPRA. I did find the IELTS much more difficult, especially the reading section was weird ( and I do read a lot, english and non-english books). Still waiting for my results , it should be available on friday. I only did the IELTS because OET was much more expensive and not available in my city. OET has the advantage that the content of articles and listening is familiar to a medical professional. The writing was the easiest really, I had to write a letter endorsing a patient to another nurse. For me, OET is a piece of cake compared to IELTS.:wink:
  22. Beautiful photos! I remember being a little disappointed with Mona Lisa painting, it seemed so little and dark...... I liked the rest of the museum better - the huge Rubens paintings and especially Egyptian gallery . April is a great time to see this wonderful city:wubclub:
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